Marriage On The Agenda. Lee Wilkinson

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Marriage On The Agenda - Lee Wilkinson Mills & Boon Modern

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her realising it, made her want the kiss to go on, made her want to kiss him back.

      As her lips parted, his tongue-tip stroked along the velvety-smooth inner skin, making her quiver, before he deepened the kiss.

      Mark’s kisses were ardent, hot-blooded, sometimes bruising in their intensity. They totally lacked the finesse, the subtlety and imagination of this man’s lovemaking.

      He explored her mouth with a kind of delicate enjoyment that sent little shudders running through her, while, almost unnoticed, his free hand traced her slender curves.

      When it found the soft swell of her breast and his thumb brushed coaxingly over the nipple, she knew it was time to call a halt.

      But the sensations that the thistledown-touch was arousing were so exquisite that every bone in her body seemed to melt, and an awakening hunger that refused to be stilled cried out for more.

      Responding to that hunger, his lovemaking gradually became more intense as he added a new and disturbing dimension.


      But it wasn’t a tempestuous, uncontrolled passion that might have swamped any response, or served to scare her. This was a leashed passion that lured her onwards, that enticed and invited an answering passion, until suddenly she was lost. Mindless. Carried away. Caught and held in a web of sensual delight…

      Loris stirred and surfaced slowly from a deep and contented sleep, to find grey morning light was filtering into the room.

      Though her mind was still enshrouded in a kind of golden haze, she was dimly aware that her body felt relaxed and satisfied.

      She was stretching luxuriously when one of her feet brushed against a man’s hair-roughened leg.

      Shock hit her, and she stiffened as the sharp, cold wind of memory blew in, dispersing the haze.

      Oh, dear heaven, what had she done?

      After putting off her own fiancé for several months she had gone to bed with a virtual stranger.

      She only just stopped herself groaning aloud.

      Lying unnaturally still, afraid to move a finger, she listened to Jonathan Drummond’s quiet, even breathing.

      Satisfied that he wasn’t yet awake, she turned her head slowly to look at him.

      He was lying facing her, so close that they were almost touching. His tanned skin was clear and healthy, his breath sweet. There were grooves each side of his mouth, and little laughter-lines radiated from the corners of his eyes. Thick, gold-tipped lashes lay like a fan on his high cheekbones.

      It was the face she remembered from the previous night, yet not the same.

      The mature self-assurance and the somewhat disturbing irony were gone from it. With his tousled hair and his confident mouth relaxed in sleep he looked endearingly boyish, in spite of the morning stubble adorning his chin.

      But there had been nothing remotely boyish about him last night. His lovemaking had proved him to be a skilful and experienced man.

      Heat ran through her as she remembered all the things he had made her feel, and her own unexpectedly passionate response. After the fiasco with Nigel, she had started to wonder uneasily if she might be frigid. That had been one of the reasons she had remained celibate for so long. She had been afraid to start another relationship in case the same thing happened.

      But last night had proved that she could be warm and responsive and far from frigid. The fault hadn’t been hers.

      Nigel, she knew now, had been a selfish, uncaring, inept lover who, as well as mangling her self-respect, had almost destroyed her faith in herself as a woman.

      Jonathan’s skill and generosity, his imaginative lovemaking, had triggered a response that had shaken her to the core. For the first time in her life she had experienced all the joy and delight she had only ever dreamt about.

      If it had been Mark she had spent the night with, she would be on top of the world.

      Only it hadn’t been Mark.

      Rather than her own fiancé, it had been a man she had only just met. A man who would no doubt consider her easy and, in the cold light of day, feel nothing but contempt for her.

      Gathering her wits, and desperate to get away before he awoke, Loris turned carefully onto her side. Her back to him, she was about to ease herself towards the edge of the bed when she felt him stir.

      His arm came around her, and with a sleepy murmur of contentment he moved his warm palm to cup her breast.

      Like some terrified animal, she froze into utter stillness, her heart pounding. She could feel the heat from his body, and his light breath stirring her hair.

      After a moment or two his breathing returned to the evenness of sleep, the arm across her grew heavier, and she felt his hand relax its hold.

      Taking a deep breath, she moved cautiously onto her back. Slowly, and with the greatest care, she eased herself from beneath the surprisingly muscular arm and slipped out of bed.

      Though on one level she had known she was bare, the sight of her nakedness in the full-length mirror made her cringe. She averted her eyes.

      The sooner she had put something on and was out of here the better.

      Her last night’s clothes were lying in an abandoned heap, one silk stocking trailing seductively.

      She was reaching for her undies when a movement in the corridor outside brought her heart into her mouth. People were up and stirring, making their way down for breakfast.

      Suppose one of the guests saw her creeping from room to room, still wearing what was obviously a party dress?

      The towelling robe Jonathan had worn the previous night was tossed over a chair. Snatching it up, she pulled it on and fastened the belt. A quick glance at the bed, meant to reassure herself that he was still fast asleep, gave her a fresh shock. His green eyes brilliant, he was lying quietly watching her.

      Gathering up her belongings, she fled without a word. Her timing couldn’t have been worse. Just outside the door she ran slap into her father.

      ‘So you did make it.’ He didn’t sound particularly pleased. ‘I thought you might have changed your mind about coming. Our journey here was bad enough, and conditions were deteriorating fast.’

      If only she had known how things were going to turn out, Loris thought vainly, she could have used the weather as an excuse for not being there…

      Eyeing the tell-tale clothes she was clutching, her father added drily, ‘Mark having a lie-in?’

      She was saved from having to answer by a female voice cooing, ‘Oh, good morning, Sir Peter.’

      A red-haired overdressed woman she had never seen before was heading towards them.

      Always a ladies’ man, her father assumed an expression of charm. ‘Good morning, Mrs Delacost. So sorry we weren’t here to welcome you last night.’


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