A Date With A Billionaire. Julianna Morris

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A Date With A Billionaire - Julianna Morris Mills & Boon M&B

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      “Same thing in a case like this.” After a moment Shannon leaned forward, her face growing more serious. “Kane, be careful. You’re right about it being a public relations problem for the radio station. If she’s getting married, I can use it to our advantage. If not, you better talk her into going. Be charming. What single woman would turn down a date with a charming billionaire bachelor?”

      Kane folded the newspaper into his briefcase. The picture of Bethany Cox gazed up at him and he grinned ruefully. “I don’t know, but I think I’m going to find out.”

      Beth dug her hand trowel into the soil of her flower bed, her free hand tugging at a particularly stubborn weed. Not a weed, she thought silently. A lovely wild buttercup, which just happened to be in a place she didn’t want it.

      A car pulled up to the curb, but she wasn’t expecting anyone, so she kept pulling at the pervasive plant.

      “Miss Cox?”

      The roots gave way abruptly, peppering Beth with dirt. Brushing it away from her T-shirt and shorts, she turned her head and saw a pair of legs wearing an expensive pair of suit trousers. She looked higher and her eyes widened.

      Kane O’Rourke.

      She’d seen him from a distance, of course. On podiums, giving speeches, accepting awards, that kind of thing. But never this close.


      Kane extended his hand. “How do you do? I’m Kane O’Rourke, and we’re supposed to go on a date together.”



      Beth blinked. Hadn’t he seen the headlines? She hadn’t meant it to be such a big deal, but a reporter from the local newspaper had blown everything out of proportion. Honestly, what was so earth-shattering about turning down a date?

      “Miss Cox?” He was still holding out his arm and Beth groaned silently. Her fingers were grimy from working in the garden, she couldn’t possibly shake hands like a normal human being.

      “Sorry, you don’t want to touch me, I’m a mess.” She wiggled her fingers in the air and started to get up.

      “That’s all right.” Without warning he caught her hand in a firm grip. “Let me help.”

      He was strong. She had barely enough time to gather her legs under her before being swept upward, and Beth caught her breath as she found herself eye level with Kane O’Rourke’s chin. At nearly five foot eight inches she was accustomed to being close in height to most men, but O’Rourke obviously wasn’t most men.

      She tipped her head backward again.

      There was no doubt about his magnetism—intense blue eyes, black hair, an unmistakable air of command, and an underlying sensual quality to his mouth. Beth swallowed, more aware of Kane O’Rourke than she’d been of any man since Curt had died.

      “Is there something I can do for you, Mr. O’Rourke?” she asked, trying to pull her hand free.

      “It’s warm here in the sunshine. Some water would be nice. And a chance to talk.”

      Talk. Beth could guess what he wanted to “talk” about. Okay, maybe she should have told him personally that she didn’t want to go on the date, but you couldn’t just call up a well-known billionaire and chat with him. Lord knew, she’d tried.

      “Okay,” she said cautiously.

      “Shall we go inside?”


      He finally released her hand and Beth turned quickly. Her skin tingled and her breath was a trifle short, which annoyed her. She wasn’t a child to go weak-kneed at the sight of an attractive man. She was a grown woman of twenty-six and had a reasonable amount of experience with the opposite sex—at least enough experience to teach her better sense than she was currently showing.

      O’Rourke followed her up the steps and into the house. It was cool inside, the windows open to allow a cross breeze from Puget Sound.

      “This is nice,” he murmured from behind her.

      Beth shrugged. She knew the house was small and old and must seem insignificant to a wealthy man like Kane O’Rourke, but it was more than she’d ever dared dream about having when she was a kid growing up in foster homes. It was hers, not someone else’s, and that made all the difference in the world. “It suits me.”

      “I mean what I say, Miss Cox.”

      The quiet statement startled Beth and she turned. He watched her steadily and she realized he must have sensed her disbelief.

      “Of…course,” she said. For the first time in years, warmth burned in her cheeks, though she couldn’t have explained why; she didn’t have anything to be embarrassed about. So she didn’t want to go on a date with him. Big deal. She motioned to the breakfast nook. “Please sit down. Would you like a glass of sun tea? I made some fresh this morning.”

      “That sounds good.”

      Her heart was still beating unevenly and she drew a breath to regain her composure. Nothing had prepared her for Kane O’Rourke or how perceptive he seemed to be. She should have realized he’d be like that; a man didn’t make a mountain of money by being dull-witted.

      Trying to appear outwardly calm, Beth scrubbed her hands before getting the pitcher and a tray of ice from the freezer. She carried two glasses to the table. With efficient motions she filled the glasses with ice and poured the tea.

      “Sugar?” she asked, and congratulated herself on that single, cool word.

      “No, thank you.” He was still watching her and amusement flared in his blue eyes. “You don’t trust me, do you?” he asked casually.

      Beth nearly dropped the pitcher. “What?”

      “You distrust me. Do you distrust everyone, or am I special?”

      “I trust plenty of people,” she snapped, shooting him a look of active dislike. “And I don’t have any reason to distrust you. I’m sure you’re a very nice person.”

      “But you don’t want to go on a date with me.”

      Whoa. He certainly believed in being direct.

      “Look, I’m not dating anyone right now, so it isn’t you. I just…”

      She lifted her hands, then dropped them helplessly. It was too personal to explain that she’d only dated a few times since Curt’s death—each one a complete disaster. She’d had the great love of her life; things like that didn’t happen twice, and she wouldn’t take second best.

      Sighing silently, Beth handed Kane a glass. “I hope you like mint in your tea, Mr. O’Rourke. I grow it in the backyard.”

      “Sounds great.”

      Kane kept his gaze fixed on Bethany Cox. She had one of the most expressive faces he’d ever seen. Not really beautiful,

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