The Law of Attraction. Kristi Gold

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The Law of Attraction - Kristi Gold Mills & Boon M&B

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done,” she told Joe, “he’s still a client and deserves my attention.”

      “More or less a nonpaying client.”

      Alisha recognized that Les Massey would soon receive the benefit of her services without handing over a dime of his own money—as if he had any—courtesy of the state of Texas. “That’s what the system is all about, Joe. Solid legal representation for the indigent. The ‘little guy,’ so to speak.”

      He let go a strident laugh. “From what I hear, Les wouldn’t be considered a ‘little guy.’ Rumor has it that was one long coonskin tail he had covering his goods during his little show at the Alamo. Have you seen any evidence of that?”

      “Oh, dear God, Joe. I’m not even going to go there.” Granted, Alisha had been mildly curious, but she suspected that the legend of Les’s “goods” had been blown totally out of proportion. And even though he would be considered a fine specimen, with his buff body and surfer-blond hair, she wasn’t interested in his “goods” or any other aspect of his person. Besides, he was seven years her junior, rarely utilized all three of his brain cells at once and was a little too smarmy for her selective taste in men. “Can we change the subject now?”

      “Sure. Let’s play Twenty Questions. Guess who just walked in?”

      “Your wife?”

      “Nope. Not yet.” He leaned forward. “I’ll give you a hint. He’s practically a legend in legal circles.”

      Couldn’t be Les, unless he’d escaped from jail. “I give up.”

      “Would you believe the big man himself?”

      “Isn’t it a little late for Santa?”

      “Try Daniel Fortune.”

      Great. Just what she needed—the man who delighted in pushing all her hot buttons whenever the opportunity presented itself. The man who ruled the criminal courts like a king. The man she wanted to cling to like cheap plastic wrap every time he came near her—a fact that would remain a secret to everyone, especially the senior assistant district attorney.

      “Well, I should’ve known the iceman cometh,” Alisha said, trying to keep her tone nonchalant. “The temperature just dropped a few degrees in here.” In reality, her body temperature had risen to rainforest proportions.

      “He’s brilliant,” Joe said. “One of the best prosecutors in the state.”

      One of the best-looking prosecutors in the country. “Yes, he’s got a good record.” And a great butt.

      “Don’t look now, but he’s heading this way.”

      Alisha battled the urge to look and she won out for the time being. Maybe Mr. Fortune would keep walking right on past her. Maybe then she could sneak another peek at his derriere.

      Joe slapped his palms on the edge of the table, startling Alisha. “I’m going to go to the boys’ room, then give Julie a call. If she doesn’t get here quick, she’s going to miss the festivities.”

      Alisha wanted to ask him to please stay, which was totally absurd. Chances were the esteemed A.D.A. wouldn’t even bother to say hello. And even if he did, her obligation only required she be polite and toss out a few insults if necessary. “Fine. I’ll be here when you get back.”

      Trying to appear relaxed, she turned her attention to the wide-screen TV across the room and pretended to watch the Times Square globe beginning its descent, signaling the arrival of the new year on the East Coast. Pretended not to be at all concerned that the preeminent attorney was somewhere on the premises. Pretended she didn’t care where he was or what he was doing, even if she did. She’d just sit there and blend into the surroundings—not at all that difficult considering she had blending in down to a fine art in crowded bars.

      “Hey, Hart, did you really get the guy with the big schlong?”

      Following a spattering of laughter, Alisha’s gaze snapped to the man posing the query seated two tables over—the lard-bellied lawyer, Billy Wade Carlisle, not board certified in anything since “bottom feeder” had yet to be designated as a specialty. Right now she would like to take his ratty toupee and stuff it in an orifice where no toupee belonged.

      So much for remaining anonymous. Of course, the place was rather loud and a bit rowdy tonight. With any luck, Mr. Fortune hadn’t heard Billy Wade’s brilliant query.

      “Looks like you could use a drink.”

      The sound of his voice coming from behind her, deep and downright deadly, drew Alisha’s complete attention. So did the very masculine hand that slid a glass of champagne before her. She visually tracked his navy coat sleeve up to his wide shoulder and, against better judgment, continued on to his eyes. Tonight those eyes looked dark even though she knew they were green—not crystalline green but a deep green that at times looked almost brown, other times green-gold, depending on the lighting. Intense eyes that shouted power. Considering the definite cast of amusement in his gaze, no doubt he was about to contribute to her status as current courthouse laughingstock.

      “Don’t even start, Counselor,” Alisha muttered.

      He had the nerve to look innocent—and stunning, with his brown hair combed back in neat layers and his jaw surrounded by a spattering of evening whiskers. “Start what?”

      “Your commentary on my recent appointment to represent Mr. Massey.”

      He moved beside the table, giving her the full effect of his striking face. “No commentary involved. I just wanted to buy you a drink.”

      She tried to look pleasant and calm despite her frenzied pulse. “Thank you, but I still have one.”

      “Save it to toast the new year.”

      The drink would probably be warm by then, and that definitely complemented her current state at the moment. “I appreciate it.”

      He surveyed her face from forehead to chin before centering his gaze on her eyes. “I take it you’re getting your share of digs about the streaker.”

      Alisha rimmed her glass with a fingertip, purposefully avoiding his gaze. “He doesn’t streak, he poses.”

      “Poses until he evades the authorities, then he streaks.”

      “I’m not going to give you any details about my defense, if that’s what you’re after.”

      “I’m only wondering how you’re handling all the exposure.”

      Cute. Real cute. She risked a quick look at him to find him sporting a half smile. “I assure you, I’m handling it fine.” As fine as she could with an extreme exhibitionist who enjoyed strutting like the cock of the walk, something she’d discovered during the first encounter with Les Massey at his arraignment.

      Daniel propped his hand on the back of her chair and leaned closer. “Just another quick question.”

      He was nothing if not persistent. And darned if he didn’t smell good, too. “I said I’m not going to—”

      “Are you alone?”


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