The Rich Man's Reluctant Mistress. Margaret Mayo

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The Rich Man's Reluctant Mistress - Margaret  Mayo Mills & Boon Modern

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this about Zane Alexander?’ Lucinda’s stepfather walked into the room and looked enquiringly at the two women. He was a tall striking man, not particularly good-looking, but there was something about him that most women found attractive. Not so Lucinda. She had never felt happy about her mother marrying him and in turn David did not show much love for his stepdaughter.

      ‘Lucinda’s going with him to St Lucia,’ answered Ruth excitedly.

      David Goldberg frowned harshly and was about to say something when Lucinda interrupted.

      ‘It’s purely business. I’m doing a job for him.’

      Goldberg snorted in a derogatory manner. ‘He’s out of your league.’

      Lucinda lifted her chin. ‘We’ll see about that.’ Ever since she had started her business, her stepfather had taken great pleasure in putting her down, and it grieved him to think that she was succeeding under her own steam. He would have liked it better had she gone crawling to him for money. But never in her life would she give him that satisfaction. Where money was concerned she was as different from her mother as chalk from cheese.

      ‘Are you sure that doing a job is all he wants from you?’ asked David. ‘Zane Alexander is a playboy. Surely you must know that?’

      ‘Actually I’d never heard of him until he approached me,’ confessed Lucinda, not wishing to admit that she had formed the same opinion. Or that she had met him previously.

      ‘Then, unless you want to spend the entire time in his bed, I’d get out of it fast,’ he advised.

      Lucinda shook her head. ‘I can’t do that. This will be my most valuable job yet. I can handle him.’

      ‘Of course you can, darling,’ said her mother. ‘In any case, you’re only young once. Enjoy yourself…’

      David’s dark brows rose. ‘You mark my words; it will be all play and no reward. He’s got you where he wants you, girl.’

      Lucinda refused to listen, though there were times in the days that followed when she couldn’t help wondering whether David was right. Zane’s words to his chef had suggested that he might be after something more than a business relationship.


      ZANE sent a car to pick Lucinda up and drive her to the airport. Not the Mercedes he had driven himself, but a sleek black limousine with a liveried driver. The man was young but polite and courteous and, although he looked at Lucinda curiously, he asked no questions.

      She was not entirely surprised when she was met and escorted to a private jet, having already gained the impression that Zane enjoyed all the trappings his extreme wealth could give him. When she climbed on board he was already there. She saw white teeth and glittering eyes and for a fraction of a second Lucinda considered turning round and making a quick exit.

      She felt as if she was bearding a lion in his den, or a wolf ready to snarl and snap and swallow her down whole. David’s warning still rang in her ears. But somehow she managed to fix a smile to her lips.

      ‘You made it, then,’ growled Zane. ‘I did wonder whether you would change your mind.’

      ‘I’d given my word,’ announced Lucinda stiffly.

      ‘Then relax, I don’t bite,’ he told her tersely. ‘Take off your jacket. Sit down. We have a long flight in front of us.’

      The plane had a luxurious black leather interior with one part partitioned for use as an office, another area for dining and amazing deep sofas for relaxing. Lucinda looked about her curiously, smiled at the two pretty flight attendants and shrugged off her coat, which was immediately whisked away.

      ‘You certainly believe in doing things in style,’ she commented.

      ‘Why not?’ he asked with a smile.

      Why not indeed! With his money he could do anything he liked—including whisking her away to a tropical island! Again Lucinda couldn’t help wondering whether she’d made a terrible mistake.

      ‘You look apprehensive,’ he said, motioning her to sit down. ‘Is something wrong? Are you having second thoughts?’

      ‘Not at all.’ Lucinda took hold of herself and smiled. Not for anything was she going to let this man know that he disturbed her.

      ‘That’s good because I’ve given up a lot of my time to make this trip with you.’

      ‘You didn’t have to,’ she protested. Zane wore a black open-necked shirt and black close-fitting trousers which should have made him almost invisible against the upholstery. But it didn’t. He was long and lithe and incredibly sexy. Out of formal clothing he was relaxed and somehow different, more threatening to her sanity.

      ‘How else would you have known what I wanted?’ he asked, an eyebrow lifted quizzically.

      ‘It seems to me you’re going to a lot of trouble for a holiday home.’

      And now he frowned. ‘Who said it was a holiday home?’

      ‘So what is it?’ she asked, staring right into those smoky blue eyes. They made her insides shiver but she resolutely ignored it and continued to look at him.

      ‘It is a home, yes, but not solely for holidays; I rarely take those. My business interests take me all over the world. It gets tiresome staying in hotels.’

      ‘I see,’ she said, but she didn’t, and if her stepfather was right in his declaration that Zane Alexander was a playboy then this was just going to be another place set up for that purpose. All of a sudden the job didn’t seem like such a good idea.

      ‘What’s wrong?’ His eyes narrowed on hers, trying to see into her mind, to guess at the thoughts that had suddenly disturbed her.

      ‘Nothing,’ she said, trying her hardest to keep her unease at bay.

      ‘In that case, let me offer you a drink.’ He gave a nod to one of his attendants and immediately crystal flutes of champagne were produced. Zane held his up towards her. ‘Here’s to a successful business relationship.’ Those were his words but not what his eyes told her. They were intent, boring into her soul, reading her, almost telling her what sort of a relationship he hoped to have with her.

      Almost but not quite!

      Nevertheless something stirred in Lucinda’s stomach. She clamped it down firmly, lifting her chin instead, returning his gaze with a firm one of her own. ‘To business.’

      The champagne slid coolly down her throat, fizzing quietly in her stomach, joining the apprehension. Maybe she ought to have realised that this job would be like no other. Maybe she ought to have considered the danger instead of jumping at the opportunity of adding to her portfolio.

      Too late now! They were well and truly on their way.

      If she had expected that Zane would spend the whole journey chatting to her she was wrong. ‘Please excuse me, I have work to do,’ he announced after he had finished his drink. ‘Just relax and enjoy the flight.’


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