Rodeo Rescuer. Lynette Eason

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Rodeo Rescuer - Lynette Eason Wrangler's Corner

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      Was he flirting? He’d just fallen off a bull and was laid up in the hospital—and he was flirting? She studied him with a small, uncertain smile. No. He was serious. She was almost disappointed.

      She shook her head and, for the first time since entering the hospital, considered how she must look.

      Clown paint on her face. Her hair tied up in a loose ponytail underneath the wig she still had on. Her cowboy hat dangled down her back. She had on a shirt that would rival one of Hawaii’s brightest tucked into jeans that were covered with pink chaps. Cowboy boots finished the ensemble.

      And the hospital staff hadn’t blinked.

      She started to respond to Seth, then saw his eyes were closed again and his chest rose and fell in a steady pattern. She sighed, pulled the bright red wig from her hair and dropped it on the chair. She went to the sink and grabbed several paper towels from the bin on the wall. She soaked them, added soap and did her best to get rid of the makeup.

      When the door opened ten minutes later, Tonya felt halfway human again. The doctor entered. Tonya touched Seth’s hand and gave him a gentle shake. “Seth?”

      He stirred and opened his eyes. The doctor approached and Tonya moved toward the door. “I’ll just wait outside.”

      “No,” he murmured. “Stay. I might not remember a word he says.”

      Tonya caught the doctor’s eye and he nodded. “All right.”

      She shut the door with one more glimpse out the window. She caught her breath and stared harder.

      Was that Hank?

      “Tonya?” She jerked and spun to find Seth’s eyelids fluttering, his struggle against the desire to close them looking like a losing battle. “You okay?”

      “Um...yes. I’m sorry. Someone caught my attention. I thought I might know him.” She snapped her lips closed to quit jabbering.

      The doctor held out a hand. “Dr. Jackson Mobley.”

      “Hi.” Tonya shook his hand, her mind on the man she’d seen walk past the door. At Seth’s curious look, she cleared her throat and tried to pay attention.

      Dr. Mobley shook Seth’s hand, then pushed the X-ray slides onto the machine and flipped the switch. Seth’s leg popped up in black and white. The orthopedist pointed to an area with his pen. “Here’s the former break. Nicely healed. The good news is that you didn’t reinjure that. Nothing broken, just a bad bruise. I think you should pick back up on the physical therapy just to play it safe and you should be fine.”

      Seth leaned back, the relief on his face evident. “So I can ride tomorrow.”

      The doctor lifted his brow. “I don’t recommend it. The muscles, tendons and ligaments are all bruised. You’re very fortunate—I really expected to see you heading into surgery for something a lot more serious than this.”

      Seth sighed and rubbed a hand down his face. “I need to finish this rodeo. I had a good ride right before I fell off earlier. I’m in the running for the finals in December.”

      Dr. Mobley shrugged and gave a small smile. “I understand. I’ve followed your career and am a fan. I’d love to see you go to the National Finals Rodeo. We missed you last year after that bad break.”

      “But?” Seth nearly growled the word.

      “But like I said, you can stay off of your leg for a couple of weeks and let it heal...or you can risk further injury.”

      Tonya eased toward the door one more time and glanced out. The workstation for the doctors and nurses was directly opposite. Everyone seemed busy. She glanced left, then right. No sign of Hank.

      Wait. Was that him? She looked closer. The man talking to the nurse turned and she sucked in a deep breath. No doubt about it—that was definitely him. The shaggy hair and goatee couldn’t hide his chillingly familiar features.

      The doctor tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped with a high-pitched squeak. The man raised a brow and settled his hands on her upper arms. “Are you okay?”

      Tonya felt the heat climb into her cheeks and nodded. “Sorry, I’m a bit jumpy today.”

      “No problem.” He slipped out the door and she turned to find Seth appearing a little more alert.

      “What are you looking for?”


      “Something. Or someone.” Seth narrowed his eyes. “You’ve been looking out that window just about every other second—and you nearly just came out of your skin when the doc tapped your shoulder. What’s going on, Tonya?” he asked, his voice lowered. “Is it the guy from earlier? The one you were hiding from in the supply room?”

      “Yes.” She twisted her hands together in front of her and debated how much she should say. What would he think if she told him the truth?

      Then again, did she need to warn the hospital staff that a potential murderer had come through their doors? Hank wasn’t predictable and he was here in the emergency department looking for her. Could everyone around her be in danger? “I’m pretty sure he’s here at the hospital. It’s been four years since I’ve seen him, but I think he was just talking to one of the nurses. I need to tell them to be on the alert and to warn security about the potential danger if he shows up.”

      She glanced through the window and, not seeing Hank, slipped out of the room before Seth could ask any more questions. She quietly told the nurse at the desk about Hank, waited for her to call security, then made her way back to Seth’s room.

      As she stepped inside, she heard a buzzing. One that she’d heard several times since arriving at the hospital. Seth noticed it, as well, and frowned. “What’s that?”

      Tonya pulled the buzzing phone from her back pocket and held it out to him. “Jake tossed this to me when I got on the ambulance.”

      “That’s my phone. He was holding it for me while I rode.”

      “You probably need to call him,” she murmured. “It’s been ringing for a while now.”

      Seth took it from her. “Okay, I’ll call him in a few.” He looked at the screen. “It’s my mom.” He pressed the button and lifted the phone to his ear. “Hello?” His eyes still hadn’t left hers. “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just a bruise.” Tonya turned her back to give him the semblance of privacy even though she could hear every word. “No, Mom, you don’t have to come to Nashville. It’s not broken again, I promise. I’ll call you later. Love you, too. ’Bye.”

      Tonya looked at him as he hung up. “She heard, I guess.”

      “Word travels fast. I’ve been doing rodeos for a long time. Some of the people have become like family. Extended family, anyway. One of the judges called Mom and Dad.” Tonya nodded. “So who’s the guy from the storage room? How do you know him?”

      She sighed.

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