The Rebel Heir's Bride. Patricia Thayer

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The Rebel Heir's Bride - Patricia Thayer Mills & Boon Romance

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to call you if I feel the need.”

      “Good.” Lindsey stopped to pet one of the equines. “I’d hate to think about something happening to one of these beautiful animals.”

      “That’s the reason I’m so happy you came here to practice.”

      “I was lucky to get the chance.” She walked alongside of Tess. “I don’t have much experience yet, and this will definitely help build my résumé.” And she never dreamed she would get the opportunity to meet the Randells. It was a chance she couldn’t pass up.

      “The vet you interned for in Ft. Worth gave you a glowing recommendation. That’s good enough for us.” They stopped at the stall of a young bay stallion. “This here is Smooth Whiskey Doc. He’s my number-one concern. I hope to have him compete in the NCHA Futurity.”

      Lindsey was mesmerized by the beautiful golden bay horse. When she went to him, he showed no shyness and came to the gate to greet her. She set her case down and he immediately nudged her hand. When she rubbed his muzzle, he blew out a breath.

      “I think I’m in love,” Lindsey said with a big grin. But her thoughts suddenly turned to the brooding Brady Randell.

      “Be careful,” Tess warned. “He’s fickle.”

      “I don’t doubt that for a second,” she said, remarking about both stallions.

      Whiskey bobbed his head as if to agree and they both laughed. All the time, Lindsey was looking the animal over. He was about sixteen hands high, his eyes were clear, and his coat shiny. Well cared for.

      “What seems to be your problem, big boy?”

      Tess swung open the gate and walked in beside the horse. Her hand smoothed over his withers across his back and down his rump. “It’s probably minor, but I didn’t want to take a chance with this guy.” She talked soothingly as she leaned down to reveal the gash just below the hock on his hind leg.

      “I was working him in a cutting exercise and he got clipped by a steer.”

      Lindsey ran her hand along the horse’s rump as she crooned to him. She didn’t want to get kicked because the animal was nervous. Tess did her part, too, to keep Whiskey still.

      Lindsey examined the open wound closely, then asked, “When did it happen?”

      “About a week ago. I’ve been treating it with the normal antiseptic cream and clean bandages.”

      “You were right to call me. In a few more days, this could have really gotten infected. I believe a strong dose of antibiotics will clear it up, but I want you to stop training for a few days.”

      Lindsey went to her bag. “I’ve looked over Dr. Hillman’s file on Whiskey. He was examined just a month ago, but I’ll give him a quick check just so I can get familiar with him.”

      Tess looked relieved. “That’s fine with me.”

      After the exam, Lindsey gave Whiskey a glowing report. They came out of the stall in time to see a man walking down the aisle. He was tall with a muscular build, coal-black hair and a cleft chin. Obviously another Randell.

      “Luke,” Tess called, love shining in her eyes. “You’re finished with the meeting already.”

      “Not exactly.” He leaned down and kissed his wife, then looked at Lindsey. “Hello, you must be Dr. Stafford. I’m Luke Randell.”

      She nodded. So, another cousin to Jack’s boys. “Lindsey, please. Nice to meet you.” Oh, my, another charming Randell man. Suddenly Captain Brady Randell came into her head. Correction. Not all were charming. Some were just too damn good-looking.

      Brady stood leaning against the porch post as he watched for the redheaded vet to come out of the barn. Hell, why not? How often did a pretty woman—who wasn’t a Randell—come around? It was the most excitement he’d had in days. Besides, he had nothing better to do.

      That wasn’t exactly true.

      He glanced toward the large house on the hill. There were several cars parked in the driveway, probably for another business meeting with Randell Corp. He’d been invited to attend, but he’d declined. He wasn’t into numbers and budgets. That was his brother’s show.

      All Brady had to do was sit back and let everyone else handle things. Hadn’t that been what he’d done since he arrived here? Just sit around and heal. Isn’t that what he wanted? Silence and solitude so he could think?

      He raked his fingers through his grownout regulation military cut, then across the two-day beard along his jaw. He’d let himself go to hell. Suddenly he cared, because a woman showed up here.

      The sound of laughter brought him back to reality. He looked toward the barn to see Luke and Tess, escorting the pretty vet down the path toward the house.

      Great. Why hadn’t he gone inside sooner. The last thing he wanted was for them to find him here. But before he could make his escape, his brother spotted him.

      “Hey, Brady.” He waved and they started to the porch.

      He froze. “Hey, Luke.”

      They arrived all smiles and Brady suddenly felt left out. “Have you met Lindsey Stafford?”

      He nodded, trying to balance his weight using the post. “We’ve met already.”

      The redhead looked up at Luke and smiled. “Brady mistook me for a salesperson.”

      “Really.” Luke stood there looking smug.

      Brady refused to let his brother outmaneuver him. He could sweet-talk as well as the next guy. “Well, Doc, no one said our new vet would look like you. I guess you could say I was blindsided.”

      Lindsey could see through Brady’s sudden charming attitude. Well, she wasn’t going to let him have the upper hand. “Believe me, it won’t happen again,” she told him, unable to understand why he seemed to dislike her so. “I should get back, Mr. Randell,” she said, then turned away to go with Tess and Luke.

      Before she could make her departure, she heard a curse and a thud. She swung around to find Brady Randell lying on the porch floor.

      “Brady!” Luke called. He was the first to reach him. Lindsey followed behind him.

      She knelt down beside Brady, who was lying flat on his back. He tried to raise his head, his face strained in pain. “No, stay where you are,” she ordered.

      He grimaced again. “Who made you the boss?”

      “Are you going to fight me for the title?” She was eyeing the leg in a cast. “Did you twist your leg?”

      “No, I fell on my arm, trying to catch myself,” he said, still fighting her to sit up.

      Once again, she pushed him back down. “Lie still,” she ordered, then reached for his arm.

      “What the hell are you doing?” He tried to pull away.

      “I just can’t resist you, Mr.

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