The Honeymoon That Wasn't. Debbi Rawlins

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The Honeymoon That Wasn't - Debbi Rawlins Mills & Boon Blaze

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      “We’re going to have to leave soon.” Dallas dabbed at the white frosting clinging to the corner of her mouth. “Where’s Dakota?”

      “Over there.”

      “Ah, she’s talking to Judge Mayfield and his wife. She shouldn’t be long. We’ll meet at the door in fifteen minutes. Eric is having the limo brought around front.”

      “Is she okay?” he asked.

      Dallas smiled “Yes. Trust me.”

      That’s about all he could do. “I’ll be ready.” His gaze went to Dakota.

      She was laughing at something the judge said, her face slightly flushed. She tossed her hair back over her shoulder, the honey-colored strands catching the light from the chandelier. The red dress shimmered as she moved, emphasizing the tempting curve of her backside. Yeah, he was ready all right. He had been from the first time he saw her.

      “WHO EVER HEARD of a limo without champagne?” Dakota sighed, hiked her dress up to her thighs and then swung her legs up on the seat where she sat opposite Tony. Predictably his gaze went straight to the hem of her dress, and then ran down the length of her legs. “We’ll simply have to have the driver stop for some.” She lifted her fist to knock on the dividing glass, but Tony lunged from his seat and captured her wrist.

      “Don’t you think you’ve had enough to drink?” He got up and joined her on her seat, using his hip to nudge her legs aside.

      “Excuse me?” She indignantly lifted her chin, and slightly slurred her words then asked, “Do you think I’m drunk?”

      He hesitated, exhaling in exasperation, and she had to really struggle to keep a straight face. “Look, we can’t stop. We’ll miss our plane.”

      “Plane? What plane?”

      He stared at her. “You’re kidding, right?”

      “Of course I’m kidding.” She pulled her hem up a little higher and used her pointed toes to trace a path across his back. “Remind me.”

      “Oh, God,” he muttered, passing a hand over his face, and then covering his mouth and exhaling loudly.

      “What’s the matter?”


      “Why are you still holding my wrist?”

       “What? Oh, sorry.”

      As soon as he let go, she knocked on the dividing glass.

      “Yes, ma’am?” The driver’s voice immediately came over the intercom.

      Tony pressed the response button. “Sorry, my mistake. We’re fine.”

      “Hey, I wanted—”

      Tony cut her off with a brief kiss, and then whispered, “When we get on the plane you can have all the champagne you want.”

      She slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. “What if I want something else?”

      His breath warm and uneven against her cheek, he said, “Such as?”

      She shifted so that her hip rubbed him right where it counted, and he tensed. She made him wait a few seconds and then whispered, “Chocolate.”

      “Ah…” He chuckled softly. “When we get to the airport you can have that, too.”

      “For now I’ll settle for a kiss.”

      “You will, huh?”

      She nodded, and then waited, surprised by the uncertainty in his eyes. Maybe it was a trick of the shadows, or maybe he didn’t want to take advantage of her because he thought she was drunk. The idea softened her and she tightened her arms around his neck, bringing him close enough that their noses touched. She slanted her head and met his lips.

      His reluctance lasted all of a second before he kissed her back, going down with her when she laid back against the cushioned seat. The tinted dividing window prevented the driver from seeing anything and it would be easy to get carried away. Especially with Tony’s broad chest pressed to her breasts, his arousal growing against her lower belly. But they were too close to the airport and if she really wanted to torment him, now was the time.

      He’d conspired with Dallas and deserved a helping of torture. Just a little before they got down to the good stuff, she reminded herself, when he parted her lips with his tongue and her determination started to evaporate. She moved her left thigh to rub his hard-on and he groaned against her mouth.

      She hadn’t planned on torturing herself, too, but every pore in her body had come alive, her nipples so ripe they ached, and it was a good thing she’d opened her eyes in time to see the first sign for LaGuardia. Knowing they were about to be interrupted, she reached for his zipper. And then secretly smiled when he groaned, and stilled her hand.

      “THE CAPTAIN HAS turned off the seat belt sign and you’re free to move around the cabin. However, if you remain in your seat, we ask that you keep your seat belt fastened. Thank you.”

      The flight attendant had barely finished her spiel and Dakota reached for her seat belt.

      Tony stopped her. “Where are you going?”

      She gave him a sleepy smile and twisted around in her seat to face him. “Nowhere.”

      Neither of them had a coat so he’d given her his jacket to wear over the dress but this particular position gave him a sneak preview that he didn’t need right now. She’d gotten him so damn worked up in the limo that he didn’t trust his cock anymore.

      Getting checked in had cooled him off. Replaying the scene in his head helped do it again. The ticket agent looked as if she thought he was kidnapping Dakota. Fortunately she pulled it together long enough to provide her identification and tell everyone who’d listen that they were on their honeymoon.

      “Where are we going?” she asked, and promptly covered a yawn.

      “Dakota. You know where we’re going. Dallas talked to you, remember?”

      She blinked at him. “Sort of.”

      God, he didn’t like this. He cleared his throat. “What exactly do you remember?”

      “She packed a bag for me, right?”

      He nodded.

      “Did she remember my toothbrush?” She yawned again. “My electric one.”

      “I’m sure she did.”

      “I think I’ll take a nap now.”

      “Good idea.”

      She shifted so that she could lay her head on his shoulder, and with one hand he shook out a blanket the flight attendant had given them earlier. He draped it over her, and she snuggled closer.

      Man, he sure hoped Dallas knew what

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