Waiting For Summer. Sherelle Green

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Waiting For Summer - Sherelle Green Bare Sophistication

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your name again?” he asked. She looked confused.

      “Summer.” Her voice was really low, as if she assumed he was asking for the same reason the others had. Aiden smiled as big as he could and made sure the other students were listening.

      “You have the best name ever! Summer days are the best.”

      All the other kids began to nod their heads in agreement before returning to coloring their pictures. To his surprise, Summer laughed and leaned over to give him a quick hug. “Thank you, Aiden,” she whispered to him.

      “You’re welcome.” Her big round eyes didn’t seem sad anymore and that made him happy. She even scooted her chair closer to him.

      “Want to help me color my picture?” Summer asked. Aiden glanced around the table noticing that no other kids were coloring together. When he looked back at Summer, he didn’t know why, but he wanted to do anything she wanted to do.

      “Yeah, I can help you.” They colored for the rest of the time in silence. Usually around this time all Aiden thought about was recess and lunch. Not today. Today was different. Today he was more excited to learn about the girl sitting next to him than he was about anything else.

       Chapter 2

      “Are we going to take a break and eat soon?” Nicole asked.

      “Sure, how about we head down the street to that Cuban restaurant in an hour?” Summer suggested.

      “That works,” Nicole responded. “There’s only so much coffee and tea I can drink. I need food. Or chocolate. Or wine. Hmm, maybe all three.”

      The women shared a laugh.

      “Speaking of chocolate, I almost forgot to tell you guys what I heard,” Aaliyah said. “I know we all frequently check out popular magazines for what’s hot and new in fashion, so you won’t believe who’s in Miami right now.”

      “Who?” Danni asked.

      “Well, he’s tall and milk chocolate with the type of body that all sex dreams are made of.”

      Danni huffed. “That could be anybody depending on your type.”

      “He’s also well traveled, under thirty-five and rumor has it that it’s not just his looks that are deadly. He has the personality to match.”

      “Idris Elba,” Nicole guessed.

      “She said under thirty-five,” Summer said with a laugh.

      “Well, he’s sexy and chocolate, so Idris is always my first choice. Is it Michael B. Jordan?” Nicole guessed again.

      Aaliyah shook her head, indicating that wasn’t right, either. “It’s someone who works in the fashion industry, but is occasionally in magazines just as much as his work.”

      Summer froze just as she was picking up another box. Call it intuition, but she didn’t think she liked where this conversation was headed. She didn’t say photographer, so maybe it’s not him.

      “And he just so happens to be one of the top fashion photographers of today.”

      The box slipped slightly in her hand when Aaliyah finished her statement. Sure enough, Sherlock Danni was observing her every move.

      “Can you nix the details and just tell us who it is?” Nicole asked.

      “Aiden Chase,” Aaliyah said, clasping her hands together in excitement. “Another photographer I know spotted him walking down the street yesterday.”

      Summer put on her best poker face as Danni continued to watch her.

      “Are you okay, Summer? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”

      “Yep, I’m fine.”

      “Really?” Danni walked over to Summer and lifted the box that kept slipping out of her hands, placing it on the floor. Summer was grateful, until Danni spoke again.

      “Aaliyah, I’ve heard of him before, but what else do you know about him? Since you’re a photographer, I know you’re more familiar with him than I am.”

      “I don’t know much. Just that he’s thirty years old. His work in South Africa is getting a lot of recognition right now. He lives in Los Angeles, but oftentimes, is on the New York fashion scene and he grew up in New Jersey.”

      “Oh, New Jersey. You don’t say?” Danni was speaking to the group, but looking solely at Summer in curiosity. Summer gave Danni her best can-you-please-drop-it? look and, to her surprise, Danni nodded her head in agreement. She then walked over to the sound system they had recently installed and turned the music up a little louder. It didn’t matter that Danni had dropped the issue, because now Summer’s mind was racing with thoughts about Aiden.

      Why didn’t he tell me he was coming to Miami? And why didn’t he contact me as soon as he got here? Even though they hadn’t seen each other in eight years—with the exception of that brief eye lock a couple of years ago—they still remained in contact with each other. He was once her best friend in the whole world. They may have had some disagreements that she’d rather not rehash, but after they’d reconnected via email and social media, it had felt like they were in a good place.

      She touched the necklace secured underneath her shirt. They may be in a good place, but they definitely weren’t in the best place. Several times, Aiden had asked to Skype or FaceTime with Summer and she’d refused. She hadn’t really known why at the time, but after giving it some thought, she’d realized she hadn’t been prepared to see him. Even if it wasn’t in person.

      Growing up in New Jersey hadn’t been easy for either one of them. Life after New Jersey hadn’t been so peachy, either. Their friendship had always been more of an emotional connection rather than one based on similarities. Although they had a lot in common, they were opposite in a lot of ways, too. In Autumn’s words, they complemented each other.

      “Are you guys ready to go to dinner now? I think I’m done working for today.”

      Danni was the first to respond to Summer. “That’s fine with me.” Aaliyah and Nicole nodded their heads in agreement.

      “I’m sorry I was all in your business,” Danni whispered to Summer as they prepared to close the shop for the night. “I didn’t mean to make you upset.”

      Summer smiled. “It wasn’t you. I got caught up in my own thoughts.”

      “I understand how that feels. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here.”

      “I know, but thanks for telling me anyway.” She’d been thinking about Aiden way more than she should. Regardless of what they’d gone through as friends, her thoughts weren’t always so PG-13. Every now and then, he’d say something on the phone or write something in a text message that reminded her that he was—after all—a hot-blooded male. And she was a female who could appreciate all the characteristics that made him irresistible to other women. Not her, but other women for sure.

      Just as Summer was locking

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