Protecting Her Daughter. Lynette Eason

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Protecting Her Daughter - Lynette Eason Wrangler's Corner

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Zoe said. A shot cracked a tree in front of her.

      “Run,” Lance ordered.

      “Run where?” Aaron grunted, but picked up the pace. “The caves.” He answered his own question.

      “Yeah, good idea. The caves,” Lance said. “Go.”

      Aaron didn’t hesitate, just made a forty-five degree turn and forged a trail for Zoe to follow. Lance brought up the rear. Aaron sloshed through a shallow creek, and Zoe followed, gasping when the cold water hit her legs, but she didn’t stop. She could get warm later. Prayers winged heavenward. Weakness wanted to invade her, and she stumbled. Aaron snagged her elbow with one hand even as he kept a grip on Sophia with his other.

      Aaron passed the first cave they came to, skirted around brush and trees then simply disappeared. Zoe skidded to a stop. Lance passed her, grasped her hand and pulled her behind him. When he stopped, she found herself in a cave. And cold. So very cold. She couldn’t feel her feet anymore. Shivers racked her as Lance stayed at the entrance, his weapon ready. Aaron set Sophia on her feet then helped her into her coat. Sophia let him, but when he stepped back, she moved to Zoe and wrapped her arms around her waist. “I’m scared, Mom,” she whispered.

      “I am, too, honey, but God’s taking care of us.”

      Sophia looked back and forth between Lance and Aaron. “Yes, I think you’re right.”

      “Now we just have to find a way to call for help,” Aaron muttered.

      Sophia slipped a hand into the front pocket of her jeans and pulled out a cell phone. “Will this help?”

      * * *

      Aaron stepped up to them, took the phone from Sophia’s small hand and looked at the screen. It had about a half battery life, but only one bar. Once out of the cave, he knew there would be a better signal. “Where did you get this?” he whispered.

      “That really mean man you called Pete left it on the end table after he tied up Deputy Lance,” she said, keeping her voice as low as his and pointing to Lance.

      “So you snagged it, huh?”

      “Yes.” She shrugged. “I was going to try and call 911, but I couldn’t do it without someone seeing me so I was just waiting until I could either do it myself or give one of you guys the phone. But that never happened so I just held on to it.”

      Aaron blinked. “Nice job,” he whispered. “Are you sure you’re nine?”

      “Pretty sure,” she whispered back and shot him a weak grin.

      Zoe lifted a hand to push Sophia’s hair out of her eyes. He noticed the fine tremors racking her and figured she was just as cold as he was.

      He punched in the number of the police department and held the phone to his ear on the off chance it would work. The call dropped. He looked at Zoe. “Need a signal.”

      She nodded and shivered. “Try a text. Sometimes a text will go through when a call won’t.”

      Aaron did. He shrugged. “It says it went, but I don’t know if it did or not. We need to make a call. Lance,” he whispered.

      “Yeah?” Lance turned to face him.

      Aaron slipped up beside him and handed him the phone. Lance’s eyes went wide. “Thank Sophia,” Aaron said.

      Lance blinked then gave a tight smile. “Good going, kid.”

      Sophia nodded. “You’re welcome.”

      Lance went back to the entrance of the cave, and Sophia snuggled next to her mom. Zoe shuddered and pulled her closer. Zoe hadn’t had a coat on inside the house and she hadn’t had time to grab it before their dash for safety. Now she just had on a sweatshirt over a black turtleneck, and her jeans were soaked to the knees. Aaron shrugged out of his heavy down coat and draped it around her shoulders. She frowned at him. “Thanks, but don’t you need it?”

      “I’m fine. I worked up a sweat running with Sophia in my arms.”

      She hesitated then nodded. “If you’re sure, I’ll just use it to warm up a bit then give it back.”

      “I’ll let you know if I need it.”

      Their whispers barely sounded in the darkness. The chill of the cave hit him hard, but he wasn’t going to let her know that. He hoped they wouldn’t be staying put very long anyway. Lance walked back to them. “I think they’ve passed us. I’m going to slip out of the cave and see if I can get a signal.”

      Aaron nodded, and Lance again returned to the entrance then disappeared outside. Sophia snuggled in between him and Zoe, and Aaron wrapped his arms around them, pulling them close to share body heat. The cave wall was cold, and the chill seeped through his sweater.

      Within seconds, Sophia’s head rolled against his chest and her breathing became even. “She fell asleep,” he whispered in Zoe’s ear.

      “Unbelievable. Well, it’s been an ordeal between the attack and the diabetes. She’s feeling the effects.” She froze. “I don’t have her medicine,” she whispered. “I didn’t have time to grab it.”

      “In the right-hand pocket of my jacket. I snagged it from the office after I knocked Pete out.”

      Zoe let out a low breath. “Thank you so much.” She turned toward him, but shot a glance over her shoulder. “Do you think Lance is all right?”

      “I hope so. I don’t think he would have left the cave if he thought the men were still out there. It looks like all three of them managed to survive the shots. I think I winged the one called Cody, but it wasn’t enough to stop him.”

      “So it’s still three of them.”

      “Looks like it.” He gently shifted Sophia until she rested against Zoe. “Hold her. I’m going to check on him.”

      “Be careful,” she whispered. “Oh, you need your coat.”

      “I’ll be fine. Stay put.”

      He moved before she could voice the protest he saw on her lips.

      As he moved to the entrance of the cave, a shot rang out, and Lance dove inside.

      * * *

      Sophia woke with a jerk, and Zoe held her even as her own heartbeat picked up speed. “Why are they shooting again, Mama?”

      “I don’t know, honey, just be brave.”

      Lance knelt on the floor and looked back at her then Aaron. “I got a call out, but help’s a good ten minutes away. Even then I’m not sure they’ll be able to pinpoint our location.”

      “Even with the cell phone?” Zoe asked.

      “Possibly, but the bad guys are heading this way.”

      “Were they shooting at you?” Aaron asked.

      “They left

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