From Boardroom To Bedroom. Jules Bennett

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From Boardroom To Bedroom - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Desire

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Clint Rockwell and they were planning their future Texas. When she’s talked about leaving the show, Nigel had tried to entice her into staying in NYC by offering her an impressive package that came with marketing for her cookbook, more airtime and a nice sum of money.

      “Now don’t turn me down yet, luv,” he told her. “We can make this work. I was hoping you’d consider a spin-off.”

      “A spin-off?” she asked. “Nigel—”

      “Just think about it,” he interrupted. “A Southern series showcasing you and Clint in this new chapter of your lives would be something the viewers would love.”

      Not to mention maybe that would be the angle he needed to save his show.

      Nigel rubbed his forehead and pulled in a deep breath. He hadn’t come this far in his career to allow setbacks to deter him. There was no room to be a failure or even to be mediocre. Staying in the middle of the road in prime-time television might as well be the kiss of death. Another show would come along and bump them right off.

      Maybe exploring new territory was something they needed to try. The cast had gone to Texas to Miranda’s ranch for the Christmas episodes that had actually caused a slight uptick on the rating’s scale.

      “Clint is everything to me,” Fee went on. “We’re a team now, but I’ll discuss this with him. I’m not sure he wants all the cameras following us around Texas.”

      “Just talk to him,” Nigel repeated. “I bet an episode centered around your wedding would be a killer series opener.”

      Silence greeted him on the other end and he knew Seraphina well enough to know she was considering this option. His mind rolled from one idea to the next. This could be the key to those ratings he desperately needed to boost.

      “I’m just not sure,” she finally stated. “Clint and I really want out of the limelight. We want to start fresh. Those fires that ripped through Royal really put things into perspective for me.”

      The fires she referred to had ultimately brought her and Clint closer together, but only after putting them both in a lot of danger. The town really pulled through and continued to rebuild. They’d all been affected in one way or another.

      “Think about it,” he told her. “Talk to Clint.”

      “I will,” she replied. “I know I still have some time left on my contract—”

      “We’ll deal with that later. See what Clint says first and get back to me. Let’s not borrow worries just yet.”

      “Thanks, Nigel.”

      He disconnected the call and blew out a sigh. His mind circled back to his new consultant and he wondered if she would be able to offer insight to a new project should Fee agree to it. He didn’t want to disclose this new information just yet...but he hoped he could talk Fee and Clint into a spin-off, that may be the answer to his problems.

      Also, he wasn’t about to spout highly sensitive inside business secrets to a brand-new hire. He missed his assistant right now. Merryl always knew what to do or the right things to say, but she was out with her new baby.

      But even if the spin-off happened, and became a real success, Nigel wasn’t ready to give up on saving Secret Lives. It was the main show he’d started all on his own once he rose to CEO at Green Media Room. He’d come to New York to do something grand, not having anything to do with the Townshend name. Secret Lives was what he had to show for all those years of hard work. It was his baby and he would do everything to see it thrive.

      With as sharp and witty as Roslyn was, and with her impressive résumé on design, he knew she had a brilliant mind. He planned on putting that to use and making sure his show remained on the air.

      Could she be the miracle he’d been waiting on? Was she even capable of doing what he’d been unable to do himself?

      He didn’t have all the answers, but he knew one thing for certain... He was going to get more time with Roslyn and he couldn’t wait.

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