Savannah's Secrets. Reese Ryan

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Savannah's Secrets - Reese Ryan The Bourbon Brothers

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of folks who would cheat a man out of what was rightfully owed to him. Who didn’t have the decency or compassion to feel an ounce of regret for leaving such a man and his family twisting in the wind, floundering in poverty.

      So despite Blake’s warm smile and surprisingly pleasing demeanor, she wouldn’t forget the truth. The Abbotts were heartless and cruel.

      She would expose them for the snakes they were and reclaim her grandfather’s rightful share of the company.

      Once she’d exited the parking lot in her crappy little car, she dialed her sister, Delaney, back in West Virginia.

      “I’m in,” Savannah blurted as soon as her sister answered the phone. “I got the job.”

      Laney hesitated before offering a one-word response. “Wow.”

      “I know you don’t agree with what I’m doing, Laney, but I’m doing this for all of us. You and Harper especially.”

      “Vanna come home!” her two-year-old niece said in the background.

      “Listen to your niece. If you’re doing it for us, pack up and come home now. Because this isn’t what we want.”

      “It’s what Granddad deserves. What we all deserve.” Savannah turned onto the road that led back to town. “This will alter our family’s future. Make things better for you and Harper.”

      “This isn’t about Harper or my student loans. You’re playing to Grandpa’s pride and yours.”

      Savannah silently counted to ten. Blowing up at Laney wouldn’t get her sister on board. And deep down she wanted Laney’s reassurance she was doing the right thing.

      Their grandfather—Martin McDowell—had raised them after the deaths of their parents. He’d made sacrifices for them their entire lives. And now he was gravely ill, his kidneys failing.

      “Grandpa’s nearly ninety. Thanks to the Abbotts, his pride is all he has, besides us. So I say it’s worth fighting for.”

      Laney didn’t answer. Not surprising.

      When they were kids, Savannah was mesmerized by her grandfather’s stories about his days running moonshine in the Tennessee hills as a young man. But even as a child, Laney took a just-the-facts-please approach to life. She’d viewed their grandfather’s stories as tall tales.

      Their positions hadn’t changed as adults. But Laney would come around when Savannah proved the truth.

      Joseph Abbott, founder of the King’s Finest Distillery, claimed to use recipes from his father’s illegal moonshine business. But, in reality, he’d stolen their grandfather’s hooch recipe and used it to parlay himself into a bourbon empire. And the tremendous fortune the Abbotts enjoyed.

      “If the Abbotts are as heartless as you believe, does it seem wise to take them on alone? To get a job with them under false pretenses and snoop around in search of...what? Do you think there’s a vault with a big card in it that says, ‘I stole my famous bourbon recipe from Martin McDowell’?”

      “I didn’t get this job under false pretenses. I’m extremely qualified. I’m going to do everything I can to help grow the company. We’re going to be part owners of it, after all.” Savannah navigated the one-lane bridge that crossed the river dividing the small town.

      “You’re risking jail or maybe worse. If something were to happen to Granddad...” Her sister’s voice trailed. “You’re all Harper and I would have left. We can’t risk losing you. So, please, let it go and come home.”

      She didn’t want to worry Laney. School, work, taking care of a two-year-old and seeing after their grandfather was strain enough. But this was something she had to do.

      If she succeeded, it would be well worth the risk.

      “I love you and Harper, Laney. But you need to trust that I’m acting in all of our best interest. And please don’t rat me out to Grandpa.”

      “Great. I have to lie to him about it, too.” Laney huffed. “Fine, but be careful. Remember, there’s no shame in throwing in the towel and coming to your senses. Love you.”

      “Love you, too.”

      After hanging up, Savannah sighed heavily and focused on the road as the colorful shops of the quaint little town of Magnolia Lake came into view.

      She parked behind the small building where she was staying. It housed a consignment and handmade jewelry shop downstairs and two apartments upstairs. The shop and building were owned by Kayleigh Jemison, who was also her neighbor.

      Inside her furnished, one-bedroom apartment, Savannah kicked off her heels and stripped off her jacket. Her thoughts drifted back to Blake Abbott. He was nothing like the cutthroat, ambitious jerk her grandfather had described. Blake was tall and handsome. His warm brown skin was smooth and practically glowed from within. He was charming with a welcoming smile and liquid brown eyes that made her stomach flip when they met hers.

      Her grandfather had only known Joseph Abbott personally. The rest of the Abbotts he knew only by reputation. Maybe he was wrong about Blake.

      “You are not attracted to him. Not even a little bit,” Savannah mumbled under her breath. “He’s the enemy. A means to an end.”

      But Blake was obviously attracted to her. A weakness she could exploit, if it came to it.

      An uncomfortable feeling settled over her as she imagined Laney’s thoughts on that.

      The solution was simple. Avoid Blake Abbott, at all costs.


      Savannah signed her name on the final new hire form and slid it across the table.

      Daisy was filling in for the HR manager, who was out sick. She studied the document and gave it a stamp of approval. Her thin lips spread in a big smile, her blue eyes sparkling. “You’re officially a King’s Finest employee. Welcome to the team.”

      “Fantastic.” Savannah returned the smile. “So, what’s next?”

      The conference room door burst open.

      Blake Abbott.

      He was even more handsome than she remembered. The five o’clock shadow crawling along his square jaw made him look rugged and infinitely sexier. Uneasiness stirred low in her belly.

      “Daisy, Savannah... I didn’t realize you were using the conference room.” His hair, grown out a bit since their initial meeting, had a slight curl to it.

      “We’re just leaving anyway.” Daisy collected her things. “Did I forget there was a meeting scheduled in here?”

      “No, we decided to have an impromptu meeting about the changes Savannah proposed for the jubilee celebration. We can all fit in here more comfortably. Come to think of it—” he shifted his attention to Savannah “—this would be a great opportunity for you to meet my family...that is...our executive team.”


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