Fortune's June Bride. Allison Leigh

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Fortune's June Bride - Allison Leigh Mills & Boon Cherish

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and tossed down the pen. “If Joey’s not back in the saddle tomorrow or the next day, it’s possible we can bring in someone from another location,” she said. “But that’ll take some time.”

      “Which means, what?”

      “Without a Rusty, there’s no Wild West Wedding,” Diane said with another shrug. “No worries, though.” She picked up her phone and punched a few numbers. “Yeah, this is Diane in casting. Let me talk to Phillip.”

      Aurora winced, knowing she was calling Phillip Dubois, the production head.

      Diane tucked the receiver in her shoulder and looked back at Aurora again. “I hear Outlaw Shootout will be set to go by the end of this week. It’ll replace Wedding, and in the meantime we’ll fill in—”

      “—replace Wedding!”

      Diane lifted her hand, speaking into the phone again. “Hi, Phil. We’re going to need to pull Wild West Wedding from the sched—” Her jaw dropped when Aurora’s fingers slammed down on the phone hook. “Excuse me?”

      Aurora retracted her hand, flushing. “You can’t just cancel the show.”

      Diane gave her a pitying look. “Stuff happens, hon.”

      “But Joey might well be back in the saddle, as you say, tomorrow.”

      “That doesn’t solve the problem for three more shows today.” Diane started dialing again.

      “Please don’t,” Aurora begged.

      Diane sighed loudly and looked up through her lashes at her. “Why?”

      “The show means so much to, uh, to so many people,” she said weakly. “We’ve got one of the largest casts in all of Cowboy Country’s productions.” The only shows with more parts were the Sunday Go to Meeting House with their choir show and the How the West Was Won Saloon Show, both of which were musicals.

      Diane made a face. She replaced the receiver and folded her hands together, leaning across the desk toward Aurora. “You found yourself a Rusty for the noon show,” she advised. “Get him to finish out the day. After that, we’ll see.”

      Aurora nodded quickly. “Thanks, Diane.”

      The other woman shooed her away with a flick of her fingers before looking at the applicants waiting in her chairs. “You,” she barked at the middle-aged woman sitting closest to her. “Can you yodel?”

      Aurora quickly ducked out of the office while the applicant was still stammering.

      Being cast as Lila was one of the brightest spots in Aurora’s life right now. If that meant somehow talking Galen into repeating his part in the role of Rusty three more times that day, she was going to do it.

      Even if it meant offering to take care of his ranch chores herself!

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