The Secret Beneath The Veil. Dani Collins

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The Secret Beneath The Veil - Dani Collins Mills & Boon Modern

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her, either.”

      Or the boating accident. Her heart clenched like a fist, trying to hang on to her memories of her mother, knotting in fury at the lack of a satisfactory explanation, wanting to beat the truth from Grigor if she had to.

      “Do you have a name?” he asked.

      “Viveka.” The corner of her mouth pulled as she realized they’d come this far without it. She was practically naked, wearing a robe that had brushed his own skin and surrounded her in the scent of his aftershave. “Brice,” she added, not clarifying that most people called her Vivi.

      “Viveka,” he repeated, like he was trying out the sound. They were speaking English and his thick accent gave an exotic twist to her name as he shaped out the Vive and added a short, hard ka to the end.

      She licked her lips, disturbed by how much she liked the way he said it.

      “Why the melodrama, Viveka? I asked your sister if she was agreeable to this marriage. She said yes.”

      “Do you think she would risk saying no to something Grigor wanted?” She pointed at the ache on her face.

      Mikolas’s expression grew circumspect as he dropped his gaze into his drink, thumb moving on the glass. It was the only indication his thoughts were restless beneath that rock-face exterior.

      “If she wants more time,” he began.

      “She’s marrying someone else,” she cut in. “Right this minute, if all has gone to plan.” She glanced for a clock, but didn’t see one. “She knew Stephanos at school and he worked on Grigor’s estate as a landscaper.”

      Trina had loved the young man from afar for years, never wanting to tip her hand to Grigor by so much as exchanging more than a shy hello with Stephanos, but she had waxed poetic to Viveka on dozens of occasions. Viveka hadn’t believed Stephanos returned the crush until Trina’s engagement to Mikolas had been announced.

      “When Stephanos heard she was marrying someone else, he asked Trina to elope. He has a job outside of Athens.” One that Grigor couldn’t drop the ax upon.

      “Weeding flower beds?” Mikolas swirled his drink. “She could have kept him on the side after we married, if that’s what she wanted.”

      “Really,” Viveka choked.

      He shrugged a negligent shoulder. “This marriage is a business transaction, open to negotiation. I would have given her children if she wanted them, or a divorce eventually, if that was her preference. She should have spoken to me.”

      “Because you’re such a reasonable man—who just happens to trade women like stocks and bonds.”

      “I’m a man who gets what he wants,” he said in a soft voice, but it was positively deadly. “I want this merger.”

      He sounded so merciless her heart skipped in alarm. Gangster. She found a falsely pleasant smile.

      “I wish you great success in making your dreams come true. Do you mind if I wear this robe to my boat? I can bring it back after I dress or maybe one of your staff could come with me?” She pushed her hand into the pocket and gripped her credit card, feeling the edge dig into her palm. Where was Grigor? she wondered. She had no desire to pass him on the dock and get knocked into the water again—this time unconscious.

      Mikolas’s expression didn’t change. He said nothing, but she had the impression he was laughing at her again.

      Something made her look toward the office and the view beyond the bow. The marina was tucked against a very small indent on the island’s coastline. The view from shore was mostly an expanse of the Aegean. But the boats weren’t passing in front of this craft. They were coming and going on both sides. The slant of sunlight on the water had shifted.

      The yacht was moving.

      “Are you kidding me?” she screeched.

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