The $10,000,000 Texas Wedding. Judy Christenberry

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The $10,000,000 Texas Wedding - Judy Christenberry Mills & Boon American Romance

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because Jack’s joining us,” Susan snapped, glaring at her mother.

      “I—I didn’t think you’d mind,” Margaret Peters said, her anxious gaze on Katherine.

      Katherine ignored her sister’s reaction and hugged her mother. “Of course I don’t mind. We need to thank him for the work he did on the chicken coop, anyway. I think the chickens have been laying more eggs now that the roof doesn’t leak.”

      Susan gave a sound of disgust and left the kitchen.

      “Katie, I don’t think—”

      Margaret’s timorous tones ate away at Katherine’s stomach. “Don’t worry, Mom. Suse will get over it.”

      She hoped her sister would mature enough to stop interfering in her mother’s chance at happiness. Margaret had wilted when her beloved husband had died. She’d had no idea how to go on. In the passing years, she’d grown stronger, helping Katherine with her business, taking care of the younger children. Katherine had encouraged her to make decisions, a new experience for Margaret.

      Just a few months ago, Jack Ledbetter had asked about leasing some of their acreage. Because of Katherine’s hours, he’d come over after dinner one evening.

      Katherine recognized the attraction that sparked between the two older people. With Margaret’s shyness, the interest needed some careful nurturing. But Katherine had enthusiastically supported Jack’s efforts.

      Susan was the only one objecting.

      The sound of a car engine signaled Jack’s arrival and Margaret’s cheeks turned bright red. “I—I think Jack’s here.”

      “Yeah. I’ll call the kids.” Only Paul and Susan remained at home.

      Once they were all seated around the table, passing bowls of delicious food, the subject Katherine had hoped to avoid came up.

      “I hear Gabe Dawson is back in town. Didn’t think he’d come back after burying his grandmother,” Jack said, smiling at Margaret.

      The sudden silence made Jack stare at the others.

      “What did I say?” he asked, frowning.

      “Nothing at all, Jack,” Katherine assured him, but she kept her gaze fixed on her dinner plate.

      “He came to the shop,” Paul muttered.

      “What did he say? Is he moving back to town?” Susan asked, excitement in her voice for the first time. Like Paul, she’d adored Gabe.

      “No!” Katherine snapped, and then moderated her voice. “He’s just here to settle Mrs. Dawson’s estate. I’m sure he’ll only be here a day or two.”

      “You talked to him?” Margaret asked.

      “Um, yes, I did.” Katherine didn’t add any details. She certainly wasn’t going to reveal Gran’s ridiculous will.

      She knew her mother wouldn’t pry, and fortunately Jack asked a question about Paul’s school activities that distracted him. But she could feel Susan’s stare, even though she never looked at her baby sister.

      When the meal ended, she sent Jack and Margaret into the living room. Then she turned to Susan. “Which job do you want? Gathering the eggs or cleaning the dishes?”

      “Neither one,” Susan protested, her bottom lip protruding.

      “I’ll get the eggs, Katie,” Paul hurriedly said. “I have to milk Betsy anyway.”

      “And that’s why Susan will gather the eggs,” Katherine said firmly. “We all have to do our share.”

      “Raine and Diane aren’t doing anything, and you send them money all the time.”

      Katherine pressed her lips together. Then she relaxed them into a smile. “And hopefully I’ll be able to do the same for you. They worked hard while they were growing up. And they both work now, after class every day.”

      Susan opened her mouth to protest, but Katherine had had a long day. She wasn’t willing to argue with her sister tonight. “Go get the eggs,” she ordered in a no-nonsense voice and began gathering the dishes.

      Susan stood there, and Katherine feared she’d have to have a showdown with her little sister. Finally Susan stomped from the house, her displeasure evident.

      “I don’t know what’s wrong with her,” Paul said, worry in his voice.

      “It’s okay, Paul. Everyone can’t be perfect like you,” Katherine told him, smiling.

      “Aw, sis!” he protested, and hurried after Susan.

      Katherine sank down into the nearest chair and buried her face in her hands. Finding solitude was the most difficult feat in her life.

      She wanted to examine the feelings that had filled her when Gabe had suddenly reappeared in her life. She wanted to indulge in memories that made her weak with longing.

      Maybe it was best that she couldn’t.

      Too many chores awaited her.

      GABE SAT IN HIS GRANDMOTHER’S rocking chair on the back porch of her home, listening to the silence. Sometimes, in the city, it seemed he never found the silence that the countryside provided.

      Or all the glittering stars.

      No lights to compete with their brightness. He hadn’t turned on a light. He hadn’t even opened the door to Gran’s house. As if he were afraid to go in.

      Ridiculous. He’d gone into her house when he’d come for her funeral. But he hadn’t been alone. His parents had accompanied him. In spite of the fact that his mother and Gran hadn’t gotten along, even his mother had mourned the old lady’s passing.

      And they’d all felt guilty.

      Gran had been left in Cactus alone. He’d been reluctant to come visit because of Katie. Oh, he’d come occasionally, but not as often, or for as long, as he should have. Gran always said she understood.

      She’d come to Dallas occasionally. He’d bought her a plane ticket every time he could convince her to leave Cactus. The last couple of years, that hadn’t been often.

      Katie had visited her.

      That information had slipped out in her protestations of innocence. Which only made her seem more guilty. She’d brought Gran cookies and videos to watch.

      He should have known. Even if she did have evil intentions, Katie wouldn’t forget Gran. When the two of them had been dating, they’d spent a lot of time at Gran’s house. His mother hadn’t seemed too welcoming to Katie. She’d wanted her son to date someone at Texas Tech. His own kind, she’d said.

      Even though she’d never been rude to Katie, as far as he knew, Katie had sensed his mother’s disapproval. Katie had been reluctant to go to his home. Her home had been a three-ring circus, with her five younger brothers and sisters and her parents present. So they’d come to

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