Copy That. HelenKay Dimon

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Copy That - HelenKay Dimon Mills & Boon Intrigue

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about the current state of Garrett’s love life. “That sounds like a ‘no’ on Sara.”

      The questions kept piling up. Jeremy planned to track down his brother the second they got out of there and start asking a few.

      “I thought Garrett was home, but I guess not,” Meredith said.

      “Just me, and I walked in on that guy. Watched him for about fifteen minutes to see what he was looking for.” Jeremy cleared his throat as he tried to block the guilt kicking his gut. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to you sooner. I had a problem by the back door and had to find a way around it.”

      “I’m fine.” Meredith shook her head, as if trying to block out his words. “Are the police on the way?”

      “I hope not.”

      She finally landed on the last step. “Excuse me?”

      “We don’t need them.”

      She backed away. The move wasn’t huge, more like inches, but she shifted into a clear path for a run down the front walk to the street. “Now I’m really confused.”

      Jeremy chose his words carefully. No need to spook her even more. With his luck today, she’d panic and accidentally jump in front of a car. “We need a certain level of expertise here.”

      “I don’t know what that means.” Her words came out slow and measured.

      Yeah, she was right on the edge of bolting. He could see it in every line of her body and in the tension stretching across her lips.

      “Remember how it took me a few extra minutes to get to you and how I told you we had to get out of the house as fast as possible?”


      “Here’s the other thing I said was important.” He hesitated until her face paled. “It’s under control now, but—”

      “Jeremy, just tell me.”

      “The back door is rigged with explosives.”

      A NEW WAVE of panic crashed over Meredith. Her knees buckled and she would have gone right down except for the sudden touch of Jeremy’s hands under her elbows.

      “Whoa.” He ducked his head until his gaze met hers. “You okay?”

      “We have to get out of here.” She looked up and down the street, her movements frantic and out of control now, every cell in her body exploding into action. “Clear the neighborhood so no one gets hurt.”

      “It’s fine.”

      She dug her fingernails into the bare skin of his forearms. “How can you say that?”

      “The trigger is hooked to the door. Well, was. I detached it.”

      “So it’s safe.”

      “I’m not an explosives expert, but it can’t blow unless someone rigs it again.” He let go of her and grabbed keys out of his front jeans pocket. “You’re going to get in my car and drive away from here—”

      “But you said—”

      “Just as a precaution.” He held up his hands as if surrendering to her. “And I’m going to wait for the team to arrive.”

      She could barely hear him over the buzzing in her ears. “What team?”

      “Garrett’s people.” Jeremy put the keys in her palm and closed her fingers over them.

      Her mind spun and the first stupid thought in her head ran right to her mouth. “I don’t have my wallet or my license.”

      The corner of Jeremy’s mouth kicked up in a smile but his eyes stayed steely cold. “Not your biggest problem at the moment.”

      “I guess not.” Reality settled over her. “Tell me the truth. Are you staying calm so I don’t panic?”

      His mouth opened and closed before answering. “Yes.”

      “But this is bad, right?”


      For some reason, the honesty eased the spinning ball of terror inside her. “Okay. This doesn’t have anything to do with the package, right?”

      “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

      “Someone dropped off a package for Garrett. It was wrapped in brown paper and this big.” She made a square with her hands. “It stuck with me because it was so odd. Maybe that’s what the guy was looking for.”

      “I think he wanted Garrett.”

      She had no idea what to say to that. “Oh.”

      “I’ll do a quick check.” Jeremy put his hand on the small of her back and edged her in the direction of the car. “It’s the blue Mustang. You go.”

      She looked over her shoulder, about to make a comment on his car choice being the same as Garrett’s except in color, when she saw a flash in the front-door window.

      Jeremy took one look at her expression and his face went blank. He spun around and raced up the porch steps. He yanked the door open then slammed it shut just as fast.

      Before she could blink, he shot back down the steps, his feet barely touching as he reached for her. His hands landed on her shoulders as he half pushed, half shoved her toward the street.

      Her sneakers skidded across the sidewalk at the end of the small front yard before a surge of hot air swept underneath her body, sending it airborne. Her muscles went weightless as a clap of thunder exploded behind her.

      As she flew, the air stopped as if sucked up into a vacuum, then rolled back out in a rush. Burning heat licked at her from every direction. Her skin itched, feeling all prickly and singed, but all she could see was the ground rushing up to meet her face.

      She would have crashed headfirst into the street but Jeremy twisted, his arms coming around her, as his back knocked against the hard cement and she slammed into his chest. Their bodies bounced and her vision blurred, then focused long enough for her to see him grimace.

      With his face right next to hers, she heard his sharp inhale over what sounded like a thundering drumroll. She struggled to sit up, but he dragged her back down, pulling her under him and covering every inch of her body with his. He probably outweighed her by a good seventy pounds, and the added heat from his skin nearly suffocated her.

      She peeked through the small space between his arm and the ground and saw shoes and the tires of a car stopped in the middle of the street. When she swallowed, her ears popped and the muffled echoes gave way to screaming reality. She could hear sirens and talking and someone calling her name.

      Jeremy lifted his body off hers and tugged on her shoulder until she flipped to her back. The burning smell hit her, like the scent of fireplaces during the few cold days of the year, but that couldn’t be right. It was summer.

      “Meredith, open

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