Love Islands…The Collection. Jane Porter

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Love Islands…The Collection - Jane Porter Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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at it in silence, too stunned to speak.

      ‘Do you like it?’

      She nodded. ‘It’s beautiful, Malachi. I love the colour,’ she said at last. Her cheeks grew warm. ‘But I don’t have anything for you.’ And what would she give him anyway? she thought with a needle stab of pain. The man who not only had everything but valued nothing except winning?

      ‘Oh, I wouldn’t say that,’ he said slowly.

      He lifted his gaze, locking on to her flushed, startled face, and she felt a swirling liquid heat rise up inside as his eyes roamed over her body with open longing.

      ‘Try it on.’

      His voice was soft, and had he been touching her she might not have heard the authority beneath the seductive tone, for he wielded his body and her response to it like a weapon, ruthlessly using every kiss, every caress, to get what he wanted.

      Only she must have wanted it too.

      Or why else would she be hearing herself say, ‘What? Here? Now?’?

      His eyes met hers—dark, triumphant, like a runner who could see the finishing line.

      He nodded slowly. ‘Yes. Here. Now. Otherwise...’ He paused, turning the word slowly over in his mouth, savouring it. ‘How can I take it off?’

      Something was wrong. Yes. Here. Now. His words were ringing inside her head like a series of off-key notes. But why? The slip was a present. A gift. A spontaneous gesture designed to give pleasure. Or was it? She had no reason to doubt him, but she couldn’t shift the prickle of apprehension beneath her ribs. Why give her this today? Why not on the plane? Or yesterday?

      Watching her in silence, his expression veiled, Malachi pictured her reaction, and inevitable surrender, feeling a rush of pre-emptive power. It was all part of the game. The game of seduction. And, like most games, it required nothing more than a cool head. And, of course, knowing when to make your move. It was a game he enjoyed playing. And winning.

      Looking up, she found him studing her intently—and suddenly she knew why. His eyes had none of the heat or fire of a lover. Instead they were glittering down at her with a calculating coldness that made a shiver run down her spine.

      She lifted her chin, her shoulders stiffening with suppressed anger. ‘Why don’t we wait until later?’ she said coolly.

      He frowned. ‘Later?’

      ‘Yes.’ She met his gaze. ‘You know I said I wanted to explore the island? Well I arranged with Terry for him to give us a tour this morning.’

      His eyes were suddenly harder than stone. ‘So unarrange it,’ he said arrogantly.

      This time it was unequivocal. It was an order—clear and direct.

      She glowered at him, her anger as quick and cold as a flash freeze. ‘I will not.’

      There was a long, pulsing silence.

      Malachi stared at her, his disbelief that she had actually rebuffed him rapidly switching to cold, hard rage. This wasn’t how it worked. Did she seriously think for one moment that she could set the agenda for this trip? Or that he was remotely interested in looking around the damn island with her? She was here for one reason and one reason only. Clearly now was the time to remind her of that fact.

      ‘Then I will,’ he said coldly. ‘I don’t know what fanciful little idea you’ve got in that pretty little head about why we’re here, but let me make it easy for you to understand. It has nothing to do with sightseeing.’

      A muscle flickered in his jaw. He could feel his control slipping and it did nothing to improve his temper. He had wanted to demonstrate his composure in the face of her helpless desire for him. Only instead he was acting like a thwarted teenage boy.

      ‘And even if it did, the only sight I want to see is you. In that.’ He gestured to the slip hanging from her hand.

      ‘You’re a monster,’ she said shakily.

      ‘And you are a hypocrite. Making all this fuss—’ His breath hissed through his teeth. ‘We had an agreement. We still do.’

      ‘I did not agree to this. To you snapping your fingers like some sexually depraved dictator.’

      He shook his head. ‘That’s not what’s happening here. You’re just having a tantrum because I called you. In my house the rules are simple, sweetheart. Either fold or play.’

      She stared at him in disbelief. Did he actually think this was like a game of cards?

      ‘This is not a hand of poker.’ She was practically shouting. ‘This is you trampling all over my feelings.’

      He shrugged. ‘I don’t care.’

      It was his shrug as much as the cavalier tone in his voice that made something inside her snap. Her breath was suddenly choking her.

      ‘Fine,’ she snarled. ‘Have it your way.’

      Pulling her dress up over her head, she yanked off her bikini top, tugged the panties down from her hips and faced him—naked.

      Malachi stared at her, his face hard with fury. ‘What are you doing?’

      ‘Me? Oh, I’m just getting ready for sex. That’s why I’m here, isn’t it?’ Her voice was shaking, her breathing ragged. Dragging the slip over her head, careless of the delicate lace, she met his gaze. ‘So where do you want to do it, then? On the table? On the beach?’

      What was the matter with her? He shook his head, trying to control his anger, his confusion. ‘You’re being melodramatic!’

      There was no reason for her to act like this. She’d agreed to the deal. And the deal was about sex—not this raw emotion. So why was she making such a fuss?

      She glared at him. ‘No, I am not. I’m just being truthful. But honesty was never your strong point—was it, Malachi?’

      ‘I never said you were just here for sex!’ His voice was rough. He had finally lost his temper.

      Swearing under his breath, he ran a trembling hand through his damp hair just as there was a knock on the door. He turned, frowning, and opened his mouth to say something. But Addie cut him off.

      ‘Of course not. You never say what you mean to anyone! So why would today be any different?’ Pressing her finger against her forehead, she pretended to think. ‘Oh, I remember now. It’s because I’m not just anyone. I’m your wife.’

      ‘And I’m your husband. And you owe me a honeymoon and I always call in my debts.’

      ‘You are not my husband. You’re just a man who’s blackmailing me for sex.’

      He took a step towards her. The skin on his face was stretched tight; his arms were braced as though invisible hands were restraining him.

      ‘If I’m blackmailing you, then how come I’m the one paying?’


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