Her Festive Baby Bombshell. Jennifer Faye

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Her Festive Baby Bombshell - Jennifer Faye Mills & Boon Cherish

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to have to interview for the position, but when she recalled the desperation in her friend’s voice, she knew she couldn’t let Clara down. “I’m a hard worker. I’m the first through the door in the morning and I’m the last out in the evening.”

      “Are you sure that’s a good thing? Perhaps you just don’t get your work done in a timely manner.”

      Her gaze narrowed. Why exactly was he giving her such a hard time? A smart retort teetered on the tip of her tongue, but she choked it back, refusing to let him provoke her. “No. I like to be punctual. I like to have the coffee brewing and a chance to take off my coat before the phone starts ringing. And I don’t rush out the door at the end of the day simply because I can’t. I usually have a task or two dropped on my desk by my boss as he’s leaving.”

      Finn nodded as though her answer pleased him. “And you think you’re up to the challenges of being my PA?”

      “I do.”

      “You do realize that what happened between us is in the past. It will have no bearing on our working relationship.”

      “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


      “Does that mean I have the position?” The breath caught in her throat as she waited for his answer.

      Seconds ticked by and still he said nothing. What in the world? She thought of all the things she could say to him to sell herself, but she didn’t want to look desperate because she wasn’t. Oh, maybe she was just a bit. She had a plan and he played a pivotal role.

      “Okay. You’ve convinced me. We’ll do this.”

      The breath rushed from Holly’s straining lungs. “Thank you. I’ll go catch up on everything I need to know from Clara.”

      “Holly, remember this is strictly work.”

      Like she could or would forget. “I understand, Mr. Lockwood.”

      He frowned. “I don’t think we have to be that formal. Finn will do.”

      “Yes, sir...erm... Finn.”

      This was it, she was in. She should be inwardly cheering or smiling or something. And yet she stood there transfixed by the man who danced through her dreams each night and left her longing for a glance of him each day. The truth was that she didn’t know how to react. It was one of those good news–bad news scenarios.

      The best thing she could do was leave. The sooner, the better. She turned for the door.

      “Holly, there’s one more thing.” He waited until she turned around before continuing. “Make sure you aren’t late tomorrow morning. Takeoff is at six a.m. sharp.”


      Finn’s brows scrunched together. “Clara didn’t tell you?”

      “Tell me what?”

      “We’re leaving first thing in the morning for the Caribbean. I have an extremely important meeting there.”

      This was not what she’d been expecting at all. How was she supposed to fly to a sunny destination spot with the sexiest guy alive—a man who could heat her blood with just a look? She inwardly groaned. She was in so much trouble here.

      Not only was she nervous about being around him—about remembering their first night together in vivid detail—but she was also a nervous flier, as in white-knuckling it through turbulence. Exactly how long was a flight from New York City to the Caribbean?

      No matter what, she wasn’t about to back out of this arrangement. There was too much riding on it—too many people counting on her. Her mother’s pale face flashed in her mind. After her mother’s recent stroke, the doctor had warned that with her other medical conditions, if she didn’t slow down, her health would be put at greater risk. Holly needed to do whatever she could to further her career in order to support her and her mother.

      “Holly? Will that be a problem?”

      His voice drew her from her frantic thoughts. “I didn’t know. Where will we be staying?”

      “On my private island.”

      Oh, boy! One private island. One sexy guy. And a whole lot of chemistry. What could possibly go wrong with this scenario?


      TWENTY-TWO MINUTES LATE, Holly rushed through the airport early the next morning. Her suitcase clunk-clunked as it rolled over the tiled floor.

      She hadn’t meant to stay up late the night before, talking on the phone, but it’d been a long time since she’d heard her mother so exuberant. Apparently the Sunshine State agreed with her, especially the strolls along the beach while Holly’s aunt was off at her waitressing job.

      When her mother mentioned returning to New York, Holly readily assured her there was no rush. At the same time, she’d made a mental note to send her aunt some more money to cover her mother’s living expenses. Holly proceeded to fill her mother in on the business trip, citing her absence as another reason for her mother to remain in Florida. Her mother actually sounded relieved, confirming Holly’s belief that she needed to do everything to ensure her mother didn’t have to worry about money. And that hinged on impressing Finn.

      But this morning, if anything could have gone wrong, it had. As late as she was, Finn would think she was incompetent or worse that she’d changed her mind and backed out without a word. And because she’d been so rattled yesterday, she’d forgotten to get his cell number.

      When she finally reached the prearranged meeting spot, Finn stood there, frowning. She was breathless and feeling totally out of sorts.

      His piercing gaze met hers. “I didn’t think you were going to show up.”

      She attempted to catch her breath. “There was an accident.”

      Immediately his anger morphed into concern. “Are you okay?”

      “It wasn’t me. It was the vehicle two cars up from my cab.” In that moment the horrific events played in her mind. “One second we’re moving along the highway and the next a little sports car attempts to cut off a souped-up pickup truck with large knobby tires. The car swerved wildly across the lanes as tires screeched and the driver tried to regain control, but the car lifted and flipped a couple of times.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “I never witnessed something so horrific. I...I don’t think the driver made it.”

      Finn reached out to her and pulled her close. Her cheek rested against his shoulder. “Thank God you’re safe.”

      Her emotions bubbled to the surface. The worry. The fear. The shock. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed as Finn continued to hold her. Horrific scenes of the accident played in her mind, one after the other. She knew she shouldn’t seek comfort in his arms. Although it was innocent enough, it wasn’t part of their agreement. And yet, she didn’t move.

      It was only when she started to gather herself that she noticed the spicy scent

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