Royal Rescue. Tammy Johnson

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Royal Rescue - Tammy Johnson Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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around her.

      Police sirens grew closer. He was right. They had to go. Staying would endanger not only them, but also any innocent bystanders who might get in the way if the men came after them. The local police would be here soon, but men like these held no regard for the police. She slid into the passenger seat, her body strangely numb to everything going on around her. She barely noticed as Ronin grabbed her seat belt and fastened it across her.

      Within moments they were leaving the small town behind them.

      Tiny bits of ice hit the windshield, the wipers keeping a steady rhythm in an attempt to keep the windshield clear.

      “They were trying to kill me.”

      She glanced over at Ronin in the driver’s seat. His eyes remained on the road ahead, except for occasional glances in the rearview mirror.

      He had risked his life for her.

      “We could have both been killed,” she whispered.

      “You’re safe now, Princess Dorthea.” She knew his words meant to calm her, but safe was something she hadn’t felt for a very long time.

      Part of her was still wary of him, but the way she’d felt when he’d wrapped his arm over her shoulder and steered her to the car had sent her back in time. It had brought back the memories of when another man, much older, had protected her and made her feel safe when her world had been falling apart. For so long she’d hoped and prayed for a life that was normal again. Safe would be nice.

      “Thea,” she said. “My name is Thea now.”

      She wasn’t sure if he was even listening now, but she cringed every time he used her formal name. Princess Dorthea was a person people died for. She was tired of that person. It might be her title, but she wasn’t a princess anymore. She wasn’t sure if she ever really wanted to be again.

      Thea relaxed against the headrest and took a deep breath. Her stomach turned, both from hunger and the stress of the events of the evening. She fought against the nausea rising in her throat. Asking him to pull over so she could vomit was one humiliation she’d prefer to not have to deal with.

      In an attempt to take her mind off her stomach, she turned her head to study Ronin’s profile. Thea couldn’t quite put her finger on what was so familiar about him. Maybe he looked like someone she’d once seen in a movie or on television years ago. That must be it. He just had that sort of face.

      “Is everything okay?” he asked, catching her staring at him.

      “That’s a silly question.” Thea attempted a laugh, but it emerged as more of a choked squeak.

      “Yeah, I guess so.”

      “I’m sorry about your head and the brick.” Thea reached toward his face, her fingertips brushing over the nasty cut just above his eyebrow.

      “Are you?” he questioned.

      “Yes, I am. Despite my earlier behavior, I’m not the sort of person who runs around bashing unsuspecting men upside the head.”

      “If it makes you feel any better, I wasn’t totally unsuspecting.”

      She smiled at his remark.

      “And if it makes you feel any better, it probably won’t scar.”

      “Even if it did, it would blend right in with the few I have already.”

      “Well, then it would make you look even more dangerous.” Thea studied his face, taking in the few faint lines of small scars she’d not noticed earlier. He’d seen his fair share of battles of one sort or another. “I assume looking dangerous comes in handy in your line of work.”

      “And what sort of work is it that you think I am in, exactly?”

      “I think it’s safe to say you would have killed me by now if that was your intent. So you must really be here to rescue me.”

      Thea wasn’t sure exactly what job title that would be. It really didn’t matter. Given her true identity and the circumstances under which they’d met, she assumed it would be safe to say he was a bodyguard in some shape or form. If he’d been anything less, she imagined the brick would have sent him running.

      “You’re going to have quite the bruise yourself.” He nodded toward her chin.

      “That was my own doing, though. I’m a bit clumsy when it comes to balancing on wobbly toilet tanks.”

      “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

      “Everything seems to be in working order.” Thea stretched her legs and wiggled her arms around as proof. She felt a twinge of pain, but bruising was expected after the ordeal they’d been through.

      “Still, as soon as I’m sure we’re not being followed, we’ll find a spot to pull over and stretch our legs just to be sure. Maybe pick up some food, too.”

      Her stomach turned again. It had been days since she’d eaten.

      “I’d like that.” She glanced over at him. He knew her name, but how much more did he know? “I have no money,” she added. When the safe house where she’d lived for the past year had been overrun, she’d barely had time to grab her bag. Her guards had told her to run and she’d run. Just like a good little princess.

      “I know,” he replied in a gentle tone. “You must be starving.”

      “I am hungry.”

      The few dollars she had saved from her part-time job at the local diner had lasted only a couple days. She’d slept where she could find a safe spot and survived on vending-machine snacks, just getting by, waiting for today, when she was supposed to meet Leo.

      Leo would have known what to do.

      She had complete trust in her brother, and he’d sent this man to her. She sneaked a glance at his strong profile again. For the time being she would have to trust him, too. There was something about him that still raised warning flags in her mind. He had secrets, things he hadn’t shared completely with her. But she’d see this through. Despite her reservations about going home, she needed her brother. If this man could take her to him, then she’d go along with him for now. But that didn’t mean she’d trust him blindly.

      Something about him and this situation didn’t sit quite right, but she would find a way to turn it around, even if it meant letting him be her protector for a few days. It would be worth it to see her brother. If there was even a remote chance she could be reunited with Leo, she would take it. For so many years she’d only dreamed of having a normal life once again. It wasn’t easy to trust him, but what choice did she have?

      She didn’t like needing someone else to fight her battles for her, and she didn’t want to endanger any other lives. But she was smart enough to know she’d never find the answers without help. He was her best chance at finally finding out who had killed her father and wanted her dead. Once that person was caught and punished, she’d at least have a chance at a normal family once again.

      * * *

      She attacked the plate of french fries as if she hadn’t eaten in weeks.

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