A Touch Of Love. Sheryl Lister

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A Touch Of Love - Sheryl Lister The Grays of Los Angeles

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gym, but none in here. Are there any in the other offices?”

      “No. It never occurred to me to put them in the offices because I don’t keep much in here and I have a lock on my file cabinet and drawers.”

      “I’d like to install some, if you don’t mind. And when no one’s here.”

      “I don’t mind at all. The gym doesn’t close until midnight. I’m not open on Sunday, but I don’t want to wait that long.” Unless Alonzo came before five in the morning, when the gym opened, Khalil would have no choice but to wait.

      Alonzo rose to his feet. “Neither do I. The quicker we get on this, the quicker your people’s money will be safe. Let me check my schedule and work something out.”

      “I appreciate your help.”

      He opened the door. “I’ll give you a call later today or tomorrow.”

      Khalil stood there for several seconds after Alonzo left. What the hell is going on? The intercom on his desk buzzed. He leaned over and pushed the button. “Yes.”

      “Khalil, Anita Crowder is here,” the front receptionist said.

      “Thanks. I’ll be right down.” Turning his mind to his client, he locked the office and went downstairs for the personal training session.

      An hour and a half later, Khalil rushed back to his office to gather the drawings and reports for his meeting. His session had gone over by thirty minutes because he had to assure Anita that she would not look like the Incredible Hulk if she did some weight lifting. The woman had complained the entire session. Not until he showed her photos of other female clients he’d worked with, did she relax.

      He still had an hour to get to his meeting and the drive from Fox Hills to the Wilshire District would take less than half an hour without traffic. However, with the sheer number of cars on the LA roads, that time could double. And he wanted to have plenty of time to stop in the café. He smiled. Yep, he was looking forward to seeing Lexia again.

      As he’d predicted, the traffic was heavy and he made it with three minutes to spare. Khalil really hoped they’d complete whatever roadwork was being done near the building soon. It took ten minutes just to get into the parking garage. He was a stickler for time, so Lexia would have to wait.

      * * *

      Tuesday morning, Lexia yawned as she gently folded in chopped apples to her coffee cake batter and poured half into the prepared pan. She added crumb topping, the rest of the batter, a final layer of topping then put it, along with a second pan, into the oven. She told herself she hadn’t made the additional pan just in case Khalil showed up, but it was a lie. She’d also promised herself she wasn’t going to succumb to the urge to look him up on the internet and she had held up well over the past week. But curiosity got the best of her and, after washing her hands at the large double sink and drying them on a paper towel, she pulled out her cell and typed in his name.

      Lexia expected a couple hundred hits but was stunned to see close to half a million. She clicked on the photo gallery and saw him in everything from shorts, T-shirt and running shoes to a tuxedo. However, the picture that had her attention was one taken a few years ago of him braced in a doorway, wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. Her gaze roamed over every perfect inch of his body, from the closely cut hair and goatee, to the slender well-defined muscles of his chest, arms, abs and thighs. He’d let the low beard grow in fully and she didn’t know which look she liked better. “How on earth does he keep his body looking like this?” she murmured.

      “I knew you’d be checking him out sooner or later.”

      She jumped and spun around. “Sam, you scared the crap out of me!” She drew in a calming breath. “Girl, you can’t just sneak up on me like that. I could’ve hurt you.”

      Sam lifted a brow. “You didn’t have anything in your hands except that phone and, with that fine brother on the screen I knew you weren’t going to risk throwing it.” She leaned closer to see the photo. “Mmm-hmm, I saw that one, too. He was a model.”

      Lexia stared at the photo. She could certainly believe that and it explained the upright posture and smooth, sexy walk. She glanced up to see Sam smiling, exited out of the page and shoved the phone back into her pocket.

      “Oh don’t put it away on my account. I could look at him all day. And that voice.” Sam sighed dramatically.

      So could she, but that’s how she got caught up the last time. She didn’t need another silver-tongued devil in her life. “Wait. Shouldn’t you be saving all your staring for your boyfriend?”

      “I’m not planning to touch. Just look and admire,” she said with a grin.

      “Well, you’ll have to look at him on your break. We have work to do.”

      “Whatever you say, boss. I do think you ought to talk to him, though. It’s time for you to jump on the horse again.”

      Lexia ignored the smirk on her friend’s face. Sam had witnessed firsthand what Lexia went through with her divorce and knew Lexia had sworn off men indefinitely.

      By the time they placed the muffins and other pastries that the chef, James Willis, had made into the display case and brewed coffee, the coffee cake was done. After letting it cool for fifteen minutes, Lexia sliced it and added it to the case just as the six-thirty opening time rolled around. They had a steady stream of customers for the first couple of hours. Many people sat to eat while reading the paper or working on tablets. As soon as the rush hour died down, she retreated to her office.

      An hour later, Sam stuck her head in the door. “Guess who’s here, Lexi?”

      By the smile on her friend’s face, Lexia figured it had to be Khalil. “And? Just give him the plate you insisted we set aside just in case.”

      “I would, but he specifically asked to see you.”

      She lowered her head to the desk and groaned.

      Sam laughed. “Hey, at least he looks good and has it going on. It could be worse.”

      She glared. “You’re not helping, Samantha.”

      “Uh-oh, she called me by my whole name. Must be serious. And I am helping. No need to let your best years pass you by because of one idiot.” She folded her arms and leaned against the door frame. “I still wish you had let me kick Desmond’s butt.”

      Lexia smiled. Sam had been with her when she caught Desmond Martin and one of the waitresses who worked at the diner they owned having sex in the office. He hadn’t shown one ounce of remorse and made it his mission to hurt Lexia by taking away the diner when she wouldn’t “forget about it,” as he’d said. Samantha, with her five-ten height, had been ready to dismember him. If Lexia thought they could get away with it, she might have. Now there was Khalil Gray. She pushed to her feet.

      Sam straightened and pointed a finger Lexia’s way. “And be nice.”

      Lexia rolled her eyes. “I’m always nice.”

      She burst out laughing. “Tell that to the last four guys that you sliced and diced so sweetly they’re still trying to figure out what happened.”

      “I don’t know what you’re

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