Dawn Study. Maria V. Snyder

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Dawn Study - Maria V. Snyder HQ Fiction eBook

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      “No, it isn’t,” Pasha said. “The Commander is not in command anymore.”

      “Is it that obvious?”

      “As soon as he ordered your execution, we knew. No way you’d do anything against Ixia or the Commander.” She flicked a long blond strand of hair from her face.

      He wanted to hug them both.

      “And there have been a few...inconsistencies with the Commander’s orders,” Adrik said. “He’s never changed his mind before, or given us conflicting orders. It’s almost like there are two people in power.”

      His agents confirmed Valek’s suspicions.

      “What are your orders, sir?” Pasha asked. “Did you come back to evict the Sitians?”

      If only it was that easy. “Not yet. For now, continue to lie low.”

      Their postures wilted at the order.

      “We will evict them at the right time,” Valek said. “I need you to spread the word to the rest of my corps that Onora is to be trusted.”

      Twin surprised expressions.

      “Any estimate on a timeline for the eviction, sir?” Adrik asked.

      “I suspect things will get hot around the fire festival.”

      “And if they don’t?”

      “That means we failed, and they won.”

      “You didn’t train us to fail, sir,” Pasha said. “And if we can’t fail, neither can you.”

      Valek laughed. “You’re right. Now tell me about the castle complex. What’s the word on security?”

      “Touch the wall, and you’ll have half a dozen guards dropping down on your head,” Adrik said.

      Owen must have rigged it with a magical alarm. “How about the gates?”

      “Only the south gate remains open, and it’s tight. All personnel going through it are checked against a list.”

      Valek considered. “All right. I have a job for you.” He explained.

      As they headed out with eager grins, Valek rummaged in the supply closet. All his safe houses had the same materials. Soon after the takeover, the Commander had given Valek the freedom to secure these houses and purchase equipment. The addresses hadn’t been written down, nor did the Commander know them—the recent orders were probably being sent by Maren. The locations were given to Valek’s agents to memorize once they were trusted members of his corps. Each house had its own safe filled with enough money to cover expenses for a year.

      It didn’t take the agents long to return. They supported a wobbly man between them. He wore a kitchen uniform and muttered nonsense—the effects of goo-goo juice. Best of all, he was about six feet tall with short dark hair.

      “His name is Mannix, and he just delivered the castle’s meat order to the butcher,” Adrik said.

      “Good work.” Valek dressed in the all-white kitchen uniform with the red diamond shapes on the shirt.

      Moving quickly, Valek mixed up putty, matching it to Mannix’s skin tone. He then used it to alter his appearance, softening his sharp nose and chin. Tucking his longer hair under his collar, Valek buttoned the shirt up to the top to keep it in place.

      “Well?” he asked Adrik and Pasha.

      “It should work,” Adrik said.


      “It’s dark. You’ll be fine,” Pasha said.

      He hoped so. If he was caught...

      No. Not going to think about it. “Release Mannix in the morning. And stay alert for any news about the castle and the Commander’s plans.”

      “Yes, sir,” they said in unison.

      “Thanks for the help.” Valek left by the back entrance and headed to the castle’s south gate.

      He strode with confidence and didn’t hesitate when approaching the gate. There were six armed guards. Valek recognized them. It was the two others—one man and a woman—standing just inside the gate who he didn’t know. The man held a clipboard and the woman stared at him.

      “Mannix, cook’s aide,” she said in a bored voice to the man. Magic brushed his mental shields. Owen had brought in more magicians. Not good. Valek lowered his shield enough for his surface thoughts to be read. At least, that was what he hoped he did. He concentrated on what he needed to do to prep for the morning breakfast rush.

      “Mannix, got it,” clipboard man said. “Go on.”

      The gate opened, and Valek headed straight to the castle. His thoughts remained on finishing his work before going to bed. As soon as he entered the castle, he ducked down a little-used corridor. The perks of being in very familiar territory. Valek pulled off the putty and the kitchen uniform, revealing his black skintight sneak suit underneath. While he was tempted to visit his office, he was smart enough to avoid it. Instead, he found a hiding place to wait until the perfect time.

      * * *

      Near midnight, Valek ghosted through the empty hallways. He had written all the security protocols for the castle. As long as they hadn’t been changed, he would be able to reach his goal without being spotted. It all depended on Owen’s confidence that Valek would never return. Since Owen had easily captured Valek in a null shield and almost killed him the last time they met, the magician had to be feeling pretty confident that Valek would stay far away. And Owen must also believe in Onora’s ability to assassinate Valek, or he wouldn’t have sent her. Add those together, and Valek was literally betting his life that the protocols had not been changed.

      He found a window, drew in a deep breath and then climbed out. He clung to the west wall and braced for shouts of discovery or a crossbow bolt shot through his back. When nothing happened, he scaled the wall.

      Avoiding all the booby traps on the roof, Valek reached his target. He opened the window and slipped inside. A bright fire burned in the hearth, and the Commander sat in front of it, sipping his brandy. The other seat was empty. A relief. Valek had expected to see Owen lounging in Valek’s chair, and he had a dart filled with Curare just in case.

      “Have you come to assassinate me, Valek?” the Commander asked without even glancing in his direction.

      Valek approached the Commander but kept his distance. No doubt the man was armed, and his skills with a knife exceeded Valek’s. “No.”

      He turned his head, and his golden gaze met Valek’s. “Why not? I signed your order of execution. I sent Onora after you. Well done, by the way. I didn’t think you’d beat her. Pity, though. She had such potential.” He paused as if truly grieving. “You know your only chance to leave this room alive is to kill me. If you can.”

      A big if. “I came to talk.”

      “Nothing you say

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