Still Loving You. Sheryl Lister

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Still Loving You - Sheryl Lister The Grays of Los Angeles

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must have been kept hush-hush, because she didn’t recall reading anything about a scandal or seeing it mentioned on the sports news. “Well, you won’t have to worry about any of that with me.”

      He smiled. “I believe we’re going to work well together. Let’s talk menus.”

      For the next forty-five minutes, Lauren shared her plans, including color-coding stations based on the category of food, having a fresh vegetable and fruit station at every meal, and going back to providing the healthy snack options. “During training camp and practices, did Stan ever have your team make recovery shakes for the players after they worked out?”

      “I mentioned it to him a couple of times after talking with a friend of mine who works with another team, but...” Nigel shrugged.

      “Okay. I’m thinking a smoothie station might be something to add.” Lauren added it to her list. They talked awhile longer, and by the time he left, she felt more confident. Not that she couldn’t do the job, but working with elite athletes whose very livelihoods depended on them being in peak performance condition could be intimidating initially. And with her being a woman, she also had to endure the flirting, but she knew that would die down soon enough.

      Her first two clients were team veterans and had a good handle on their dietary needs. They would only require check-ins unless something changed. Her third client, a rookie offensive lineman, was a different story. As she’d seen with most college students, athletes included, their diets consisted mainly of high-fat and processed foods—pizza, burgers, sodas and an array of sugary desserts. Trying to teach him to eat differently would be a challenge, and she had already made an appointment to go grocery shopping with him. She made a mental note to talk to Mr. Green’s assistant about holding a diet and nutrition session for the rookies.

      She was still chuckling at the player’s disgruntled expression as he shuffled out of her office. Her cell rang, and she smiled upon seeing Valencia’s name on the display. “Hey, girl.”

      “Hey, yourself. How’s LA?”

      “So far, so good. For the first time, I didn’t get lost coming to my office this morning. It’s only taken me four days. That’s progress.”

      Valencia laughed.

      “It’s not funny,” Lauren said, fighting her own laughter. “This place is huge and could double as a maze.”

      “I can’t wait to see it when I come down.” There was a pause on the line. “Have you talked to Malcolm yet?”

      She’d known that would be the first thing her friend asked after hello. “No, but I saw him on Monday when I was introduced to the team. There wasn’t an opportunity for chatting—not like he’d say anything to me anyway.” A vision of the hostile glare he’d sent her way surfaced in her mind, and she involuntarily shuddered.

      “You never know. Like you said, it’s been a long time and you’ve both moved on. Is he still fine as all get-out?”

      She laughed. “He is. The only difference is that he cut his locs.”

      “Really? I used to think they made him look so sexy.”

      So did she, and she remembered holding on to them as he thrust... Lauren jerked upright in her chair and shook the vision off. “Hey, girl, can I call you when I get home? I need to get ready for my next appointment.”

      “I should be home around seven, so any time after that is fine. Later, girlfriend.”

      Lauren disconnected and rubbed her temples. “What have I gotten myself into?” she muttered.

      “Ms. Emerson?”

      Her head snapped up, and she rose swiftly from her chair. “Come in, Darren. And call me Lauren.” They took seats at the conference table and she turned the page on her notepad. “You mentioned needing to talk to me about something.” She had read that the young man was in his third year as a defensive lineman.

      Darren expelled a long breath. “Yeah. I lost my starting position because I’m twenty pounds overweight. Coach said if I didn’t lose the weight by the time the season starts, I’d be benched.” He looked at Lauren with sad eyes. “Can you help me?”

      “Absolutely. But you’ll have to commit to following the program.”

      “I’ll do anything you ask,” he said emotionally. “I worked hard to get that position, and I don’t want to lose it.” He threw up his hands. “And my girlfriend told me yesterday that she wasn’t going to accept my marriage proposal unless I did something. Said she wasn’t going to marry somebody just to become a widow when I die early.”

      Lauren didn’t know how to respond to such a blunt statement. “Obviously, she cares a lot about you and your health,” she said carefully. “And I’ll be happy to help you. Training camp starts in a little over three weeks.” She wrote down some notes.


      “Then we have work to do.” For the next hour, they went over his current eating habits and the changes he needed to make. He grumbled and whined like a big kid at times, but in the end accepted her plan. “I want you to check in with me at least once a week.”

      Darren nodded. “Thanks, Lauren.” He rose to his feet. “I’ll see you next week.”

      “Call me if you have any questions.”

      “Okay.” He left and closed the door softly behind him.

      Lauren smiled as she shut down her computer and packed up to leave. All in all, it had been a good day. She slung her purse on her shoulder and made sure she had everything. Satisfied, she opened the door and hit a warm mass. She gasped sharply.

      Mr. Green’s blue eyes widened and he grinned sheepishly, his face turning a deep shade of red. “Sorry.” He lifted a hand to steady her.

      “No problem,” she said, willing her heart rate back to normal.

      “I just wanted to give you your invitation to the awards banquet I mentioned at the team meeting on Monday. It’ll give you a chance to meet more of the management team and the owner.”

      His request sent her heart rate right back through the roof. She hadn’t planned to attend the event. He stared at her expectantly, and she took the invitation from his outstretched hand. “Thanks, I’ll be there.”

      “Wonderful. Have a good evening.”

      “You do the same.” It was bad enough having to see Malcolm. She wasn’t looking forward to being in the same room with the rest of siblings, especially Morgan. After her breakup with Malcolm, the woman had wanted to rip Lauren’s head off, and Lauren didn’t think time would have changed Morgan’s stance. So much for having a good evening.

      * * *

      Malcolm had avoided Lauren for over a week. He’d ignored the first two messages and then responded to her latest email yesterday informing her that he wouldn’t need her services. Now, as he sat waiting for his brother, he read a message from the running back coach indicating an appointment had been set up for Malcolm with Lauren this afternoon. This wasn’t how he wanted to start his week.


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