The Rancher Bodyguard. Carla Cassidy

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The Rancher Bodyguard - Carla Cassidy Mills & Boon Intrigue

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charged with a murder I know she didn’t commit. And you, Charlie Black, are as close to the devil as I could get.”

      She didn’t wait for his reply. She got into her car, started the engine with a roar and left him standing to eat her dust as she peeled out and back down the driveway.

      Grace drove until she was out of sight of Charlie’s ranch and then pulled to the side of the road. She leaned her head down on the steering wheel and fought back the tears that burned her eyes.

      A nightmare. She felt as if she’d been mysteriously plunged into a nightmare and couldn’t wake up to escape, didn’t know how to get out.

      She’d barely had time to mourn her stepfather, the man who had married her mother when she’d been sixteen and Hope had been a baby.

      William Covington had not only married their mother, Elizabeth, but had also taken on her two children as if they were his own. Grace’s father had died of a heart attack and William had adopted the two fatherless girls.

      He’d guided Grace through the tumultuous teen years with patience and humor. He’d been their rock when their mother had simply vanished two years ago, taking with her two suitcases full of clothing and her daughters’ broken hearts.

      Grace raised her head from the steering wheel and pulled back on the road. She couldn’t think about her mother right now. That was an old pain. She had new pains to worry about and a little sister to try to save.

      No way, she thought as she headed toward the hospital. No way was Hope capable of such a heinous crime. And Hope had always been the first one to declare that she thought drugs were stupid. She couldn’t be taking drugs.

      But how do you know for sure? a little voice in her head whispered. She’d been so busy the last couple of years, working at the shop and flying off for buying trips. Since the disappearance of her mother and her subsequent breakup with Charlie, Grace had engaged in a frenzy of work, exhausting herself each day to keep the anger and the heartache of both her mother’s and Charlie’s betrayals at bay.

      Sure, lately, when she’d spent time with Hope, the young girl had voiced the usual teenage complaints about William. He was too strict and old-fashioned. He gave her too little freedom and too many lectures. He hated her friends.

      But those were the complaints of almost every teenager on the face of the earth, and Grace couldn’t believe they had meant that Hope harbored a killing rage against William.

      She turned into the hospital parking lot and slid into an empty parking space, then turned off the engine. She stared at the small structure that comprised the Cotter Creek hospital, her thoughts filled with Charlie Black.

      Six months ago, everyone in town had been buzzing with the gossip that Charlie Black had finally come home. She knew his father had died from an unexpected heart attack and had left Charlie the family ranch, but she’d assumed he’d sell it and continue his self-destructive path in the fast lane. She’d been stunned to hear that he’d closed up his practice in Oklahoma City and taken over the ranch.

      She’d met Charlie two months after her mother’s disappearance. She hadn’t told him about her mother, rather she’d used her time with him as an escape from the pain, from the utter heart break of her mother’s abandonment.

      With Charlie she’d been able to pretend it hadn’t happened. With Charlie, for a blessed time, she’d shoved the pain deep inside her.

      She’d refused to tell him because she hadn’t wanted to see pity in his eyes. She’d needed him to be her safe place away from all the madness, and for a while that’s what he’d been.

      As soon as she’d heard about William’s murder and Hope’s possible involvement, Charlie’s name was the first one that had popped into her head. All the qualities she’d hated in him as a man were desirable qualities in a defense attorney.

      His arrogance, his need to be right, his stubbornness and his emotional detachment made him a good defense attorney and would make him a terrific professional bodyguard, but he was definitely a poor bet for a personal relationship, as she’d discovered.

      That was in the past. She didn’t want anything from Charlie Black except his ability to make sure that Hope was safe.

      As she got out of her car, she recognized that she was in a mild state of shock. The events of the past three hours hadn’t fully caught up with her yet.

      She’d been at the shop when she’d gotten the call from Deputy Ben Taylor, indicating that William was dead and Hope had been transferred to the hospital. He’d given her just enough information to both horrify and terrify her.

      Her legs trembled as she made her way through the emergency room entrance. She hadn’t been able to see Hope when she’d been here before, as Hope had been undergoing the stomach pumping. Surely they would let Grace see her now.

      She told the nurse on duty who she was, then sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room. She was the only person there. She clasped her hands together in her lap in an attempt to stop their shaking.

      Was Hope okay? Who had really killed William? He’d been a kind, gentle man. Who would want to hurt him?

      She blinked back her tears and straightened her shoulders. She couldn’t fall apart now. She had to be strong because she knew this was only the beginning of the nightmare.


      She looked up to see Dr. Ralph Dell standing in the doorway. She started to stand but he motioned her back into her chair as he sat next to her. “She’s stable,” he said. “We pumped her stomach, but whatever she took either wasn’t in pill form or had enough time to be digested. I’ve ordered a full toxicology screen.”

      “Is she conscious?” Grace asked.

      “Drifting in and out. She’ll be here until the effects have completely worn off.” Dr. Dell eyed her soberly. “The sheriff is going to want to talk to her, and even with her condition I can keep him away only so long.”

      “I know. Charlie Black is supposed to meet me here in the next hour or so.”

      “Good. Deputy Taylor has been here since she was brought in.”

      Grace frowned. “Has he talked to her?”

      Dr. Dell shook his head. “Up until now Hope hasn’t been in any condition to talk to anyone. And I promised you I wouldn’t let anyone in to see her while you were gone. I’m a man of my word.”

      “Thank you.” Grace raised a trembling hand to her temple, where a headache had begun to pound with fierce intensity.

      “How are you doing?” Dr. Dell reached out and took her hand in his. He’d been both Hope’s and Grace’s doctor since they’d been small girls. “You need anything, you let me know.”

      She realized he wasn’t just holding her hand, but rather was taking her pulse at the same time. She forced a smile. “I’m okay.” She withdrew her hand from his. “Really. Can I see Hope?”

      He nodded his head and stood. “However, I caution you about asking her too many questions. Right now what she needs is your love and support. There will be plenty of time for answers when she’s feeling more alert.”


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