Red Velvet Kisses. Sherelle Green

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Red Velvet Kisses - Sherelle Green Mills & Boon Kimani

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saw him give you...a light peck on the cheek. Even with that peck, he did it sloppily.”

      “He sure did,” Mya agreed. “It made us gag just watching it. Like he wanted to open his mouth and French kiss your cheek, but decided against it. Awkward.”

      “Okay,” Lex said drawling out the word. “Enough about my last boyfriend.”

      “If you can even call him that,” Cyd mumbled beneath her breath.

      “Anyway,” Lex continued, “since I don’t have a choice, I will plan the anniversary party. But I want to make it clear that I will continue to look at Micah in a completely professional manner.”

      “Hmm, and how is that working out for you so far?” Mya said, laughing. Imani and Cyd followed suit and joined in the laughter.

      “Oh, you guys didn’t see them in the hall earlier,” Cyd said, ready to spill all the juicy details.

      “Oh, do tell,” Imani said, rubbing her hands together.

      “My work can wait,” Mya said, making no attempts to leave the room as she’d previously been prepared to do.

      “Well I don’t think I need to stay around for this,” Lex said as she gathered her stuff and walked out of the conference room. Before the door fully closed, she heard the women giggle as Cyd explained how she’d made the situation even more awkward for her and Micah when she had suggested that they take it to the bedroom.

      When Lex got to her office, she quickly shut and locked the door. Slipping off her winter boots and replacing them with her ballerina flats, she took a seat in her cozy chair behind her large mahogany desk. She then twirled in the seat until she was facing her window with a partial view of Lake Michigan.

      “I knew I should have called in sick today,” Lex said to herself. It probably wouldn’t have even mattered. Micah Madden had been a constant distraction to her stable psyche since she’d met him in the lingerie shop.

      “Lord, give me strength,” she said as she shook her head and softly closed her eyes. She needed to avoid his advances and treat him like any other client. Otherwise, she had no doubt that she’d lose herself in him.

      A soft knock on her door interrupted her thoughts. “Coming,” Lex said loudly for the person on the other side of the door to hear. As soon as she opened the door, she wished she’d first asked who was behind the closed door before crossing the room.

      “Yes, Micah?” she asked with more disdain in her voice than she’d intended.

      “Well, I’m happy to see you, too, Lex,” he said, his filled with laughter.

      She stood back to let him enter her office. “I thought you left,” she said, making sure her behind swayed when she walked back to her desk.

      “I was almost out the building when I remembered that I needed to give you a few notes I had about my parents. You know, their likes, dislikes...that sort of thing. That way, you can start planning now if you’d like.” He reached out his hand to give her a typed sheet of paper.

      As Lex took the paper, she made sure their hands didn’t touch. The last thing she needed was any close contact. She glanced up at him again. Their chemistry was undeniable and it seemed the more she saw him the harder it was to ignore how badly her body wanted him. Her mind was saying, Heck no, you better stay away. But her body was screaming, Girl, what in the world is wrong with you? Sleep with him already!

      Lex cleared her throat and briefly looked at the paper again. When she looked back up to Micah, he glanced from the paper she was holding to her eyes and flashed one of his infamous half smiles. He had to know she was daydreaming about him. He was a smart man and probably felt the heat emanating from their bodies just as strongly as she could.

      “Well, I guess I’ll be going then,” Micah stated as he turned to leave her office. Lex followed, heading to the door so that she could lock it behind him. She didn’t need any more interruptions until the afternoon. When he reached the door, he quickly turned to face her, completely catching Lex off guard and causing her to run directly into his chest.

      “Why do you always do that,” Lex squealed as she tried to back away from him. But she couldn’t. Her feet wouldn’t move the second she gazed into his piercing eyes. He began taking deep breaths, his eyes slowly dragging over her entire body. Lex couldn’t breathe. She feared that he would make a move if she so much as batted an eyelash. She wasn’t sure how long they stood there before he finally said something.

      “You can’t fight it for much longer.”

      Just watch me. “I don’t know what you mean,” Lex said, deciding to play stupid. Micah stepped a little closer to her, further invading her personal space.

      “Sooner or later, I will have you positioned spread-eagle style on my bed.”

      “I should smack you for saying that,” she quickly replied, surprised by his blunt comment.

      “But you won’t,” he responded, getting even closer to her. “You wouldn’t hurt me.”

      “You don’t know what I’d do,” Lex replied, trying to sound as sassy as she could under the circumstances.

      “Yes, I do,” Micah said. “But that’s not all I want to do to you.”

      Lex squinted her eyes. She shouldn’t ask him to go on, but she was way too curious to end the conversation there. “What else do you want to do to me?”

      Micah glanced at her lips before looking back into her eyes. “You’ll see soon enough.”

      Concluding that he wasn’t saying anything more, she finally exhaled. Her eyes dropped to his lips before she could stop them. She positioned her foot so that she could take a step back from him, but he moved toward her again, stalling her in her place.

      “Be careful LG,” he said as he took one finger and dragged it over her lips. “I’m usually not a patient man so your time avoiding me is almost up.” She gasped out of surprise, but didn’t move away from his touch. Her gasp gave him the opportunity to slightly dip his finger into her mouth. He then took his lipstick-smeared finger into his mouth and gently sucked the tip.

      “I can only imagine how good you really taste,” he said before taking another long look at her lips.

      “Ew, I don’t know where your hands have been,” she stated as she took a step back from him. She huffed aloud, irritated at herself for not initially smacking his hand away, and aggravated at her mouth for wanting to suck his finger longer.

      “Maybe not,” he said as he moved closer again, this time bringing his face close to her ear. “But I can tell you where my hands want to go.”

      Once again, she gasped. Lex tried to think of a comeback, but her mind was blank, replaced by a feeling that was becoming all too familiar when she was around Micah Madden.

      “See you soon,” he said as he walked out her door. Once he was gone, she leaned against her closed door and chastised herself for not being stronger.


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