Second Chance Christmas. Tanya Michaels

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Second Chance Christmas - Tanya Michaels Mills & Boon American Romance

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decision Elisabeth made.

      Then I’d better make the right ones. “Do you like Steven?” she prompted.

      Kaylee’s only answer was a barely perceptible shrug of her slim shoulders.

      Oh, dear. “The two of you seemed to have fun at the zoo yesterday.”

      The girl didn’t do anything so radical as smile, but her gaze brightened fractionally. “Monkeys are funny.” Then she shoved an entire cookie into her mouth. Was that her way of ending the conversation?

      Sighing, Elisabeth told herself that Steven and Kaylee would have plenty of time to bond. At least they’d met now. Since nearly all of Elisabeth and Steven’s relationship had been long-distance, she’d refused to answer his proposal until he’d spent a couple of days with Kaylee. Elisabeth had pulled Kaylee from school early on Thursday and taken her to Albuquerque. By the time they’d arrived back home this morning, Elisabeth was officially engaged.

      She’d wanted her parents and sister to hear the announcement first so they had time to work through their—misgivings—surprise and could help bolster Kaylee’s enthusiasm. That plan might not work as well as she’d hoped. Lina had looked downright betrayed by Elisabeth’s news, but surely she would remain positive in front of Kaylee? Over the past four months, Lina had proven herself a natural-born aunt.

      An aunt who’s about to be nine hundred miles from her niece. Elisabeth and Steven wanted to get married before his upcoming promotion took him to California. Moving to neutral ground together, as a family, would give them the perfect fresh start. He’d suggested that after he got settled into his new job, they could take Kaylee to Disneyland.

      Elisabeth debated whether mention of Disney would perk up the little girl, but decided to keep that as an ace in her sleeve. “Are you all done with the cookies Chef made you?” A surprising bond had formed between Kaylee and the lodge’s award-winning Chef Bates. Just that morning he’d delivered a small box of jelly-frosted spice cookies.

      Kaylee nodded solemnly. “Can I go play?”

      “Yes, but I’m here if you want to talk. About anything,” she encouraged. “Even monkeys.”

      Her goddaughter silently slid from her chair and darted for freedom—only to retrace her steps and grab one last cookie before disappearing around the corner. Elisabeth didn’t have the heart to call her back and remind her to take a napkin. After moving from Denver to Cielo Peak earlier in the year and finally beginning to adapt, poor Kaylee was about to be shifted again. She’d earned the right to scatter a few crumbs through Elisabeth’s loft apartment.

      Cookies and monkeys—I can do this. She’d made a promise to Michelle. Whatever it took, Elisabeth would raise a happy, well-adjusted daughter. But she was indescribably grateful that she would be married soon and wouldn’t have to do it alone.

      Chapter Two

      While tourists usually congregated in the surrounding resort bars, Cielo Peak locals favored Peak’s Pints. Especially on Tuesday nights, when pitchers of beer were only a dollar. Elisabeth scanned the crowded tavern for a free table. At least she had plenty of illumination for her search. The usual neon signs were supplemented by Christmas lights strewn all around the interior.

      Her attention snagged on the cheerfully crooked Christmas tree next to the jukebox. Between extra hours during the lodge’s busy holiday season and her weekend trip to New Mexico, she hadn’t put up a tree yet. Would decorating one be fun for Kaylee, or would it simply remind the girl that she was facing her first Christmas without her mother?

      “Hey!” Lina elbowed her in the side. “We’re here to celebrate, not stand in the doorway all night.”

      “I’m looking for a place to sit. It’s packed. You see anything, Nic?”

      Boutique owner Nicole Lewis had the best vantage point. While the Donnelly twins barely topped five foot three, Nicole was almost six feet tall. With her natural grace and high cheekbones, she looked more like someone who modeled clothes on a runway than someone who sold them.

      “Back corner, follow me.” Wasting no time, Nicole strode in that direction.

      They all hurried, hoping to secure the spot before anyone else took it, but they hadn’t gone far when a man rose from his chair to hug Lina. Lifelong experience had taught Elisabeth that her twin would probably pause to say hi to a half dozen more people along the way. Elisabeth continued on without her.

      Shrugging out of her coat, she slid into the booth across from Nicole. Although her friend had only moved here four years ago, Elisabeth often felt as if they’d known each other their whole lives. “I know I said this over the phone already, but that’s not the same as face-to-face. Thank you for agreeing to be my maid of honor. The wedding plans are moving fast, and I really appreciate the help.”

      “I’m flattered you asked me. But surprised you didn’t pick Lina.”

      “Well, she’ll be a bridesmaid, of course. I know I can count on you. You have good attention to detail. Lina...” Elisabeth chose her words carefully. “...favors spontaneity.”

      “Says the woman who shocked us all with her engagement,” Nicole teased.

      “I admit the timing might seem sudden, but with Steven relocating to California in six weeks, taking this step now is logical.”

      “I think you’ve said ‘logical’ ten times since you called me about the engagement.” Nicole propped her chin on her fist. “Know what I haven’t heard you say? Romantic. Passionate.”

      Elisabeth grimaced. “I’ve had my share of passion.”

      “You mean Justin Cade?” Even Nicole, the most loyal of friends, sounded a bit breathless when she mentioned Mr. Tall, Dark and Temporary. Where Justin was concerned, women easily lost their breath. And their good sense. And often their clothes.

      “Right. That guy.”

      “I never expected you to get over him so soon. Not to poke at emotional wounds, but you seemed destroyed when the two of you broke up over the summer.”

      “I don’t like to dwell on that.” The memory of herself as fragile and weepy embarrassed her. She was a strong, intelligent woman, someone who was supposed to be a role model for Kaylee. “It’s been plenty of time to get over a guy—even one who thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”

      Nicole looked unconvinced. “We’re talking about more than simple recovery after an ex. In less than six months, you healed your heartbreak, fell for someone else and decided to get married.”

      “Steven and I have spent a lot of hours Skyping. You know how upset I was when Michelle died, and he was such an incredible listener. We’ve gotten to know each other, discussed our goals for the future. We’re not rushing into this blindly.” Since most of their relationship had been conducted long-distance, they’d skipped banal courting activities such as sitting through two-hour movies without speaking or dancing at clubs where they couldn’t hear each other over the music. Their time had been brief but effectively utilized. It was like the industrial-strength laundry detergent used by the lodge’s housekeeping staff—one didn’t need as much because it was so concentrated. “Why waste time when we both know what we want?”

      “If you’re happy,

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