Promises We Make. Pamela Yaye

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Promises We Make - Pamela Yaye Mills & Boon Kimani

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feeling light-headed and free.

      Undressing faster than a superhero in a telephone booth, Damien ripped open a gold packet, protected himself with the Magnum condom, and bent Niveah over the closest chair. “Spread your legs. Spread them nice and wide for me.”

      Niveah did as she was told, and was rewarded with a kiss on her shoulder. Damien pulled her hair, great big handfuls, as he positioned himself between her legs. He piqued her pleasure when he caressed her butt, tenderly, lovingly. His stroke felt great on her neck, back and thighs.

      “You feel like heaven,” he praised, gliding his hands up her hips to her breasts. This woman—not the Mona Lisa—was the finest work of art he’d ever seen, but when Damien told Niveah she was gorgeous, she laughed. “You don’t believe me?” Damien cupped her chin. The heat of his gaze torched her flesh, made her feel as if she was on display. “Since you don’t believe me, I guess I’ll have to show you.”

      Slowly, he slid his penis along her clit. Back and forth until she cried out. Begged. Pleaded. Cursed. Demanded he slip inside her. When he finally did, she released a torrent of screams. Niveah pressed her face into a cushion to muffle her moans. This wasn’t like her. Only porn stars groaned and grunted during sex. That’s what they were paid for. To play it up for the cameras. But the more Damien swiveled his lips, the louder, more intense her groans became.

      Feet firmly planted on the ground, she held on to the arms of the padded chair and rocked her hips against his groin. Damien swelled inside her. At least three inches. He hit all of her hot spots, and created body-quivering sensations that brought tears to her eyes. With his hands and his words, he took her to new heights and deeper depths.

      Her breathing picked up.

      Her moans intensified.

      The room spun faster, and faster.

      Colors—vivid pinks and whites and red—exploded behind Niveah’s eyes, causing her to choke back a deep, racking sob.

      “Damn!” Damien pulled out, then turned her to face him. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

      Niveah shook her head. “You didn’t hurt me. I just …” Embarrassed, she lowered her eyes to the floor. “It just felt so good that … that it made me a little emotional. That’s all.”

      “We’ll stop. The last thing I wanted to do was cause you pain or make tonight all about me. I lost control and I feel like an ass for …”

      Niveah wanted to scream. Why wasn’t he listening to her? Couldn’t he tell how incredible he was making her feel? To end his rant, she placed a finger against his lips, cutting him off. “This night is far from over. I plan to finish what you started, even if it takes all night.”

      Full of energy and determination, she circled his nipple with her tongue, licking, teasing, stroking. She wanted to ravage him, prove to herself that she was a good lover, that the accusations her ex-fiancé had leveled at her the night of their breakup were unfounded. To show him that she was in charge, that the tables had turned and that she was running the show, Niveah grabbed his butt and gave it an extra hard squeeze. Her breathing was shallow, and her body was burning up, but Niveah wanted more. A lot more kissing, teasing and licking.

      “Are you sure about this, Niveah?” Concern touched his features, and his eyes were crinkled at the corners. “I don’t want you to have any regrets. Not one.”

      Niveah lifted his hand, seized his index finger and eased it inside her. She felt naughty, dangerous and in complete control. It was a feeling she could easily get high off. A deep sigh fell from between Niveah’s lips as Damien’s fingers probed her core, and when she finally spoke her voice was several octaves lower. “You feel how wet I am? You did this to me, Damien, and the only regret I have is not approaching you sooner.”

      “I didn’t know you were such a bad girl.”

      “You haven’t seen nothin’ yet.”

      Easily, he lifted her up off the floor. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, he swooped down, and feasted on her lips. Niveah folded her arms around his neck, and wrapped her legs around his slim, muscular torso. Feeling sexier than a Maxim swimsuit model, she nipped at his earlobe, then eagerly sucked it into her mouth.

      On the king-size bed they laughed and played, lost in their exhilarating private world. They were in perfect sync, moving naturally together, as graceful as a pair of ballroom dancers. An hour in, and countless orgasms later, Niveah was begging Damien to climax. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take!”

      “I’m nowhere near being ready,” he announced, thrusting his hips, plunging deeper still. “You feel so damn good, I may never come …”

      “We’ll see about that.” Niveah flicked her tongue against his ear, and he cooed. Propping up her elbows, she loosened her legs from around his waist, and rotated her hips in tight, fast circles.

      Damien swore.

      To achieve the intended outcome, Niveah added her mouth to the equation. Placing kisses on his neck, his erect, chocolate-brown nipples and all over his chest. Realizing she’d weakened her prey, she went in for the kill. In one swift movement, Niveah had Damien flat on his back. His eyes widened in surprise, causing Niveah to giggle. Keeping her head up, her back straight, she lowered herself onto his lap and released a deep, satisfying groan.

      Squeezing her pelvic muscles held Damien firmly in place, and before she could put any of those childhood horseback riding lessons to good use, he gripped her hips, gave a powerful, thrust and collapsed onto the mound of pillows beneath him. “Damn, baby, that was incredible.”

      Niveah licked the dryness from her lips. “I couldn’t agree more.”

      “If I knew you were such an animal in bed, I would have updated my will!” he teased, pulling her to his chest.

      Niveah tensed. Her friends said cuddling was against the rules, so she was surprised when Damien spread the blanket over them and wrapped his arms around her. Shouldn’t I be dressed and on my way out the door? Isn’t this how these things usually worked?

      Sweat clung to her skin, and matted clumps of hair were stuck to her shoulders, but Damien was smiling at her as if she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. His grip was fierce, protective, unlike anything she’d ever experienced. The hotel suite smelled like sex, and a hot stifling air that made Niveah feel as if she was trapped inside an oven.

      “I don’t want to get up, but if I don’t get something to drink I’m going to die of dehydration,” he joked, swinging his feet over the side of the bed. “What can I get you?”

      “I’ll have what you’re having.” Swathing the bed sheet across her chest, she carefully tucked it under her arms, and braced her body against the headboard. “Better yet, make mine a double!”

      Damien chuckled as he switched on the bedside lamp. “We should order up some room service. I’m starving, and I bet you are, too.”

      As if on cue, her stomach growled. “I can’t. I have to get going.”

      “Why, do you have someone waiting for you at home?” Damien picked up the phone, but his gaze remained locked on her face. “Things happened so fast, I forgot to ask if you had a man.”

      “If I

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