You Say It First. Susan Mallery

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You Say It First - Susan Mallery Happily Inc

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that there was no need to feel defiant, yet she took two spoonfuls of salad dressing to her mother’s delicate drizzle. What was it about being around Libby that made her feel like a cranky preadolescent?

      “I’m so pleased you’ve finally finished your degree,” her mother said with a smile. “I’m sorry it took you so long, but that’s water under the bridge.”

      Pallas put her fork down and told herself to just breathe. Time would pass and she would get to leave. Or she could throw something or scream. That would work, too.

      While Libby had paid for Pallas’s college in Southern California, there had been several stipulations. First, that Pallas maintain a B+ GPA. Second, that Pallas earn her own spending money. Pallas had gotten a job working at nearby Disneyland. She’d loved it so much, she’d taken on extra hours, and in her third semester, her GPA had fallen to a B-. Within hours of finding out, Libby had sent an email explaining she would no longer be paying for college, her dorm room or anything else. Pallas was completely on her own. Permanently.

      With less than thirty dollars to her name, Pallas had been forced to return to Happily Inc and move in with a girlfriend while she figured out what to do. She’d eventually gone to work for Gerald at Weddings in a Box and had put herself through community college, then a state school. It had taken eight and a half years, but she’d done it. She was now the proud owner of a degree in finance.

      Her mother looked at her. “I assume you’ve learned your lesson.”

      “I don’t even know what that means, Mom.”

      “That you won’t be foolish again.”

      Pallas wanted to point out she’d simply gotten a C in geology. That she hadn’t been arrested, done drugs or even dated inappropriately. But there was no point. Libby wouldn’t care. The rules had been broken and there were always consequences. For everything.

      “I’m pretty sure everyone but you is foolish every now and then,” she said instead. “Regardless, yes, I have my degree.”

      “Excellent.” Her mother smiled. “Then it’s time. Pallas, I’m delighted to offer you a position here at the bank. You can start in two weeks.”

      There it was. The one thing she’d wanted since she was a little girl. The chance to work here—with her mother.

      Pallas waited for the wave of excitement or even a sense of satisfaction. Finally. Finally she would gain respectability. Stability. She would be part of the family legacy. She was thrilled. Really.

      Or not. Because in truth what she felt was...nothing.

      Her mother frowned. “What’s the problem? I thought you would be overjoyed.”

      “I am. I appreciate the offer...”

      “Do not say but to me, Pallas. I mean it. I’ve been waiting for this for almost a decade. If you hadn’t screwed around at college, you wouldn’t have wasted the last eight years of your life.”

      “It was one C, Mom. Because I was working extra hours.”

      “At Disneyland,” her mother said between clenched teeth.

      “I loved my job there and I learned a lot. For the record, I don’t consider my life a waste, but thanks for the vote of confidence.”

      Libby’s expression turned impatient. “Then what is your problem? You should be jumping at this opportunity.”

      “I can’t leave Weddings in a Box in the next two weeks. I have weddings booked through September. I have employees who are depending on their paychecks.”

      “Dear God, you can’t be serious. Are any of your employees full-time? Isn’t there someone else who can handle the weddings? It’s people getting married. How hard can it be?”

      It was one thing for Pallas to wonder about making Weddings in a Box a success, but it was another to hear her mother denigrate the business. Her hackles went up and she went from mildly irritated to seriously annoyed.

      “I owe Gerald,” she said, doing her best to keep her voice low and calm. “He left me his life’s work and I am going to do my best to honor his gift.”

      “The man is dead. He doesn’t care one way or another.”

      “That’s harsh, even for you.”

      “It’s practical.” Libby’s brown eyes snapped with anger. “I absolutely can’t believe this. What is it about you, Pallas? You simply will not do what is expected. You’ve always been this way. Defiant. Stubborn. You get it from your grandfather.”

      Something Pallas had heard her whole life. She found it difficult not to roll her eyes. Plus, she really loved Grandpa Frank, so where was the bad?

      “So how long do you plan to keep that ridiculous business open?” her mother asked.

      “You may not like what I’m doing, Mom, but that doesn’t give you the right to mock Weddings in a Box. It’s a legitimate firm that makes people happy. Even you should see the value in that.”

      Libby pressed her lips together. “All right. How long do you plan to work there?”

      “I’m not sure. As I said, I have weddings booked through September. I was thinking I would sell it then.” Maybe to Alan, not that he’d ever expressed any interest in owning the company.

      “That’s a long way from now. I can’t promise there will be an opening then. Or ever.” Her mother’s stern expression returned. “This may be a one-shot deal, Pallas. Are you willing to give up everything you’ve worked for because of a worthless inheritance?”

      And there it was—the Libby-like ultimatum. She shouldn’t be surprised. Or hurt. And yet...

      “It’s not worthless to me.” Pallas still remembered how stunned she’d been to find out her boss had left her Weddings in a Box. She’d known they were friends and that he cared about her but to leave her the business—just like that—had been incredible.

      “There will be consequences for this decision,” her mother warned.

      “There always are.”

      She looked at her plate and realized there was no way she was going to be able to eat anything.

      “If there’s nothing else, I’m going to go,” Pallas said as she tossed her napkin on the table. “I’m sorry I’ve upset you.”

      “You’re mistaken. I’m not upset. I’m disappointed. There’s a difference.”

      A familiar one, Pallas thought grimly. Because she’d always been the disappointing child.

      “Goodbye, Mom.”

      Libby only sighed.

      As Pallas walked back to her car she wondered why it was always like this between her mother and herself. No matter the circumstances, they clashed. Libby ended up disappointed and Pallas was left questioning the fact that she continually had to earn her mother’s love. Nothing was freely given. It wasn’t that way for Cade or any of her cousins, but it had always

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