The Greek's Ready-Made Wife. Jennifer Faye

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The Greek's Ready-Made Wife - Jennifer Faye Mills & Boon Cherish

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sure about that. “Surely you have a girlfriend—someone close to you—to marry.”

      His jaw tensed and a muscle in his cheek twitched. “Yes, I could find someone to marry for real, but the truth is I don’t want to be married. Not for keeps.”

      “Then why jump through all of these hoops? You seem rich enough to do as you please.”

      “I wish it were as easy as that. But having money doesn’t mean things come to you any easier. Some things are still unobtainable without help.”

      Kyra had lived with money and without money. She found that both lifestyles had their positives and negatives. But she didn’t know that other people had similar opinions. Her mother seemed to think that having money was the only important thing in life. And if you no longer had money, like her and her mother, then you pretended as if you did. Kyra didn’t subscribe to that way of thinking, but after going round and round with her mother, she knew trying to change her mother’s mind was a waste of time.

      Kyra eyed up Cristo. “And you want my help to create a paper marriage so you can conclude a business deal?” She struggled to get this all straight in her mind. “And when the deal’s complete, we’ll go our separate ways?”

      “Yes.” He smiled as though relieved that she finally grasped what he was saying. “But it’s not just any business deal. It’ll be the biggest of my career. It’ll change everything.”

      The conviction in his voice surprised her. Even though she didn’t quite understand the importance of this deal, she felt bad for him. Why would anyone have to propose to a stranger in order to do business? No one should marry someone they didn’t love heart, body and soul. For any reason.

      Perhaps he needed a bit of coaxing in order to see things clearly. “There has to be another way.”

      He shook his head. “If there was, trust me, I would have done it by now.”

      She paused for a moment and gave his predicament a bit of thought. “Well, if marriage is so important, why can’t you just have a fake fiancée? Wouldn’t that save you a lot of trouble?”

      Not that she was applying for the position—even though his blue eyes were mesmerizing and his mouth looked as though it could do the most delicious things. The fact was she’d come to Greece with her own agenda. And getting caught up in someone else’s drama would only delay making life better for her and her mother.

      * * *

      This lady was sharp.

      That was a definite bonus.

      Cristo smiled. He knew from the moment he’d met Kyra that there was something special about her. And it went much deeper than her silky dark hair with long bangs that framed her big brown eyes. The rest of her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. He imagined how seductive she’d look with her hair loose and flowing over her shoulders.

      However, his interest in her went beyond her good looks. From the moment they’d met, he’d noticed the warmth in her smile and the ease in her manner. Who knew she’d end up being the answer to his problems? He hadn’t—not until this morning when he submitted his final proposal to the Stravos Trust to purchase its hotel chain. It had been summarily rejected without review.

      He knew then and there that he was going to have to play by the off-the-wall rules laid out by the reclusive billionaire Nikolaos Stravos, whether he liked it or not. And he most certainly did not like having his business deals hinge on his personal life.

      Although, Kyra’s suggestion of an engagement might make the arrangement a bit more tolerable. An engagement wouldn’t necessitate the use of attorneys and an ironclad prenuptial agreement. It’d be all very neat and tidy.

      His gaze met and held hers. He needed more information in order to make this work. “How long have you been working at the Blue Tide? I don’t remember seeing you around here before yesterday.”

      “That’s because yesterday was my first day. I used to work in the New York hotel.”

      “Did you work there long?”

      “A few years.”

      “And it was in housekeeping?”

      She nodded, but the way she worried her bottom lip was a dead giveaway that she was leaving something out. If he was going to trust her with this important deal, he had to know what she was leaving out. “What aren’t you saying?”

      Her gaze met his as though deciding if she should trust him or not. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m currently taking online courses in international hotel management.”

      “I don’t understand. Why would you be hesitant to tell me that?”

      She laced her fingers together. “I didn’t want you to think I was ungrateful for my current position.”

      He smiled at her, hoping to ease her obvious discomfort. “The thought never would have crossed my mind. I encourage all of my employees to further themselves. In fact, we have in-house training sessions periodically.”

      “I know. I checked into them.”

      Again, she was leaving something out, but he was pretty sure of what she was hesitant to say. “But we don’t offer the classes you are interested in. And if you don’t mind me asking, what might that be?”

      She straightened her thin shoulders and tilted up her chin. “Property manager.”

      Of course. He should have known. There was a get-it-done spirit to her. “I have no doubt that you will succeed.”

      Her lips lifted into a warm smile. “Thank you.”

      So she had drive. He respected that. But there was still so much that he didn’t know about her. The cautious side of him said to pull her personnel file, but there wasn’t time. However, his manager made a practice of thoroughly investigating prospective employees. She must have a clean history or she wouldn’t be here.

      “I enjoyed our conversation yesterday. You’re a very insightful young woman. And I would consider it a huge favor if you were to help me out with my business issue.”

      The panic vacated her eyes as her rigid stance eased. “I really do like my job with housekeeping. It allows me time to, uh...sightsee and stuff.”

      “Will you at least consider my proposition?”

      “I have. And the answer is no. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to find yourself someone else to play the part.” She started out the door.

      “Please think it over.” He threw out an outrageous dollar figure that put a pause in her step. “I really need your assistance.”

      He was running out of time.

      And options.

      THE MOST LOGICAL thing to do right now was to keep walking.

      Yet there was that note of desperation in Cristo’s voice. Something told her that he didn’t say

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