Finally, You And Me. Lisa Harrison Jackson

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Finally, You And Me - Lisa Harrison Jackson Mills & Boon Kimani

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screwed up from the bitter taste. However, over a short period of time she had acquired a taste for it.

      Easing into a chair at the dinette table, she sighed with relief at the opportunity to rest her feet. The first message was from her hair salon calling to remind her of an upcoming appointment. The second was from her mother who wanted to know why she hadn’t called in a while. The third message was a hang-up, while the last caller was her best friend Maya. At the sound of her friend’s professional announcer voice, enunciating each word with such precision, Alexa scurried over to the machine. She caught the tail end portion of the message, “…wonderful news. Return my call as soon as possible.”

      Alexa wondered what the urgency was about. Ideas began to fly in her head. She knew Maya couldn’t be pregnant again. As far as she knew, after their third daughter was born, Maya and her husband Bryant had accepted the fact that they would not be trying a fourth time for a son. Glancing at her watch, she picked up the telephone, hoping to catch Maya before she left the television station for the day.

      The telephone rang twice before Maya answered in her usual professional tone. “Channel 12, this is Maya Renault.”

      Sometimes it still surprised Alexa that her best friend was a high-profile news anchor for Channel 12 in Detroit. Because of her television status, Maya was regarded as a local celebrity and treated as such. People of various ages and ethnic backgrounds recognized her, as she graced their television set each morning and was known to be active in worthy causes in the community. Whenever she hung out with Maya during her visits to Detroit, Alexa was amazed by the red-carpet treatment her friend frequently received.

      “What’s up, Mrs. R?” Alexa greeted, happy to hear her friend’s voice.


      “No, Hillary Rodham Clinton,” Alexa sarcastically replied.

      “Hey, Hill, how are things going with Billy boy these days?” Maya teased, once she recognized Alexa’s voice.

      “Apparently not as good as things are going on there. I got your message. What’s up?” she asked, stretching her legs out on the adjacent chair.

      “I’m getting married!” Maya blurted.

      “But Maya, you’re already married,” Alexa reminded her.

      “No, Bryant and I have decided to renew our vows on New Year’s Eve. After nine years of marriage we are finally going to have a real wedding,” she sighed dreamily.

      Alexa refused to let Maya’s news rekindle her own insecurities that had risen earlier that day. It seemed like everyone was being claimed by someone. Even Maya’s husband was asking for her hand—again!

      “That’s great, Maya!”

      “I knew you’d be happy,” Maya exclaimed. “So when can you come?”

      “Maya, I know you don’t think I can come? New Year’s Eve is just four days away.”

      “And?” her friend replied matter-of-factly.

      “You know how busy I am. Don’t you think I need more notice?”

      “Maybe any person would need notice, but you are my best friend. I know regardless of how much notice I give you, you’ll be there. Bryant and I are counting on you. Plus, I want you to stand for me.”

      Tears swelled in Alexa’s eyes. Maya and Bryant were two very special people whose lives she shared in years back. The three of them had been through a lot, giving each other mental, and when possible, financial support. In addition to hanging out and partying together, they at one time shared the same town house. Now the two of them wanted to reaffirm their love before God, friends and family and wanted her to stand again in their circle of love. She was touched by the request for her presence.

      A tear slid down her cheek and before Alexa knew it, she was crying for a second time that day. “You know I would be honored,” she replied with a sniffle.

      “Are you crying, Alexa Kirkwood?” Maya asked softly.

      “I’m so happy for you both,” she admitted as she reached for a tissue. She blew her nose. At least somebody is happy.

      A slight sense of panic hit Alexa as she realized her role in the wedding. As the maid of honor and best friend to the bride, she had to be there for Maya in a big way and she wasn’t about to let her friends down.

      Immediately she began to run down her list of things to do in preparation for her trip. “I’m going to have to call my travel agent to see if I can get a cheap flight and I’ll probably have to beg De Angela to see if she can squeeze me in for an earlier hair appointment, probably get my nails done, too.”

      “Alexa, Alexa, just get here. We’ll deal with those things later,” Maya assured her.

      Alexa wiped away the warm tears settling on the rim of her eyes and exhaled softly. Here I go again.

      There was something magical about taking early-morning flights that captured Alexa’s attention. The way the sun made an entrance against the dawn, transforming the skies from a purplish pink to a yellowish orange was like magic. Then to be so high above the floor of clouds, witnessing the rays stretching out across the endless heavens was like a warm invitation calming her sometimes restless spirit.

      She needed to feel a sense of calmness as she was a ball of anxiety, trembling like a frightened cat. From the moment she received Maya’s call, the butterflies had not stopped fluttering around in her stomach. She couldn’t eat anything because the thought made her nauseous. The anticipation of confronting her past made her light-headed. A past filled with unresolved issues; one that involved Darius Riverside.

      Upon hearing of Darius’s participation in the wedding, Alexa’s immediate reaction was to change her plans, but she knew she couldn’t do that. Especially since she promised Maya that she would be there for her. Although nine years had passed, she was surprised that hearing Darius’s name still caused her heart to race. Their relationship had been so close that sometimes all they had to do was look at each other and seemingly feel what the other was thinking. It was amazing to Alexa how they were so in tune with one another. Although they weren’t together for very long, Alexa had always felt as though their paths were destined to cross sooner or later. She always had a sixth sense about him.

      Most important than the physical attraction was their friendship. Because of this, Alexa often wondered if she made a mistake by walking away.

      Over the years, she often wondered what became of Darius. She never dared ask Maya because she knew her friend too well. Her nose for news would start sniffing around for hidden agendas or repressed feelings. Besides, she did not want Maya to start preaching to her about having let a good man go. Darius definitely possessed the qualities that would earn him that title, and Alexa accepted the consequences for not appreciating him early on.

      She was sure Darius loathed her to the point that any thought of reconciliation, let alone a friendship, was out of the question. With that in mind, her sole purpose of attending the wedding was to support her friends, not run around fretting over an encounter with Darius. When it was all over, she would leave the following day and not look back.

      The Detroit airport was more crowded than Alexa had anticipated, making her wish she had worn something other than the casual sweat suit. She guessed that the crowd of travelers was probably returning from spending Christmas

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