What The Prince Wants. Jules Bennett

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What The Prince Wants - Jules Bennett Billionaires and Babies

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all flushed, with a sheen of perspiration across her body.

      “Do you really want to work out?” he asked. “I don’t want you to feel pressured. I’m just offering the room to you.”

      Darcy shrugged. “I could stand to lose a few pounds.”

      Anger simmered beneath the surface. “Who told you that?”

      Darcy entered the room and checked out the elliptical, the treadmill, the free weights. “He’s no longer in the picture, but that’s not what matters. What matters is that I’ve let myself go, and with all of this at my fingertips I don’t see why I shouldn’t take advantage of it while I’m here.”

      Colin stepped in and came up behind her, close enough to touch. He clenched his hands at his sides. “If you want to feel better about yourself, that’s one thing. If you’re doing this because some bastard told you you’re overweight, then I have a problem.”

      Her shoulders stiffened as she turned. The second she realized how close they were, her eyes widened, but she didn’t step back. Their bodies were only a breath apart and with each inhale, the tips of her breasts brushed against his chest. He was playing with fire and damn if he could stop himself. He’d always lived for the adrenaline rush and Darcy got his blood pumping.

      Being this close he noticed a sprinkling of freckles across her nose. There was so much innocence in this woman, yet in some ways she seemed too tough to be innocent. She’d gone through hard times, according to her. Even if she hadn’t said so, he could tell by the way she was headstrong, determined and focused. How the hell could he not find that completely sexy?

      “My weight may have been mentioned in my last relationship,” she told him, keeping her eyes on his. “But he’s history and I want to do this for me. Will you help me or not?”

      Would he help her? Close quarters, alone without Iris as a buffer and having Darcy’s body as his sole focus for hours? He may not want this attraction, but it was there nonetheless and only an idiot would turn her down.

      “I’ll help you,” he told her. “We’ll start tonight after Iris goes to bed. That work for you?”

      Her smile spread across her face, lighting up those expressive eyes. “It works if you take it easy on me.”

      Oiktirmon. Mercy.

      “Oh, I plan on giving you just what you need.”

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