Second Chance Sweethearts. Kristen Ethridge

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Second Chance Sweethearts - Kristen Ethridge Mills & Boon Love Inspired

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paced, three steps forward, followed by three steps back. “But if the causeway is closed, we’re trapped on the island. I don’t want to take her to the shelter of last resort at the high school, either, if I don’t have to. Too many people. She doesn’t need an audience. Stress can slow down labor and complicate it, putting us in an emergency situation. This is stressful enough. I don’t want to add to it.”

      Rigo looked out the window. “I’ve got the beach patrol truck. It’s a four-by-four, so we should be able to get back to Tía Inez’s house just fine. But not if we wait too much longer.”

      Gloria’s head snapped around. “Your aunt’s house? What do you mean?”

      “You said it yourself. The shelter isn’t ideal. But you can’t stay here. I don’t know what kind of night I’m going to have. I figure I’m going to be rescuing some pretty stubborn people who should have already left from their homes.” Rigo smiled. “But there’s no one more stubborn than my aunt, who just so happens to live in a house that survived the Great Storm of 1910 and every storm since.”

      Gloria started to shake her head. The whole thing sounded crazy. Rigo held up his hand, wordlessly asking Gloria to hear him out.

      “You can stay with her and take care of each other. I don’t expect the water to get up to the second story.” Rigo raked a hand through his wet hair, sending a small stream of water down his shirt and to the floor to join the widening puddle. “You’re not going to have lights or running water anywhere you go, not even at the shelter. I thought about it on the way over here and I think Inez’s house is your best option right now.” Gloria tried to focus on making a decision, but Rigo had on a white Beach Patrol T-shirt, and the water had rendered it practically see-through and as close as a second skin.

      Just for a second, Gloria stopped running birthing scenarios in her head and caught herself staring. He clearly still works out as much as he did at eighteen on the baseball team.

      Gloria shook her head to clear her derailed train of thought.

      “What, you won’t go? You don’t really have a choice, Glo.” Rigo’s voice sounded strained. He looked at her, then Tanna, then the door.

      “Gloria, please? Can we go there? Please.” There was no escaping the mix of pleading and rising panic in Tanna’s voice.

      “Okay. I need ten minutes to finish gathering my things,” Gloria said to Rigo. Tanna’s shoulders relaxed slightly.

      “Five. I don’t think the truck will be able to handle us staying here ten. The water’s already risen two inches up the tires while we’ve been talking. I’m starting to worry about the truck starting again.” He narrowed his eyes and stared at her straight-on. “Felipe would want you to take care of yourself first and get out of here as fast as you can. Stuff can be replaced. People can’t. You know that.”

      Ferocity rose in Gloria, like an angry cat who’d been out on the streets too long. “Felipe? You lost all right to speak to me of Felipe when you led him into an ambush, then didn’t even have the decency to show up at his funeral. Believe me, Rigo, I know you can’t replace people.”

      Her breath came out in short bursts through flared nostrils. Her jaw muscles clenched together. She knew she was right on this, and she would not back down. Felipe and his memory belonged to her. Not to the so-called best friend who bailed. She would not back down. Not even when she saw what looked like hurt in his eyes.

      Rigo turned away and looked back out the window. “It wasn’t an ambush. Gloria, it was a traffic stop gone very, very wrong. You know that. The official investigation told you that.”

      She knew every word of that report by heart. “Semantics don’t matter. He should have been there at the hospital. With me. With Mateo. You knew he was on his way to us in the hospital. You should have called someone else for backup.”

      “He was nearby and there was no one else I trusted like Felipe. I knew they had drugs in the car. I knew something was going on. What I didn’t know was that they had a guy with a gun in the trunk who was going to pop out and start shooting.” He paused, then looked at her, but his brown eyes were blank. “Felipe was my partner. My best friend.”

      Gloria felt her heart drain, as if she’d been shot point-blank in the chest. “No. He was my partner. My best friend. My husband. And now he’s gone.”

      She couldn’t control herself. She buried her head in her hands. She would not cry in front of Rigo. “The memories in this house are all I have.”

      Tanna laid on the couch and gave a soft moan that jarred Gloria out of the argument and out of the past. “Five minutes. I’m going out to start the truck while you pack and gather what you’ll need for the birth. Then we’ve got to go. I’m not about to leave you here so you can drown and go join him.”

      Rigo walked back out in the rain, and Gloria took in one more panoramic view of the main area of the 1930s-era house she and Felipe had loved so much and bought and spent countless hours updating and renovating.

      Even years after that terrible night when everything changed, Gloria had never had enough heart to change Mateo’s nursery. So everything had remained neat as a pin, and more or less just how it had been the last time Felipe walked out the door to go on patrol and Gloria had gone out to get a quick check from her OB because her kick counts were off.

      Gloria looked out the little window again and saw that her street was now best described as a river. Rigo wasn’t exaggerating about the situation getting more dire by the minute. The water covered the front yard and would most likely continue to rise, then be creeping under the front door sooner rather than later. And when that happened, her orderly little house and orderly little life—the one she managed so tightly and fiercely because the alternative was too much to bear—would change tonight. And just thinking about it made an indescribable heaviness fill her chest, like thick cement reaching slowly to all corners of a mold.

      Tanna exhaled deeply from her spot on the couch. “I knew I’d be nervous when labor finally got here. I just never imagined I’d be this nervous.”

      “Well, Tanna, there’s a lot going on. It’s understandable that you’re scared. But I’m here and I’m not leaving your side and we’ll get through this together.” Gloria knew she couldn’t show Tanna her own burden about leaving this house and the memories she’d shared here. Tanna had enough worries of her own today.

      “Lie down while I gather my things. I’ll check your dilation and other vitals as soon as we get to Inez’s house. You’re going to do great, Mama. Babies have been born in all kinds of conditions, and the vast majority of them throughout history haven’t had electricity, either. Your body knows exactly what to do, and it’s telling us that it’s almost there.”

      Gloria opened the door to the storage closet in the hall where she kept the suitcases and pulled one out along with the plastic storage bin of birth supplies she kept packed at all times. Everything she needed—even shots of Pitocin in case of bleeding and a small tank of oxygen for mom or baby—was inside.

      She made herself keep going, pulling a few shirts and shorts and pairs of sturdy shoes out of the closet. She grabbed a pair of pajamas and carefully folded them on top of the stack. Then she went into the bathroom and filled her toiletries bag with a few overnight essentials.

      Gloria decided to walk through the house to see if there was anything else she needed to bring. As she passed by her

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