Amish Country Ambush. Dana R. Lynn

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Amish Country Ambush - Dana R. Lynn Amish Country Justice

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would be no pictures of her.

      “Can you give me a description of her?”

      Elise squeezed her eyes shut. “She’s probably around five-two or -three. Her hair is light brown. It looks straight, but I can’t say for sure. Brown eyes. Slender, but not skinny. Sharp chin.”

      He questioned her for another minute or so, trying to get any detail that he could share.

      A few minutes later, he left Elise’s room, feeling the burden of holding so many lives in his hands.

      * * *

      She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so cold. Like she’d never be warm again. And it wasn’t just temperature cold, either. Sitting in a sterile hospital room, with an IV hooked into her arm and monitors surrounding her, she felt she’d woken up in someone else’s nightmare. But it was all hers.

      Did Sergeant Ryan Parker believe her? It was so hard to tell. He had finished questioning her and then left the room, supposedly to give a better description of Leah and Mikey to those searching. Fortunately, he’d been thoughtful enough to retrieve her purse from her car, and she had pictures of her adorable nephew on her phone. He had promised to return as soon as things were settled.

      She wasn’t sure if he bought the story about Hudson. It was all the truth, but how was he to know it? She’d been attacked, and he might conclude that the terror of it had her mind playing tricks on her, making her believe her attacker was her brother-in-law simply because he was the man in her past she feared the most. And as for the reasons she’d had to fear Hudson in the past, she hadn’t told anyone about her brother-in-law...not about his brutal temper, or his charismatic personality. Nothing. And now Diana was dead. In retrospect, she had been trying to wipe him from their lives.

      Seeing him today had been a shock. Even knowing in her soul that he’d survived the car crash and that he was responsible for Karalynne’s death, still she hadn’t been prepared. How had such a cruel, malicious man tricked her sweet sister into falling in love with him? And then to father such a beautiful little boy like Mikey...

      Where had Leah taken Mikey? Was he cold, too? Hungry?

      Leah hadn’t known anything about the monster searching for her, but the girl had known the danger was real. The fear in her voice during that phone call had proved that much. Elise had to hold on to the belief that the Amish girl had taken her nephew somewhere safe. Worry rattled in her heart for Leah’s family. Ryan would protect them, wouldn’t he? But how much could he do?

      What if Hudson had found them already? Leah couldn’t have gotten too far on foot, and Hudson was a very large man. It would have taken so little for him to overpower her and...

      No, no, no! She was not going to give in to her fear and despair. She’d talked to the Amish girl enough times to take her measure. Leah was a hard worker and she was clever, and she knew the woods and roads around this town much better than Hudson ever would.

      The door creaked open, Elise tensed. For a moment, all she could think was that he had found her again. She slumped back against the stiff pillow when Ryan’s headed popped around the door. After he observed that she was awake, he opened the door and let himself fully into the room. She allowed her eyes to skim his face, his posture, searching for any clue of doubt or skepticism. The masculine face above her gave nothing away. The bland expression could have meant anything. All too well she remembered the pitying looks she’d received from the Chicago police when she’d insisted that Karalynne had been murdered by her husband.

      She remembered one officer saying, “No matter how much you didn’t like the man, miss, he’s dead. You need to accept that.”

      Oh, how she had wanted to scream! They had no idea what that man was capable of, the lengths he would go to in order to deceive and get his way.

      Not like the officer standing in front of her. Ryan was the antithesis of Hudson. Strong. Honest. And way too handsome for his own good. She shook her head. She didn’t have time for those thoughts. Plus, her experience with Brady had taught her caution. Even thinking of her ex-fiancé was painful, so she shoved those memories away.

      Peeking under the fringe of her bangs, she watched the handsome sergeant. Well, he wasn’t giving off any condescending vibes, as if he thought she was too irrational to give an accurate report of what had happened.

      None of this was important. Whether or not he believed her didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was the safety of Mikey and Leah. Once again, she sent a prayer up for their safety. Part of her wondered if it did any good.

      Sorry, God. After all He’d pulled her through, she wouldn’t allow herself to doubt Him now.

      Ryan grabbed the chair closest to the bed and dragged it six inches closer before seating himself next to her. A flush rose in her cheeks at his intense scrutiny. She squirmed, uncomfortable. A snarky comment rose to her lips. She bit them to hold it in. Sarcasm was a natural defense for her, but it probably wouldn’t be wise to use it in the current situation.

      Instead, she waited him out. Surely, he’d say something eventually. The wait just about gave her hives, but she forced herself to be patient.

      “Okay,” he finally said. His voice was soft, with a firm edge to it. The kind of voice people instinctively quieted down to listen to. She realized she had leaned in his direction to catch his voice. Embarrassed, she made herself sit back. “I have an Amber Alert out for your nephew,” he said. “As Leah is Amish, I have no pictures to send out, but that can’t be helped. At least we have your description.”

      Elise felt a frown work its way across her face.

      “I wish we could get a picture out. I’m sure that Leah will protect Mikey, but I would feel a whole lot better if the police were able to find them before—” she stopped herself from mentioning Hudson’s name “—before my attacker does.”

      A flicker of doubt crossed his lean face. Was he doubting her story? She braced herself to be shut down again.

      “Elise, I talked with the police who dealt with your sister’s death. Are you positive your attacker today was Hudson Langor?”

      Hot waves of anger started to swirl in her gut. She opened her mouth, then shut it. Ryan’s expression wasn’t one of disbelief. Would he give her a chance?

      “Yes, it was Hudson. I’d recognize his voice anywhere. Even though he doesn’t look anything like the man I knew, his voice is the same. It’s a very distinctive voice. And the things he said... He blamed me for his problems with his wife, demanded that I turn over his son. Why would anyone other than Hudson say those things? He wants me dead. And the evidence he thinks I have against him. And his son. In that order.”

      He placed his hands on his thighs and pushed to his feet. “If you’re sure, that’s good enough for me. I guess you’d know the man if you came face-to-face with him.”

      “I would. You might not, though.”

      “Huh?” His brow wrinkled quizzically.

      “He’s changed. The face I saw earlier today was not the same as the one I had known. He’s been through a fire. I’m guessing it’s from the car accident that supposedly killed him. Or something worse. But his eyes and his voice, they were the same.”

      “So you’re saying...?”

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