Pregnant By The Colton Cowboy. Lara Lacombe

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Pregnant By The Colton Cowboy - Lara Lacombe Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense

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the sweet pressure of her lips against his own.

      He forced himself to go slow, to take his time. Thorne had fantasized about kissing Maggie ever since he’d met her, and he wanted this moment to be perfect for both of them. No matter what his hormones demanded, it wouldn’t do to rush into the kiss. He wanted to give her time to change her mind, if that’s what she wanted.

      He needn’t have worried. Maggie dropped his injured hand, grabbed his shoulders and stood on her toes, pulling herself up to meet his mouth. Her lips were warm and soft against his, and he tasted the subtle, waxy flavor of lip balm as he angled his head to get a better fit between them.

      She made a soft humming sound and he smiled against her mouth, happy to hear she was enjoying this as much as he was. The pain in his hand receded as he focused on the woman in his arms. He’d wanted her for so long, but given his family history he had never dared to think she might want him back. He tried to lose himself in the moment but his worries swirled in his mind, a distracting chorus that prevented him from truly connecting with Maggie.

      Livia’s criminal actions had cast a shadow over Thorne’s life, leaving him feeling dirty and ashamed. Maggie was bright and good and kind, the type of woman who deserved a man with a decent family, a man she could build a life with and not have to worry that the sins of her mother-in-law would come back to haunt her own children. Livia had made a lot of enemies, and Thorne knew people weren’t ever going to forget her crimes.

      Disappointment was a small weight in Thorne’s stomach. No matter how much he liked Maggie, no matter how good it felt to hold her, to kiss her, he needed to let her go. The people of Shadow Creek already looked down on him, thanks to his connection to Livia. He didn’t want Maggie to be painted with the same brush. She didn’t deserve to be the object of gossip, and if anyone learned of his interest in her, she’d be the talk of the town in no time. And not for the right reasons.

      He eased back, slowly breaking the kiss. She stood frozen for a moment, her eyes closed and her lips pink and swollen from his attention. It was almost enough to make him throw caution to the wind and reach for her again, but he ruthlessly stomped on the urge. Maggie might not be thinking about her reputation right now, but he was.

      She opened her eyes and he saw the question in the bright blue depths. Thorne cleared his throat, searching for the right words to explain why he’d pulled away.

      “I’m sorry,” he began.

      She cut him off, her words lightning fast in the small kitchen. “I’m not.”

      Thorne rocked back on his heels a little, unsure of what to say next. If Maggie didn’t consider this to be a bad idea, maybe he was overthinking things...

      She stared up at him, her eyes blazing with a heated arousal that stoked the fire of his need. “What’s wrong?” she asked softly. A flicker of doubt crossed her face. “Did I do something to upset you?”

      “No!” His denial was instant and fierce and he felt himself reaching for her, wanting to erase her worry. He softened his voice and tried again. “No, you did nothing wrong. It’s just... I’m worried. For you.”

      Her eyebrows drew together in puzzlement. “What do you mean?”

      Thorne reached a hand up to rub the back of his neck, feeling his skin prickle with embarrassment. How to explain his concerns without sounding like an egocentric ass? My reputation, my family, my problems. My, my, my. She was going to think he was too wrapped up in his own life, but really, he just wanted to protect her. He heaved a mental sigh and nearly shook his head. This was why he preferred the company of horses. Conversations with people were just too complicated.

      “You know who my mother is,” he said, risking a glance up. Maggie nodded, but she still seemed confused. “You know what she did.”

      “Sure,” she replied slowly. “Everyone does. But what’s that got to do with you?”

      “People talk,” he said simply. “They’ve done it all my life, and they’re not going to stop. Especially now that Livia’s crimes and escape from prison have provided new fodder for them. You don’t want to be associated with me.”

      Understanding dawned in her eyes. “You’re trying to protect me from town gossip.” He nodded, happy she had caught on. Now she would put some distance between them and he could go back to cooking. They could pretend like this had never happened. The thought sent a pang through his chest, but it was for the best. He could relive the magic of their kiss when he was alone.

      He reached for the knife, intent on picking up where he’d left off. But Maggie’s hand on his made him freeze.

      “It’s sweet of you to worry for me.” She rubbed the pad of her thumb along the side of his hand, her touch simultaneously featherlight and electrifying. “But I’m a big girl, and I don’t care what people say.”

      Thorne swallowed hard, trying to dislodge the sudden lump in his throat. The blood in his body was rapidly racing south, making thought and speech difficult. “You don’t?” he asked stupidly.

      Maggie shook her head and moved her hand up his arm, trailing her fingertips along his skin in a teasing caress. She placed the palm of her other hand on his chest, directly over his heart. Could she feel it speed up in response to her touch?

      “So if that’s the only thing stopping you...” she trailed off, her suggestion clear.

      “You’re sure?” His voice sounded hoarse even to his own ears. He held his breath as he waited for her response. It had been so long since he’d connected with a woman, and the revelations about Livia and her subsequent trial, imprisonment and recent escape had made him feel more alone than ever. Maggie was exactly what he needed right now, but he wasn’t going to soothe his own soul at the sake of her feelings.

      Maggie nodded, her eyes shining brightly with an emotion he couldn’t name. “I’m sure. I like you, Thorne,” she said, sounding a little shy.

      Her confession washed over him, breaking down the last of his resistance. He closed the distance between them and captured her mouth again. She reached up and clasped her hands behind his neck, returning his kiss with equal fervor.

      Moving carefully so as not to break their connection, Thorne reached down and hooked his hands under the curve of Maggie’s bottom. He hitched her up, smiling against her mouth as she let out a little “oof” of surprise. She recovered quickly though, throwing her legs around his waist and locking her ankles together. The change in position afforded him new access to her body, and his blood heated in anticipation as he registered the warmth of her core.

      With Maggie in his arms, Thorne headed for the bedroom. Her body bounced against his sensitive groin with every step, turning the short trip into a seemingly endless stretch of exquisite torture. By the time he made it to the room he was nearly blind with need, and he rammed his shoulder hard against the doorjamb. He grunted in annoyance and felt the vibrations of Maggie’s amusement in his chest.

      “Are you okay?”

      Thorne deposited her on the bed, then stepped back to toe off his boots. “Never better,” he said, the pain of the blow already forgotten. He paused, hands on his belt buckle. “Are you?” Was she changing her mind?

      Maggie smiled and reached for him. She slipped her hands into the back pockets of his jeans and pulled him closer, urging him forward until his thighs hit the edge of the mattress. “Oh, yes,” she said

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