Boardroom Seduction. Anita Bunkley

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Boardroom Seduction - Anita Bunkley Mills & Boon Kimani

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water and waited for him to speak, wondering what department this brother worked in at Archer and if she would be lucky enough to work with him.

      The man stepped fully into the room. “So I can see that you’re not Mr. Parker?”

      Kacey laughed, watching as he analyzed her reaction. “Oh, yes, but it’s Ms. Kacey Parker.”

      “Well, I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting…” he stuttered, pulling out the piece of paper his father had handed him. “I guess…”

      “You assumed I was a man?” Kacey finished with a hint of a challenge.

      He gave her a sheepish smile and nodded. “Yeah. Guess we all did.”

      “Happens all the time,” she concluded, shaking the man’s hand. “Hope you’re not too disappointed,” she finished.

      “Not at all,” he replied with appreciative emphasis. “I’m Leon Archer. Good to meet you.” Then he walked around the desk, keeping his eyes riveted on Kacey as he eased into the chair, clearly as if he belonged there.

      Kacey slipped back into her seat, crossed her legs as well as her arms, and blinked, confused. “You’re Mr. Archer?” she started, fishing for an explanation.

      “Right. I’m Leon Archer.” A beat, and then he added with a heart-pounding grin, “Junior.”

      “Ahh…then you must be Mr. Archer’s…”

      “Son,” Leon finished. “As well as the new owner of Archer Industries,” he clarified his statement with a downward tilt of his head. Looking up at Kacey, he said, “As of this morning, in fact.”

      “Oh, well…” she stammered. “Really? Then I guess congratulations are in order,” she offered, sensing a definite increase in her pulse. So, the grumpy old man was out, and his superfine son was in? How’d she get so lucky? All of her worry about having to work with a crotchety old man had been wasted. Now, she had to worry about keeping her composure while his son’s metal-gray eyes devoured her!

      “Thanks,” Leon said in a pride-filled manner. He propped his left elbow on the desk to rest his chin on curled fingers, which Kacey noted bore no rings.

      “When did this change of leadership happen? I was prepared to meet with your father,” Kacey stated, feeling her professional façade begin to melt under Leon Jr.’s disturbing stare. He certainly wasn’t trying to hide his personal interest in her, and Kacey was definitely feeling flattered.

      Breaking his gaze at last, Leon grinned. “Happened this morning. Dad unexpectedly decided to step down to enjoy his golden years traveling with my mom. They’re leaving for Africa tomorrow.”

      “Oh, so soon?”

      “Yeah. But don’t worry about your swimsuits. You’re in good hands.”

      “I’m sure I am,” Kacey murmured, sensing a wave of heat surge through her stomach and ease down between her thighs, initiating a hint of dampness in her panties. Get a grip, girl, she silently admonished, forcing back a smile. “So you’ll be working with me on production, then?” she had to clarify.

      “Absolutely,” Leon confirmed in a much bigger voice. “I’m totally familiar with the project, so you’re stuck with me. Unless you’d prefer to work with Nona, my operations manager. She’s been here almost as long as I have and can handle every stage of the process.”

      “No, that’s all right,” Kacey offered, a tad too quickly. Composing herself, she folded her hands together. “If you’re on top of everything and can deliver what I want, that’s all that counts.”

      “Trust me. I can deliver whatever you want. Just let me know what it is,” he assured, using a voice that was so intentionally sexy that Kacey shivered, unable to think of a comeback. This man is such a flirt, she decided, aware that he was no longer smiling. In fact, his hooded eyes were now slits of challenge, as if daring her to make him prove that he could deliver on more fronts than the production line.

      “I’ll definitely let you know,” she tossed back with a lift of one shoulder, prepared to play his game of words. “But I’m warning you, I can be very demanding, and particular.”

      “So can I,” he replied with a hint of mockery.

      “Fine. I’d love to see how we operate together.”

      “I was thinking the same thing. I have no doubt we’re gonna get along just fine.” The room fell quiet as Leon opened a folder and removed the photos that Hadley had emailed to the manufacturer. “I love your line. The designs are stunning. Utterly unique.”

      “Thanks,” Kacey replied.

      “You really know how to showcase a woman’s best assets.”

      “That’s what good design is all about,” she replied, watching Leon as he held up one of the photos and tilted back in his chair.

      “I especially love this one…your Sheer Double Dip,” he commented, moving the picture aside to rake Kacey with a look that left no doubt in her mind that he was checking out more than her design credentials.

      “It’s the heart of my collection. All about the see-through fabric. Do you have a supplier for it, yet?”

      “We’re sourcing it now. Trust me, I’ll get it at your price.”

      “Good. Then I guess we’ve got a lot to do,” Kacey tossed out, clearly ready to get started.

      “Sounds fine. I’m ready whenever you are,” Leon said, leaning forward.

      Kacey slowly unscrewed the cap on her bottle of water while assessing her new collaborator with interest. Though caught off guard by this shift in plans, the prospect of working with Leon Archer Jr. absolutely intrigued her. In the full five minutes since they’d met, she could already tell that collaborating with him was going to be a challenge. A challenge that she was more than ready to accept.

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