The Man She Couldn't Refuse. Natalie Anderson

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The Man She Couldn't Refuse - Natalie Anderson Fast Fiction

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a well-known phenomenon that people from the same place bond together when travelling on foreign soil.”


      He smiled at her. And that was all it took.

      “I have half a tank to go,” she said. “It should only take a few minutes.”

      “May I watch?”

      The way he infused that question with the naughty was quite some skill. She tossed her head, taking up the challenge in his expression. She’d been such a shy nerd—such a quiet sheep following her louder, confident friends.

      “Alright.” She sized him up. “You can be my groupie. Five paces behind.”

      “Groupie?” His nostrils flared. “Not a bodyguard?”

      “I don’t need a bodyguard.”

      “So you fend off unwanted feel-ups with your pistols all by your pretty self?”

      “Soda in the eye stings worse than onion juice.”

      He chuckled. “I bet.”

      “I haven’t actually had to do it.”

      He leaned in close. “You didn’t shoot me in the eye.”

      He hadn’t given her a chance. “Why would I give up the opportunity to experience something with someone so skilled?” she cooed.

      “Ah, so that’s what you really think of me.” He slapped his hand on his heart like she’d mortally wounded him. “But you know, this beach is teaming with guys who’ve slept with way more women than I have.”

      She glared at him as he winked. He knew she’d just been making up a tart put-down.

      “Don’t look so fierce, you’ll scare off your customers,” he teased.

      “Actually, I’ve learned they like a woman with spirit.” She pushed past him and smiled at his sudden frown. “Don’t you look so fierce, you’re the one scaring them off.”

      “Maybe you’re the one who should be scared. They could easily turn on you and you couldn’t get away. Now how would you handle that in your sexy warrior heroine outfit?”

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