Accidental Family. Joan Elliott Pickart

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Accidental Family - Joan Elliott Pickart Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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this is not interesting. It’s just another sad tale of a marriage that didn’t make it. I usually don’t pour out my woes like this. I’m living in the present now and looking to the future. There’s nothing to be gained by dwelling on what happened between me and Peter, except that I did learn something important about myself.”

      “Like what?”

      “Enough of this. I’m changing the subject. Oh, Sarah Ann did have a favorite toy that she brought back to my house from yours. It’s a worse-for-wear teddy bear that—”

      “Patches,” David said, then sat bolt upward. He sank back against the pillow in the next instant, one hand clamped on the top of his head. “Oh, my aching head. Forget the head. Am I right? Is Sarah Ann’s favorite toy a beat-up bear named Patches?”

      “Yes,” Patty said, her eyes dancing with excitement. “Yes, you’re right. Oh, David, see? Your memory is coming back in little bits and pieces. Do you remember anything else about Patches? You mended him with… Do you know?”

      David stared into space. “No, there’s nothing else there.”

      “Don’t worry about it.”

      “What did I mend the bear with?”

      “Duct tape,” Patty said, smiling. “Then you drew hearts on it. I was very touched when I saw it. You really are a very loving father.”

      “I wonder what kind of husband I was?” he said, frowning.

      No doubt a much better husband than she had been in her role of wife, Patty thought. She hoped when David’s memory returned that would prove to be true, so he wouldn’t have to live with the kind of guilt that tormented her.

      “What’s wrong?” David said. “You look very sad all of a sudden.”

      “It was just a fleeting thought, but it’s gone now.”

      “You deserve to be happy, Patty.”

      “Oh?” she said, smiling. “You believe that, of course, because you’ve known me so well for so long.”

      “Laugh if you like,” David said, looking directly into her eyes, “but while I don’t even know at the moment how I like my eggs cooked, I do know that you are a very special, very rare and wonderful person who deserves to be happy.”

      “I’m happy,” Patty said softly. “I have two children, two miracles, and I cherish my role as their mother.”

      “But what about Patty the woman? Is she happy?”

      “I don’t separate the titles, David. Patty the woman is a mother and I am happy.”


      “What does that mean, that ‘mmm’?”

      “That even an empty-minded moron-at-the-moment like me knows that isn’t how it’s supposed to be,” David said decisively. “Nope. Now, according to what I’ve been told I’m a father and I’m an attorney. However, I am also a man who, when I can remember what they are, has wants, needs, desires as do you, Patty the woman.”


      “No, I’m not,” David said, with a burst of laughter. “And I’m beginning to have no difficulty believing that I’m an attorney because I’m obnoxiously sure of myself when I take a stand.”

      “That’s for certain,” Patty said, smiling.

      “Ah, Patty, thank you,” David said. “You actually made me laugh right out loud and the way I’ve felt all day I wondered if I’d ever do that again. I owe you so much for so many things, the most important of which is your willingness to take care of Sarah Ann until I can get out of this place.”

      “No more thanks are necessary, David.”

      “Well, I do want to say that I’m very glad that you came into my life when you did, Patty Clark. Very, very glad.”

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