Hearts Afire. Deborah Fletcher Mello

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Hearts Afire - Deborah Fletcher Mello Mills & Boon Kimani

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when they get back.”

      “She’s going to miss having kids,” Maitlyn professed, her voice dropping to a low whisper. “I know I do.”

      Katrina tossed her a slight smile. “Having children is still an option for you. You deserve to be happy, Maitlyn. It’s time you looked forward to what’s ahead for you. You don’t need to worry over your past anymore.”

      Maitlyn nodded her head. “I know.”

      “I’m going to tell you like I told Marah and like Mommy has always told all of us. Trust in whatever plan God has for you.”

      Before Maitlyn could respond, her father’s booming voice resounded from the doorway. The two women turned to see Mason “Senior” Boudreaux making his way into the room. He cradled Katrina’s young son in his arms. The baby was laughing heartily as drool flooded down his chin. Senior tickled his chubby folds, and the baby laughed again. The sight of them made both women laugh.

      “Me and baby Jake were trying to stay away from all your girl stuff. Men can’t get no kind of peace in this house!”

      “Stop your fussing,” Katherine admonished as she moved in behind them. She reached to wipe the baby’s mouth with the corner of his bib.

      Katrina cut an eye toward her big sister and smiled. “So, where is Mattie going, Senior? What’s the big surprise?”

      Senior met his daughter’s curious gaze as Maitlyn stared at him past her sister’s shoulder. “Should I be scared?” she questioned.

      Senior laughed as he blew bubbles against the baby’s cheek. “I would be. That’s a whole lot of water you gone be on!”

      “Water? I don’t understand—” Maitlyn started.

      Katherine clapped her hands together excitedly. “Senior is sending you on a cruise. You leave at the end of the week,” she exclaimed.

      Katrina jumped up with excitement. Completely stunned, Maitlyn came to her feet, as well. “A cruise? I can’t do a cruise,” she stated.

      Senior passed baby Jake to Katrina. He took a deep breath as he moved to stand in front of his oldest daughter; then his hands gripped her gently by the shoulders. “You can do a cruise, and you will do this cruise.”

      “But, Senior, I have to work! I can’t just—”

      The patriarch held up his index finger and shook it in her face. “You need some time away, Maitlyn Rose. You’ve had a rough year. Your mama and I have been watching you take care of everyone but yourself. Between managing Guy’s career, cleaning up Darryl’s messes, handling Kamaya’s business and everything else you do for your brothers and sisters, not to mention your other clients, you haven’t had any time for you. And that stops right now.”

      “Your father’s right,” Katherine interjected. “With everything Donald put you through, this will be a great opportunity for Maitlyn to rediscover Maitlyn. You need to do you a Stella!”

      Katrina suddenly laughed out loud, her eyes wide with amusement.

      Maitlyn looked confused. “Stella? What does that mean?”

      Katherine rolled her eyes. “Go get your groove back, baby.”

      Color flushed Maitlyn’s face as understanding washed over her.

      Senior reached for his grandson again and moved back toward the door. “Come on, Jake. Told you we men can’t get a minute of peace with all these women in the house,” he chimed as they disappeared from view.

      Katrina laughed again. “Mama, I think you embarrassed Senior.”

      Maitlyn nodded as she sat back down. “I know you embarrassed me!”

      Katherine fanned a hand at her daughters. “You know your daddy better than that.” She dropped down onto the seat beside Maitlyn and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

      “And I don’t know what you’re embarrassed about. That well has been dry for too long,” she teased. “It’s time you go get yours, baby. That’s all I’m going to say.” Katherine leaned in to kiss her daughter’s cheek. “Go get yours!”

      Shaking her head, Maitlyn smiled ever so slightly as Katherine and Katrina both laughed out loud.

      * * *

      Standing in front of the full-length mirror that hung from the closet door, Maitlyn held up two dresses, flashing one and then the other in front of her lean frame.

      “Pack them both,” Tarah Boudreaux said. “In fact, pack it all! You’ll be gone for thirty-four days. For thirty-four days you’re going to need a lot of clothes. No one expects you to pack conservatively.”

      “No one expects me to go over my baggage limit, either. I don’t know why I agreed to do this,” Maitlyn exclaimed, dropping down onto the full-size bed. “I don’t want to do this!”

      Tarah laughed. “Do you want to tell Senior that, or do you want me to tell him for you?”

      “Would it make a difference?”

      “Nope. He’ll still tell you that you’re going whether you like it or not.” Tarah giggled.

      Maitlyn sighed as she threw herself back against the mattress. She pulled an arm across her face, covering her eyes. She wanted to be excited about her trip, but she was still mourning the loss of her marriage. Life had thrown her a serious curve, and she wasn’t quite ready to end the pity party she’d been throwing for herself.

      Her ex-husband’s rejection had been monumental, and she was tired of pretending to be strong when all she felt was broken. She took a deep breath as she sat upright and met the harsh stare Tarah was giving her. Like the rest of her family, Tarah refused to commiserate, totally unconcerned with her discontent. “What?” she questioned, eyeing her sister with annoyance.

      “I think we should go lingerie shopping. You can’t pack any of this stuff,” her baby sister said, shaking a fistful of her cotton panties in the air.

      Maitlyn rolled her eyes. “Why are you touching my underwear?”

      “Because these granny panties are not cute! And you definitely don’t want to be caught wearing these if you should meet a guy on your cruise.”

      Maitlyn shook her head, not at all amused.

      “Oh, oh, oh,” Tarah suddenly exclaimed, jumping onto the bed beside her. “I think you should have sex with one of the cabin guys.”

      “I am not having sex with a cabin guy.”

      “Just wild, dirty sex where you don’t even bother to ask his name,” Tarah said excitedly, her hands waving in the air. “I can just see it now. He won’t know you’re in the room when he comes into your cabin to turn down the bed. You’ll pretend to be surprised when he catches you doing this sultry striptease out of your clothes. Then you’ll give him a sexy come-hither look, and when he does you rip his uniform off. Afterward, you show him to the door and leave him a big tip so he definitely knows it wasn’t a love thing.”


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