Love Islands…The Collection. Jane Porter

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Love Islands…The Collection - Jane Porter Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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it didn’t sound like a laugh. There was too much pain and anger there. And fear. But five weeks in a hospital bed had taught her to face fear; to resist anger, to overcome pain. And, lifting her chin, she nodded.

      ‘Yes. I do. But you don’t want to. You’d rather sit there and wallow—’

      ‘You know nothing about my life,’ he snarled.

      Her pulse was pounding in her throat. Clenching her teeth, she glared at him. ‘Yes, I do. I know you jumped into a pool of sharks for a bet; I know you eat apples in the bath.’ Her gaze shifted from his face to his hand. ‘And I know you play cards when you feel tense or angry.’

      He looked up at her silently and resentment surged through her. He was impossible and this was hopeless.

      She turned to walk away.


      Looking down, she saw he was touching her wrist, his fingers trembling against her skin.

      ‘Don’t go. Please.’

      She stood, staring past him. ‘Why should I stay?’

      He breathed out unsteadily. ‘You said you’d be there for me.’

      She didn’t reply at first and then finally, after what felt like the longest moment, she sighed and sat down on the sofa.

      He held out the deck of cards, his face strained, uncertain. ‘What would you like to play?’

      She shook her head. ‘I’m not sure I can. My brain doesn’t seem to be working.’

      Nodding slowly, he half smiled. ‘My parents have that effect on people.’

      He let out a long, slow breath and his smile faded. She waited.

      Finally, hesitantly, he reached out and took her hand, his face filled with angry bewilderment. ‘I find it hard.’

      The words sounded as if they were being dragged from him.

      Her chest squeezed tight. ‘What do you find hard?’

      ‘Choosing not to be like them.’ He ran a hand wearily over his face. ‘For years I had no choice. Even when I was little they’d drag me to parties and nightclubs.’ He paused and gave her another taut smile. ‘They didn’t see why having me around should stop them doing what they wanted. And if I was difficult, then they’d just leave me behind.’

      ‘Where?’ Addie felt her heart thump painfully hard.

      He shrugged. ‘With their friends. And by “friends” I mean the people who found it hardest to say no to them.’ Glancing up, he caught sight of her face and his mouth twisted. ‘I don’t know what was worse. Worrying that they would never come back or knowing they would.’

      She stared at him, feeling his pain, the fear of a little boy abandoned by his so-called parents, his dread of their return. ‘Why didn’t they get a nanny?’

      ‘They did. But they never stayed for more than a couple of weeks. It got better as I got older.’ His eyes met hers. ‘I got better at managing them.’

      She swallowed. ‘Is that why you went back to Miami?’

      He looked away. ‘Yes. They can charm their way out of most situations. But sometimes, like last night, when they’ve gone too far and someone’s threatening to call the police, I have to step in.’ Smiling dully, he shrugged. ‘It’s irritating, but it’s just easier and a lot less time-consuming if I sort it out.’

      ‘And why did you leave? Tonight.’

      She held her breath, sensing it was one question too many, but finally he turned to face her and the bleakness in his eyes almost broke her.

      ‘I’d had enough,’ he said quietly. ‘Of their games. With them, it’s always a game. I just don’t want to play any more.’

      He fell silent.

      Not trusting herself to speak, Addie sat mute beside him. How could anyone survive that kind of damage? It was almost worse than what had happened to her. That had been an accident. This had been deliberate, sustained. But the outcome was the same: a shattered life, a damaged soul. And she knew exactly what it took to repair that damage. It needed acceptance and hope and patience.

      And love.

      Her eyes suddenly filled with tears and she closed them quickly, trying to stop them from falling, trying to block out the truth. Except she couldn’t. The truth was that she loved him—still, and so much.

      And it was time for her to accept that fact.

      She opened her eyes and concentrated on her breathing. But it was not the time to share it. Now she needed to keep her promise. To be there for Malachi. Without thinking, she reached forward and slid her arms around him. After a moment’s hesitation his arms tightened around her. They held each other in silence, their hearts beating in time together, until finally Addie shifted free.

      ‘Come on. Let’s go to bed.’

      Standing up, he glanced out of the plane’s window and frowned. A pale yellow line was already edging the dark sky. ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart, I don’t think we’re going to get much sleep. We’ll be landing in less than an hour.’

      She smiled. ‘Who said anything about sleep?’

      His eyes locked on to hers and for a moment, she stared at him, hypnotised by their fierce dark longing. And then he reached down and, scooping her into his arms, he began to carry her towards the staircase.

       Chapter Nine

      IT WAS LATE afternoon in Caracas. Staring out over the city from the balcony of Malachi’s suite, Addie let the straps of her camisole slip down over her shoulders to catch some sun.

      Two hands slid around her waist. ‘Afternoon, sleepyhead.’

      Her heart started to pound as Malachi kissed her shoulder, his lips drifting languidly down over her throat.

      ‘You were sleeping so deeply I thought I was going to have to wake you with a kiss,’ he murmured.

      The hands round her waist were beginning to drift too, slipping under the silk camisole, circling and caressing the bare skin of her belly, then reaching up to stroke her breasts, caressing her nipples until she was shaking with desire.

      Unable to stop herself, she moaned softly and she felt his body stiffen, his fingers stilling.

      ‘You did that earlier,’ she said hoarsely. ‘That’s why I was so tired.’

      His hands were moving again, sliding slowly over skin.

      ‘In that case I think you should lie down right now,’ he said, and, gently he dragged her back into the suite and onto the huge bed.

      Later, feeling

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