Twins For The Bull Rider. April Arrington

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Twins For The Bull Rider - April Arrington Mills & Boon Cherish

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assume right.” Dominic swiped the key out of Logan’s hand and jerked his wallet free from his back pocket to produce a wad of bills. Tossing them down, he jeered, “Brought cash this time instead of a check. Throw that on the pile.”

      His boots landed with thuds on the wood floor as he stomped away.


      A softening in Logan’s tone halted him. Dominic tilted his head but didn’t turn around.

      “Stay awhile this time, yeah?”

      Dominic looked over his shoulder. Logan’s expression was still carved in stone, but his eyes pleaded with Dom’s.

      “We’ll see,” he murmured.

      A tremor tore through his frame at the gruff sound of his voice. It was just exhaustion. He’d been on the road too long and he needed to recuperate. And he needed to get those boys settled before he did that.

      Jerking away, he returned to the kitchen, drawing to a halt in the doorway. The boys were still knocked out, their limbs draped around Cissy. Her cheek rested on top of their heads and their bodies lifted and lowered with each soft breath that passed between her parted lips. The blond sweep of her hair had fallen to one side and settled in a silken pool on one of the boy’s shoulders.

      Her expression was softer. No angry scowl or judgmental glare. Sleep had claimed her, too.

      Dominic grinned. She sure was a lot less temperamental in this state. And even in her sleep, her arms were like steel bands wrapped around those boys. It was obvious she cared for them.

      The grin vanished as his gut churned. Still, having kids didn’t always mean someone stuck around. He’d found that out first hand. Unlimited funds and fun was all it had taken to lure his mother away. He’d learned a long time ago that everyone had their price. And expectations.

      Rolling his shoulders, he shrugged off the unpleasant thoughts and refocused on their peaceful faces.

      Well, damn. He couldn’t carry all of them up the stairs. He’d have to wake her. He moved with soft steps across the room then lowered to his haunches at her feet.

      “Cissy,” he whispered. He ran his eyes over the freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose. Unable to resist, he touched the pad of his thumb to them and drifted it over the soft skin of her exposed cheek. His tanned hand stood out in stark contrast to her porcelain complexion.

      Her eyes popped open and she lifted her head. Beet-red heat covered her other cheek. It glistened with sweat and the boys’ hair stuck to it.

      “Hey.” He bit back a smile. “I got a room for you. Think you can make it up a flight of stairs?”

      Blinking hard, she shifted upright and nodded. “Yeah.”

      “There was only one open.” He lifted Jayden from her and arranged the boy on his hip. No response. These boys were like the dead when they slept. “It’s only got one bed but should be big enough for all of you.”

      “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

      Her voice was husky with sleep. It whispered over him and stirred a deep ache. He forced himself to concentrate on the task at hand.

      “Well, come on and I’ll take you up.”

      Leading the way up the winding staircase, he kept a firm hand on Jayden’s back, glancing back at Cissy every few feet. She held Kayden close, but the boy’s weight seemed to take a toll on her, slowing her steps and weighing her small frame down.

      “This is it.” Dominic unlocked the door, opened it a crack and waited for her to reach his side. “No chance they’re gonna be up and about anymore tonight. I’ll bring your bags in tomorrow morning if you can do without them till then.”

      She puffed a gold strand of hair out of her eyes. “That’s fine.”

      He toed the door open and moved to the bed, depositing Jayden on one side. Cissy followed and laid Kayden down, as well. Dominic stepped back, hands hanging at his sides.

      Cissy’s hip brushed his when she leaned in to untie and remove Kayden’s shoes. Her shirt rose from the waistband of her shorts, revealing smooth, silky skin. Dominic stifled the urge to run his palm over it and focused on her slim hands as she peeled off Kayden’s socks.

      Seeking a distraction, Dominic did the same for Jayden and dropped the items in a pile by the bed.

      The boy’s head was at an awkward angle, his mouth open and snoring. Dominic smirked. He’d passed out in the same position on many occasions. And nine times out of ten woke with a kink in his neck. Better head that off at the pass.

      Reaching down, Dominic shifted Jayden’s head to a more comfortable position and started when his eyes fluttered open. Jayden blinked several times before a slow smile stretched across his face, his eyelids heavy and drooping.

      “Cowboy,” Jayden whispered. His small hand fluttered upward to grasp the leather cord of the choker dangling from Dominic’s neck. Curling his fingers around it, he tugged hard.

      Dominic lowered his head, easing the pull of the cord around his neck and bringing his face close to the boy’s. Jayden’s other hand rose to bump and glide over the stubble on his jaw, his tiny palm warm and sweaty against his cheek.

      “You’ll be here when I wake up?” Jayden’s words emerged soft and slurred. He was already drifting back off.

      Dominic’s chest tightened and his face flushed. For sure, he’d be here tomorrow. Beyond that, it was anyone’s guess.

      Jayden’s sleepy gaze clung to him, hopeful expectancy glowing on his face.

      “Yeah, buddy,” Dominic whispered.

      Gently untangling Jayden’s fingers, he laid the boy’s arms back on the bed and stepped back. The weight of Cissy’s stare pressed on his face. He averted his head and moved awkwardly toward the door.


      Rubbing his hands over his jeans, he turned. Cissy’s hair was mussed and her eyes shadowed but her voice rang clear.


      “Thanks for this.”

      Her hands twisted at her waist, pulling on her thin shirt. There was a small wet spot on the material. It clung to the upper curve of her breast where Kayden’s face had rested.

      She looked vulnerable, lost and alone.

      His palms itched to reach out and pull her in. Tuck her head beneath his chin and hold her close. He stepped forward.

      She reached him first, pressing her fingertips against his chest and propelling him toward the door. “Good night,” she whispered.

      The warmth from her fingers spread throughout his body as she nudged him into the hall. The soft fall of her blond hair and curve of her rosy cheek disappeared behind the firm click of the closed door.

      The warmth dissipated, leaving cold emptiness behind. Dominic ran his palm over

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