Butterfly Summer. Arlene James

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Butterfly Summer - Arlene James Mills & Boon Love Inspired

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replied, “Because I don’t believe it’s in the best interest of the company. Why pay to have done what we already do so well ourselves?”

      “Well?” Tim echoed disbelievingly. “How can you say that?”

      The whole family knew that Curtis Resnick, a trusted employee, had betrayed both the company and the family—and Jeremy, in particular—by embezzling thousands of dollars.

      “We have adequate oversights in place now,” Jeremy insisted.

      “Nevertheless, doing our own accounting is what allowed the problem to develop in the first place,” Wallace stated sharply.

      “What makes you think an outside accounting firm will be any more honest than our own employees?” Jeremy countered. “The people left in that department are faithful and loyal. They had no part in what happened. They deserve to keep their jobs.”

      “Jeremy’s right,” Chris put in. “It’s not fair to punish a whole department for one person’s malfeasance.”

      “You have no say in this matter!” Wallace snapped. “Since you opt to put yourself in danger every day rather than take your place in the company—worrying your mother sick in the process, I might add—you have no right to comment.”

      “I’m sorry you feel that way, Dad,” Chris said carefully. “Nevertheless, I agree with Jeremy.”

      “You would,” Tim muttered.

      “Meaning what exactly, Timothy?” Jeremy asked, sounding genuinely perplexed. “That he takes his faith too seriously for your comfort?”

      “Please, boys, that’s enough,” Nora pleaded. “Now is not the time. Your father is too ill for this.”

      “I am not too ill to look after the welfare of the company!” Wallace insisted. “My father and grandfather devoted their lives to Hamilton Media, and I simply will not allow a momentary physical weakness to harm it in any way!”

      “Please, Daddy,” Heather interjected softly. “If you can trust God with your health, surely you can trust Him and your sons to take care of the company for a while.”

      Wallace grimaced shamefacedly. “You’re right, you’re right. It’s just that…” He passed a hand across his forehead, and Nora followed it with one of her own. “I feel so helpless, stuck here in this bed.”

      “All the more reason you should rest and let us take care of things,” Tim said.

      “Good advice,” the doctor agreed.

      “Have a little faith, Dad,” Jeremy put in. “We won’t let you down.”

      “Not that faith is an adequate substitute for hard work and dedication,” Tim muttered, and Heather inwardly winced.

      Jeremy immediately bristled. “Are you implying that I’m not dedicated, that I don’t work hard enough?”

      Tim had the grace to look abashed. “I didn’t say that.”

      “You might as well have, so let me remind you, little brother, that I hold the reins at Hamilton Media now.”

      “Then do what you should,” Tim demanded. “Bite the bullet and sign that accounting contract!”

      “It’s my decision, Tim, and I’m not bound by your opinions.”

      “I have a right to my opinions!”

      “Please!” Nora interjected sternly. “Now is not the time.”

      “We’re all too upset at the moment for this discussion,” Amy interjected reasonably.

      “Confound it, this is important!” Wallace bellowed, turning red in the face.

      “That’s it,” Dr. Strickland interrupted, placing a quelling hand on Wallace’s chest. “Take it outside, if you please. And you…” He wagged an admonishing finger at the patient. “Calm down. You need to rest.”

      Amy stepped up to the bed and bent to press a kiss to Wallace’s forehead.

      “At least try to follow the doctor’s orders,” she urged, a wry smile curling her pretty mouth.

      “And don’t worry,” Jeremy said. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

      Wallace nodded curtly, his jaw working.

      “I’ll walk you out,” Nurse Franklin said politely but firmly, herding them all toward the door.

      Chris was the first to move toward it, saying, “I’m picking up a little overtime tonight, so I’ll see you tomorrow, Dad.”

      “Call if you need anything, Mom,” Amy said, following on Christopher’s heels.

      “Yes, of course, sweetheart,” Nora murmured. Then she abruptly lifted a hand, stopping everyone in their tracks. “If you talk to your sister,” she dictated firmly, “go easy on her. Melissa is still very young, you know.”

      Tim huffed but didn’t argue. Chris traded looks with Heather and went out. Amy nodded, smiled and, with a final wistful glance at their father, followed Christopher.

      Jeremy hugged Nora, whispering, “I know you’ll take care of him. Just be sure to take care of yourself, too.”

      “Don’t worry about me,” she returned, cupping his cheek with one hand.

      Heather squeezed her mother’s delicate shoulder and kissed her father, while Tim stood glowering at the foot of their father’s bed.

      “It may be his right to make the decision,” Tim said to Wallace, “but we both know that signing that contract is best for the business, and I don’t intend to let him forget it.”

      Wallace slowly blinked his eyes in acknowledgment but said nothing until Timothy had left the room. Heather moved to follow him, hearing her father murmur what sounded like, “Maybe Jeremy shouldn’t have the right.”

      Nora gasped, and Heather immediately halted. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

      Wallace shook his head, but then he blurted, “It’s still my company! Jeremy’s only in charge temporarily, Nora.” Frowning, he muttered, “And maybe I made a mistake with that.”

      Obviously shaken, Nora whispered, “Wallace, what are you saying? Jeremy’s the eldest, and just because he does things differently than you, doesn’t mean he isn’t capable.”

      “I know, I know,” he mumbled, his great energy and strength of will abruptly waning. “It’s just that knocking on death’s door makes you rethink some things.” His head fell back against the pillow, and Dr. Strickland reached for his pulse.

      “I really must insist that you rest now. Nora, that goes for you, too.”

      With a last tender kiss, Nora turned from the bedside and ushered her middle daughter into the sitting room, pulling the door closed behind her.


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