Spend My Life with You. Donna Hill

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Spend My Life with You - Donna Hill Mills & Boon Kimani

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responsibilities as senior senator and his social obligations. She tried to maintain an even balance for him and still factor in some time for family and relaxation.

      But today she found it impossible to concentrate on a task that she could do with her eyes closed. That was the problem; every time she blinked she saw Preston, as she had throughout the night. And when her eyes opened with the sun, the images that had slept with her were so potent that she was stunned to realize that he was not there with her.

      She reached for the phone on the desk, thinking of calling him but decided that was much too forward. What would he think? And at the same time that doubt entered the equation, her cell phone rang on the other side of the desk. She lifted it, and Preston’s name and phone number appeared on the illuminated face. Hot air filled her lungs. She pressed Talk and hoped that she didn’t sound as breathless as she felt.


      “Good morning. I hope this isn’t too early.”

      His voice soothed her. She relaxed against the leather of her seat. “Not at all. I’ve been up for hours.”

      “Then I rescind my attempt at an unnecessary apology.” Her laughter tinkled in his ears. “So other than dying to see me this afternoon, what are your plans for today?”

      “At the moment I was going over my father’s schedule and making a few adjustments here and there. At least it’s only a few more grueling weeks before the Senate breaks for summer recess. But of course you know that already.”

      “True. I’m looking forward to it myself.”

      “Do you have plans for the break?”

      “Hmm, I did, but I may change my mind about a few things. Let’s talk about it over lunch.”


      “Well, I’ll let you get back to work, and I’ll find something to keep myself busy until I see you.”

      It wasn’t so much what he said but the intonation of how he said it, with a stomach-fluttering sincerity that left her momentarily without words.

      “One o’clock,” she said.

      “On the dot. See you later.”

      She disconnected the call but could still feel the pull of Preston’s voice and couldn’t wait to see him.

      “Hey, Lee,” Dominique said, tapping on her sister’s bedroom door.

      Lee Ann stepped out of her walk-in closet, holding up two of her favorite summer dresses. “Hi. Whatsup?” Her gaze and concentration drifted back and forth between peach and Mediterranean blue.

      Dominique came in and plopped down on the end of Lee Ann’s queen-size bed. “I was wondering if you could loan me a few bucks.”

      Lee Ann lowered the dresses and focused on her sister. “A few? How many is a few, and what for this time?”

      “You don’t have to say it like that,” Dominique huffed, feigning offense.

      Lee Ann crossed the room, undecided about her dresses and what to do about her sister. This was the third time in a month. “How much, Dom?”

      “Five hundred.”

      Lee Ann’s eyes widened, and her mouth opened then closed. “Dominique, what in the world for? I just gave you three less than a week ago.”

      Dominique sprang into an upright position on the bed and put on her saddest, most earnest expression. “I know this sounds bad, but I maxed out my credit card and you know how hard I’m trying to keep a good credit rating so that I can get my own place without having to depend on you and Daddy.”

      Lee Ann cut a look at her sister’s sorry attempt to win her over and rolled her eyes. She tossed the dresses onto the bed and stood over Dominique with her hands planted on her waist. “Listen, this cannot go on. It can’t. You have a job, a hefty spending allowance and you still can’t manage your money. You can’t spend every dime you get on the latest fashions, girlfriend getaways and who knows what else!”

      Dominique folded her arms beneath her full breasts, pushing them higher into view over her low cut, body hugging T-shirt. “That’s so unfair. You know my job at the nonprofit barely covers my hair appointments.”

      “What you do is what’s more important,” Lee Ann chided. “Young, single, poor mothers come to you for help, and when they do that’s worth much more than a paycheck.”

      “I know that. I do love my work, but personal satisfaction doesn’t pay bills.”

      “Then don’t accumulate them. Live within your means.”

      Dominique stood as if catapulted off the bed. They were at eye level. “Live within my means! We’re rich for heaven’s sake.”

      Dominique looked so astounded and bereft that Lee Ann seemed not to understand that fact, that Lee Ann did all but burst out laughing. Instead, she turned away to keep the laughter out of her eyes.

      “I’ll loan you three,” she conceded. “You’ll have to figure out how to get the rest. Go bug Rafe.”

      “Ooh, thank you, thank you,” she said, wrapping her arms around her sister and kissing her on the cheek.

      “I’ll deposit the money into your account when I go out later.”

      It was then that Dominique noticed her sister was getting ready to go somewhere. She lifted one dress from the bed and then the other. “Where are you off to?”


      “Out where? With who? Anyone I know?”

      “Out for brunch if you must know,” she said, spinning out of her sister’s web of questions.

      Dominique eyed her with suspicion. “Why are you being so evasive? Why can’t you just tell me where you’re going? Suppose something happens to one of us or you. No one will know where you are. And don’t you watch The First 48?” she added dramatically. “The first 48 hours are always crucial in an investigation.”

      Lee Ann held up her hand to stop the onslaught of Dominique. “All right, all right. I give up. But…don’t read anything into it,” she warned. “I’m having brunch with Senator Graham.”

      Dominique frowned for a moment, and then her eyes popped with excitement. “The gorgeous new Senator Graham, Daddy’s protégé?”


      “Well I’ll be. Still waters. It’s about damned time you went out on a date.”

      “It’s not a date.”

      “Of course it is.” She rocked her head from side to side. “You aren’t planning to spend the entire time talking business and politics as usual, are you?”

      “I don’t know what we’ll talk about.”

      “Then it’s a date!” she said triumphantly. “And

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