Untouched. Samantha Hunter

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Untouched - Samantha Hunter Mills & Boon Blaze

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who she was watching and why. Jack was right—something was off.

      Was she finally adjusting on her own, a late bloomer? Why now, all of a sudden, after months of isolation? Could this new “friend” be a problem, someone else who knew about Risa’s secrets, or who wanted to know? Daniel intended to find out.

      He’d arrived on the Cape a week ago. The small town of Falmouth was as charming as ever. Daniel booked a room at a small motel a few minutes down the street from Risa’s apartment complex, even though the home where he’d grown up was only about an hour up the coast. He needed to be closer to watch her movements, to assess the situation.

      Though Jack had mentioned his family, there was no need to stir up those old ghosts. He was here to do a job; he’d do it, and move on, hopefully with no one being the wiser. If Kristy Kelly was a real friend, maybe Risa wouldn’t need him to interfere in her life, so he could report back to Jack and be assigned something more critical than watching Risa shop.

      “Daniel? Oh my God…it is you. What are you doing here?”

      Daniel turned toward the disbelieving female voice that drew his attention away from Risa and Kristy. Instincts developed after years in the field compelled him to relax, to act naturally so as not to draw attention, even though he simultaneously felt the urge to duck behind the rack of women’s lingerie that he’d been standing beside.

      When he turned, he looked into eyes as gray as his, set in a female face that also resembled his own. He took in her softer features, his eyes widening as he sighted his younger sister’s extremely pregnant belly.

      “Anna.” He breathed out the name softly, hardly believing she was standing right in front of him. The last time he’d seen her was in New York City just two years ago, where she’d been vacationing and they’d met for dinner. He’d given her a secure e-mail address where she could contact him. He just couldn’t break all contact with his youngest sister.

      He’d attended her wedding shortly after, staying in the background, and leaving a gift before anyone else knew he was there. His appearance would have caused too much of a scuffle, and it was her day. He hadn’t wanted to ruin it, though he’d caught her for one moment before he left. She’d been such a tomboy, keeping up with her brothers effortlessly all those years—and now she was a grown woman. He didn’t know she was expecting, though. The discovery threw him. She was his baby sister, and she was having a baby of her own.

      “Seven months and counting,” she said as if she’d read his mind, her voice as natural as if she met him in the store every day, as if it weren’t unusual at all. “I guess that’s obvious, though, isn’t it? You’re going to be an uncle, Daniel.”

      An uncle. The words rang in his ears like she was speaking to him in a foreign language. He wasn’t sure what to say—he’d been a stranger, living a life so apart from them for so long, he wasn’t sure he had a right to the title of uncle, or brother or son, for that matter. Not anymore. He noticed the tension that creased her brow as she flipped through a few flimsy robes, not really seeing them. The surprise of finding him here, and the many questions about why he was here, must be finally hitting its mark.

      “I wish you’d let me know. I’ve been out of the country, but I try to check my e-mail,” he said.

      “It’s not the kind of thing you tell someone by e-mail—I would like you to have been here, though.”

      “I was out of the country for the last year—I left shortly after the last time we spoke.”

      He ignored the disapproval evident in her expression. She didn’t agree with what he did for a living; Anna was a peace-loving creature who shared her family’s liberal political views. Those views wouldn’t allow them to understand many of the things Daniel did for a living.

      “So what are you doing here, Daniel? Have you finally decided to come home and make peace with your demons?”

      Daniel felt somehow exposed by his sister’s simple inquiry. He also had no idea what was happening with Risa and her friend. He was losing track, was off balance—never a good situation for a field agent.

      “I can see I’ve caught you off guard.”

      He started to say something—anything—when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Two security guards were moving past them, a sense of purpose in their walk. The hairs on the back of Daniel’s neck stood up as his instincts kicked into gear. The two men made a beeline for the women’s dressing rooms, where Risa and Kristy had been trying on clothes.

      “Daniel? What is it?”

      “A moment, Anna…”

      His focus returned with hawklike clarity as he watched the officers approach the very dressing room where Risa was. They spoke briefly to Kristy, who’d been lounging in a chair by the entryway, blowing bubbles with her gum—she didn’t match the image of a oceanographic scientist at all. Though Daniel couldn’t hear the conversation, he could see something was wrong. Kristy looked visibly annoyed.

      “Daniel, please—”

      “Anna, play along with me for the time being, okay?”

      “Daniel, I don’t know—”

      He didn’t give her time to complete her objection, grabbing her hand and pulling her along with him as he made his way to the dressing room just in time to see one of the officers gingerly removing Risa from inside by the arm. Her expression was frozen into a mix of surprise, fear and repulsion. He knew he had to get her out of there. The last thing they needed was Risa Remington being taken to the police station.

      Risa had been given a fake background documents recording fictional previous addresses, jobs, education and the like. The government had sent her on her way with a credit rating, a bank account and a few credit cards to get her going. She had a Massachusetts driver’s license and a car that she didn’t appear to use.

      If the police checked her out, nothing would seem unusual, but Daniel doubted that she would be able to get through a police interview without drawing more attention to herself than she should. Depending on what she was involved in, if anything, drawing police attention could be dangerous. To her, to him, to anyone involved.

      “Help? With what?” Anna huffed slightly as she matched his quick pace and he slowed, but only slightly.

      “I’ll explain everything later.”

      Anna grumbled something unintelligible but fell into step beside him. She would have made a solid agent, if she’d been inclined. She was the sibling he was the closest to; Daniel was one of five, two brothers, two sisters. Anna had always been the earth-mother type; even though she was the youngest, she’d wanted to take care of everyone. He slanted a look at her again, the roses blooming in her cheeks indicating that impending motherhood agreed with her.

      The guard was gripping a resistant Risa by the forearm while the other argued with Kristy, who appeared slightly panicked while she tried to reason with the guy. Daniel and Anna cut into the fray.

      “Excuse me, is there a problem here?”

      All four people spun as he became the center of attention, and he saw the surprise reflected in Risa’s face as her eyes met his—as well as apprehension, and suspicion.

      “What are you doing here?” Her tone was far from welcoming, and he ignored

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