Claimed By The Rancher. Jules Bennett

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Claimed By The Rancher - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Desire

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played out the scene in her mind. But nothing had prepared her for the crushing reality of the actual moment.

      “Roses are too typical for a first date.”

      Pepper swallowed. Of course he’d be shopping for a lady... Why else would a man come into her shop? And she wasn’t stupid. Nolan was a very attractive man, a rich rancher to boot—what woman wouldn’t want to go out with him?

      Still, why did she have to be privy to his wooing tactics? That was just more salt in the wound that had never healed.

      But she’d opened this business for a much-needed fresh start, and she needed it to be a success. Which meant she had to cater to all clientele so she could start making money. No matter who walked through her door.

      Pepper pulled on her professional panties and squared her shoulders. “What type of lady is she? Does she have hobbies? That can tell me quite a bit about a person, if I know her interests.”

      And if this faceless woman had an interest in Nolan, Pepper already knew enough...and she hated her with a fiery passion.

      Nolan turned toward her once again. “She works at the hospital with me. I’m not sure what she does outside of that.”

      Her heart hitched in her throat. So he had fulfilled that dream of becoming a doctor after all. He’d followed through and now had everything he’d ever wanted. Nolan was the type of man to never let any obstacle get in his matter who he hurt in the process.

      “I assumed you’d still be ranching at Pebblebrook.” She hadn’t meant to let that thought slip out.

      “I help out when I can. That’s definitely Colt’s area of expertise.” Nolan crossed his arms over that powerfully broad chest, and Pepper had to force her eyes to remain on his. “I’m a surgeon at Mercy Hospital, so my schedule can be crazy at times.”

      A cowboy and a doctor? Did he have to up that sex appeal by telling her this? No doubt this woman was a cute little perky nurse. She probably also had a perfect waistline and could fasten a pair of size-two jeans.

      Drawing in a deep breath, Pepper smoothed her tank over her round abdomen. The most comfortable things for her these days were her long flowy skirts and her tanks. Anything that stretched along with her belly.

      “Okay, then. Let’s not do roses,” she suggested. “What about a variety of colors in a bouquet? I have a few options over here with some tulips or some with daisies. Tulips are classy. Daisies are more fun.”

      She moved from behind the counter and started for the front of her shop. But she’d taken only a few steps when she heard Nolan’s swift intake of breath.

      That past she’d hoped to never face again had officially hit her square in the face.

      * * *

      Nolan prided himself on control and the ability to think on his feet and hide his emotions. For a rancher and skilled surgeon, there was no other way to live.

      But seeing Pepper Manning with a baby bump had knocked the air right out of if seeing her after ten years wasn’t enough. She was still just as breathtaking as he remembered. Then again, their sizzling physical attraction and sexual compatibility had never been the issue.

      No...those aspects of their relationship were beyond compare. He exhaled roughly, rubbing a hand across his stubbled jaw, as the memories assailed him. His fear of commitment at such a young age and the pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage were what had ultimately torn them apart. It had all been too much, too soon, and to say he hadn’t handled things well would be a vast understatement.

      But he’d been afraid. That fear had spawned his actions and he’d been too prideful to admit it. Ultimately, he’d let everything go in an attempt to save himself. He’d never forgiven himself, but he sure as hell didn’t want to dredge up all of that now. He’d moved on, and it was obvious Pepper had, too.

      Even so, having her so close yet being unable to reach out and touch her was difficult. She personified beauty, and she’d captured his heart once, so long ago...but he wasn’t sure that man existed anymore. The miscarriage had broken something inside him that had never fully healed.

      Pepper was clearly stronger than she’d been years ago. Her beauty was just one of the things he’d loved about her. Her inner strength was definitely another. But seeing her now, ready to move forward with a child, only proved she’d handled the situation better than he had.

      She had always wanted a family; he’d always wanted to be a surgeon. Dreams they hadn’t discussed because they’d been too caught up in the euphoric throes of young love. The type of love that naive couples felt could carry them through anything. Obviously that had turned out to be a bold-faced lie.

      His eyes raked over her again from head to toe. How could she be just as stunning, just as vibrant, as ever? Her curves were still as alluring, her breasts fuller than before due to the pregnancy, and her long mahogany hair still hung like silk over her shoulders. His hands itched to feel those exquisitely soft strands gliding through his fingers.

      Nolan cursed himself for allowing the past to rush up and assault him, but Pepper had always managed to wield control over him like no other woman before or since.

      Now he couldn’t help but wonder if there was a husband or significant other in the picture. Not that it was any of his concern, but...was there? Despite everything, he found himself wanting to know everything that had transpired since she’d left. He had zero rights to her life, but that didn’t stop the intrigue from creeping in.

      Pepper clasped her hands together just below her abdomen, the bangle bracelets jingling on her arms. She’d always had a thing for jewelry, he remembered fondly. Then her dark eyes suddenly held his as if she dared him to make a comment. Nolan hardened his jaw. He’d never backed down from a challenge before and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let the unbidden memories overpower him now. He’d come too far, had everything he ever wanted. Every bit of angst that settled between them was from a different time, a different life.

      He’d literally given up everything to be where he was today. There was no looking back, no time to dwell on the regrets that always seemed to be just below the surface.

      “Congratulations,” he said, offering her a tense smile.

      For a fraction of a second, her eyes narrowed. But then she nodded. “Thank you.”

      Those memories might be from another chapter in their lives, but they’d left so much unresolved. He’d gotten angry, broken things off, she’d left town...and that was pretty much the end of it.

      Stubborn male pride had kept him from searching for her, and with his money he could’ve hired anyone and found her in record time. But he hadn’t. She’d left to get as far away from him as possible, and like a fool, he’d let her go.

      They’d said some hurtful things after the miscarriage, things he continued to cringe over when he thought about them. But the damage had been done; they’d strayed too far from the blissfully in-love couple they’d once been.

      Nolan didn’t see a ring on her finger, but that didn’t mean anything. Regardless of the fact he shouldn’t care, he wanted to know more. He was just getting reacquainted with an old friend...that was all, he reassured himself.

      Though at one time they’d been so

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