Bachelor Protector. Julianna Morris

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Bachelor Protector - Julianna Morris Mills & Boon Superromance

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work out of it, but I’d recommend Dr. Romano for your brother. He was a reservist who served in the air force during the first Gulf War. Just call and ask when he’s there.”

      Tyler nodded. “Okay. Do you mind if I wander around and take measurements, just in case you decide to accept my opinion on your renovations?” He pulled a tape measure from his pocket along with a small notebook.

      “You brought a tape measure?”

      “It’s a habit. If you don’t let me do some innocent checking, my mother’s feelings may be hurt. She really hopes I can come up with a solution for you.”

      Invoking Rosemary’s feelings was dirty pool. “Fine. Do some measuring. Just stay out of everyone’s way. Would you like a cup of coffee before I empty the coffee makers?”

      “Sure. Decaf if you have it, regular otherwise.”

      Sarah poured him a large to-go cup of decaf and cleaned the coffee makers, then put the now day-old baked items into plastic bags.

      “Don’t you have someone who can do that?” Tyler asked.

      “Somebody comes later to clean, but we take care of the coffee machines immediately and bag the day-old items.”

      “What about those?” He gestured to the loaves of bread she’d kept separate.

      “They’ll be made into croutons. Croutons are popular in the shop, and we also use them for our restaurant and catering needs.”

      Leaving Tyler to roam the building by himself, Sarah took the contents of the till back to the office and got it ready for the bank’s night drop box. The shift supervisor cosigned the slip, and Sarah sealed the deposit in a large envelope.

      “Hey, guys, I’ll be right back,” she told the kitchen crew. They waved, used to her going to the bank each evening.

      The swing shift was the smallest, except when they were catering a dinner. Luckily in Glimmer Creek, there were plenty of people willing to work on an as-needed basis.

      Tyler was sitting at a table by the front window, pouring over figures in his notebook, presumably the measurements. She just couldn’t see what he hoped to do with them without knowing the proposed regulations.

      “Um, are you done yet?” Sarah asked, wanting to push him out the door.

      “I have a bit more to do. Your candy chef said she takes a break at eight, so I’m waiting till then to finish my measurements in the smaller kitchen.”

      * * *

      TYLER FOUGHT BACK a smile at the harried look on Sarah’s face. She hadn’t agreed to accept his advice, but the more she resisted, the more he wanted her to take it. The situation was unusual for him, to say the least. He was no longer accustomed to pursuing clients and certainly not to being turned down for a free consultation.

      “Fine. I’m going to the bank with the night deposit.”

      Sarah unlocked the door and went outside. Tyler found himself watching as she walked up the street, her hips swaying gently. The late sun glinted like platinum fire on her hair, and he shifted uneasily, more physically aware of her than he wanted to be.

      As she turned to cross, a motorcycle came roaring up the street and veered toward her. Tyler jumped to his feet as the rider reached for the thick envelope she carried. The biker missed, but pushed Sarah hard enough that she went down.

      Tyler ran outside as he dialed 911 on his cell. The emergency operator answered on the first ring.

      “A motorcyclist just tried to rob Sarah Fullerton, half a block southeast from her business,” he said concisely. “Across from the bank. They hit her and drove off.”

      “Yes, sir. Please stay on the phone while I dispatch officers to the scene.”

      Sarah was sitting up when he got there, dazed, but still clutching the envelope.

      “I’ve called the police,” Tyler explained, trying to determine if she was badly hurt. “Do you need an ambulance?”

      “No, and I don’t need the police, either. It was just a motorcyclist who doesn’t know how to steer.”

      “Somebody tried to rob you, Sarah,” he announced bluntly, anger burning through him. “I was watching, and there’s no question the biker was reaching for the envelope. He also struck you and left. That’s hit-and-run.”

      A hum of agreement came from the onlookers who’d gathered.

      Sarah tried to get up, and he insisted she stay put. “You need to be checked first.” Tyler heard a voice from his phone and put it to his ear. “Sorry, what was that?”

      “I’ve dispatched paramedics, sir,” the dispatcher said. “May I have your name, phone number and address?”

      Tyler was providing them as a police car and paramedic unit came screaming to a halt nearby.

      Two uniformed officers and a paramedic team came over, and it was clear from the way they greeted Sarah that she was either family or a good friend. One officer started directing traffic while the second took a report, speaking to the different witnesses.

      A third vehicle arrived, and a tall, solemn-looking man got out, striding over to Sarah. She was now sitting at the end of the paramedic vehicle while they treated an abrasion on her elbow. Though he wore plain clothes, he had a badge attached to his belt.

      “Hey, coz, what happened?” he asked.

      “A motorcyclist brushed against me and I got knocked over. I wouldn’t have even fallen if I hadn’t been off balance. Everyone is making too big of a deal about this, Zach.” Yet her voice had risen, suggesting she was more agitated than she wanted to let on.

      “Somebody tried to snatch the bank deposit she was carrying,” Tyler interjected. “I saw it clearly.”

      Sarah remained pale as he described the rider, which wouldn’t help with identification. Despite the warm day, the biker had been wearing a bulky jacket, gloves and helmet. Tyler couldn’t even confirm the person’s sex. On top of that, nobody had spotted any distinguishing insignia on the rider’s clothes or motorcycle.

      “We have a bulletin out to watch for bikes of that description, but it’s probably long gone now,” Zach said.

      The paramedics advised Sarah to see a doctor but didn’t think she needed to be transported to the local medical clinic.

      “Hey, Millie,” she called, waving to a woman hovering at the edge of the crowd. Tyler recognized her as one of the cooks he’d seen working in the kitchen. “I’m all right and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

      Though Millie nodded and walked back toward Sarah’s Sweet Treats, it was clear that she’d rather stay. Frankly, Tyler thought they had too many onlookers. The officers seemed to agree because they were urging the crowd to disperse.

      Sarah was keeping a death grip on the envelope and looked at Tyler blankly when he offered to put it in the bank’s night drop box, just a few feet from the paramedic’s vehicle.


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