Love Islands…The Collection. Jane Porter

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Love Islands…The Collection - Jane Porter Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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fun?’ He grinned, and she laughed again exuberantly. ‘You can sail her tomorrow,’ he promised, and then busied himself with kissing her.

      From kissing her it was an easy progression to sweeping her up into his arms and carrying her up to their open-air room, making use, yet again, of the very large bed.

      His last conscious thought, barely forming in his head, was just how good it was to make love with Ellen—how very, very good. And then there was no more thought, no more conscious awareness of anything at all, only rich, sating fulfilment.

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      Max’s hand was resting lazily over Ellen’s warm, sand-speckled thigh as they lay in partial shade on their little beach, having breakfasted on their terrace after an early-morning workout at the open-air gym in what would shortly be the reception and central services area of the resort. They were sunning themselves, waiting for enough wind to rise so they could take out the catamaran.

      It was their penultimate day there, and Ellen was only too conscious of a sense of deep, aching reluctance for this blissful, wondrous time to end. She could feel a little tug on her insides—a sense of yearning for this time not to be over, not to be done with. She glanced over the sparkling azure water to the curve of the tiny bay edged with vivid glossy foliage. The fronded roofing of their wooden cabana was barely visible, blending into the verdant greenery.

      She gave a low, regretful sigh. These past days—one slipping effortlessly into the next, so that she’d all but lost count of them—had been so wonderful. So idyllic. They had been cocooned on this lush tropical island, living as close to nature as they could. Away from all the rest of the world, away from all its problems and difficulties.

       A little Eden—just for the two of us. And I was Eve—woman new-made. Discovering for the first time just how joyous being a woman can be.

      New-made, indeed—and from Adam’s rib. A smile tugged whimsically at her mouth.

       Max made me—he made me a woman, sensual and passionate.

      Oh, he’d done it for his own purposes, his own ends—she had no illusions about that. He had been perfectly open about wanting her to discover what life could be like beyond what she knew he saw as the prison of her childhood home. The place that had trapped her in misery, in the past, in her bitter feud with Pauline and Chloe. But she didn’t care. How could she? His motives could never detract from the effect his liberation had had on her. The wondrous, glorious gift he had given her!

      The gift of his own desire for her.

      And hers for him.

      Her eyes went to him now with familiar pleasure as he lay beside her on the sand, dark glasses shading his eyes so that she did not know if he was dozing or awake.

      It was the latter. ‘Why the sigh?’ he asked, turning his head towards her.

      ‘Oh, I guess it’s just that I... Well... This time tomorrow we’ll be heading back to London.’

      She felt his gaze on her through the opaque lenses. ‘You’ve enjoyed it here?’

      There was a little choke in her voice. ‘Of course I have! It’s been idyllic.’ It was all she could manage to say.

      ‘Yes,’ he agreed, ‘it’s certainly been that.’

      His hand moved a fraction on her thigh, and he turned his head away to look up into the sky. She could hear a pause in his silence. Then he spoke.

      ‘Tell me...’

      His voice was different—almost, she thought, speculative.

      ‘What do you think about Arizona?’

      She frowned in surprise. ‘Arizona?’

      ‘Yes. Or actually it might be Utah. I’ll have to check.’ He turned his head towards her again, pushing his dark glasses up on to his head. ‘Ever heard of Roarke National Park?’

      She shook her head, still frowning slightly.

      ‘Well,’ Max continued, ‘it’s not as well-known as the more famous National Parks in the American West, such as Zion and Bryce—let alone the Grand Canyon. But, anyway, the lodge there is hosting a seminar on sustainable tourist development which I’ve a fancy to go to.’

      He paused again, his eyes suddenly unreadable.

      ‘So what do you say? Shall we head there next? We can fly from Miami. Once the seminar’s done we could add a few days’ hiking, maybe. Pick up boots and kit when we’re there. Does it appeal?’

      She was silent. Then suddenly she propelled herself up on her elbow, looking down at Max. ‘Yes! Oh, yes.’

      In an instant her heart was singing, her mood soaring into the stratosphere. More time with Max—oh, yes, more time!

      A grin split his face. ‘Great,’ he said.

      He reached up a hand to her nape, drawing her mouth down to his, letting her hair fall like a veil around them. Satisfaction filled him. And a sense of triumph. Another new place, another new experience for Ellen to savour—to tempt her to stay out in the wonderful world that could be hers if she left her past behind her.

      And, best of all, another stretch of time to enjoy all that she bestowed upon him.

      His kiss deepened, and soon all thoughts of taking the catamaran out that morning faded completely.

       Chapter Ten

      ROARKE NATIONAL PARK proved to be an experience ideally suited to Ellen. She loved it—loved the wild beauty of the American West, loved even more experiencing it with Max.

      They flew in to Salt Lake City, then drove down through the increasing grandeur of the landscape as it rose in a vast stone flight of inclined steps from the south. The park itself was still relatively quiet at this early time in the season, with parts of it still closed by snow, but in the sheltered canyon it was warmer, and the sunlit orange sandstone rock was a vivid contrast with the deep blue of the sky and the dark green of the pines.

      The timber-built lodge fitted into its remote setting perfectly, blending into the landscape, a tribute in itself to the kind of design that worked best in places where nature was pre-eminent. And Ellen found the seminar fascinating—as fascinating as learning about the geology and geography of the park and the wider landscape beyond. Already she was planning a field trip here, making appropriate notes with which to broach the project with her headmistress on her return.

      She made no mention of that to Max, however. She did not want to trigger another attempt by him to persuade her to abandon what he was so convinced were the confines of her life at Haughton. She did not want that upset. Wanted only to enjoy this time with him to the hilt.

      And enjoy it she did.

      As he’d promised, after the seminar they kitted themselves up with hiking gear and took to the trails that

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