The Substitute Millionaire. Susan Mallery

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The Substitute Millionaire - Susan Mallery Mills & Boon M&B

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glanced in her rearview mirror for the hundredth time in the past seven minutes. Dinner had been fabulous. She couldn’t remember a thing about the food, although she was confident that had been great. It was the conversation she remembered. The sexy banter, the laughter—the connection.

      She couldn’t remember the last time a man had pulled her in so completely. One minute she’d been dreading the evening and the next she’d wanted to stop time so it would never end.

      Todd was amazing. Funny and smart and he got her humor, which didn’t always happen. And the physical chemistry…he could make her melt just by looking at her.

      All of which was really nice, but was she prepared to take things where they were obviously headed? His offer to follow her home to make sure she arrived safely was a very thin disguise for what he was really offering—naked Todd in her bed.

      The question wasn’t if she wanted that—she did with a desperation that left her hungry and restless. It wasn’t about wanting, it was about being sensible. She hadn’t had a man in her life since Garrett. Not that she was going to think about that lying bastard right now. The point was, she hadn’t been playing the dating game for a long time. She was out of practice. Sure, tonight had gone well, but did that mean she should celebrate by inviting Todd in and having her way with him?

      She still hadn’t decided when they arrived at her place. She pulled in front of the single-car garage and climbed out of her car. The night was still and clear, not too cold because even though it was fall, it was still Los Angeles where real weather need not apply.

      Nerves tingled and danced throughout her body. Every cell from her ears down begged her to take the very handsome and capable man up on his yet-to-be-made offer. Her skin ached to be touched and her feminine bits could use with a good ravishing. But her brain warned her to be careful. Sure, Todd was all things charming, but what did she really know about him? Besides, sex on the first date was so tacky.

      He parked on the street and climbed out, then glanced around.

      “Not what I expected,” he said quietly as he approached. “I thought you’d live in something new and shiny.”

      The neighborhood was older, with a lot of houses having been converted into duplexes. Julie liked the settled atmosphere of the neighborhood and craftsman details inside and out.

      “I’m close to work and I get to have a bit of grass,” she said. “I’m not really a condo person.”

      He smiled down at her, then brushed her cheek with his thumb. “Good thing we didn’t go to my place.”

      “Let me guess. It’s all glass and steel.”

      “That, too, but mostly because it’s farther.”

      With that, he kissed her.

      His mouth was warm and firm, yet gentle. He moved slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, and she liked that. She liked how he put his hands on her waist and didn’t grab for anything significant.

      She stepped in a little closer and rested her fingers on his shoulders. Thank goodness her purse had a long strap, so she didn’t have to waste time holding it. She wanted to have the freedom to explore his arms and back.

      He was all hard muscles through the well-tailored fabric of his suit. He was also warm and alive and just tall enough that even in her heels she had to stretch a little to keep their mouths connected.

      She definitely wanted the kiss to continue. Even without him deepening it, she felt tingles in all the right places and a few that surprised her. Her chest was tight, her legs kind of trembly and she had the sudden thought she was never going to be able to catch her breath again.

      He drifted slightly, kissed her cheek, then along her jaw. Little brushing touches of lips on sensitized skin. He nipped her earlobe, which made her jump and shiver and need, then lightly touched the tip of his tongue to the side of her neck.

      Goose bumps broke out all over. She gasped as heat poured through her. The wanting overwhelmed her until she knew that she couldn’t possibly survive another second if he didn’t kiss her. Really kiss her.

      Fortunately Todd seemed to be a good mind reader. He brought his mouth back to hers. She parted her lips and he plunged inside of her, as if his need to take was as great as her desire to be taken.

      She met him stroke for stroke, savoring the passion flaring between them. Even as his tongue mated with hers, he dropped his hands to her hips and pulled her close. She arched against him.

      Two thoughts struck her at once. That the pressure of her swollen, sensitive breasts against his chest was wonderful torture, and that he was rock hard.

      Images filled her brain—of them naked, touching, him filling her. She was dying from hunger and that hunger made her frantic. She tried to battle her body’s desire for a man she barely knew, but it was like trying to herd cats—pointless and a little silly.

      He pulled back a little and cupped her face. “This is where I’m supposed to offer to leave,” he said as he stared into her eyes. “It’s how I was raised and the polite thing to do.”

      “Good manners are important,” she murmured, pleased that she was able to speak at all. She’d wondered if it was possible, what with how every nerve was on fire.

      “I agree.” He drew in a ragged breath. “There is also an alternative option.”

      “Bad manners?”

      He grinned, then lightly kissed her. “I want you, Julie. I can give you a list of really good reasons why this is a bad idea, but I want you. Desperately.”

      She’d never made a man desperate before, she thought as the ache between her legs grew.

      “Good manners, a witty conversationalist and a great kisser,” she whispered. “Who could refuse that?”

      “Not me.”

      “Me, either.”

      She pulled her keys out of her purse and led the way to the front door. With each step, she braced herself for second or even third thoughts. Instead there was only a pounding rhythm urging her to hurry.

      Once inside, she set her keys and her purse on the small table by the door. Todd shrugged out of what she would guess was a very expensive jacket and let it fall to the floor. Then he pulled her against him and kissed her with a thoroughness that left her weak and made her wonder how intensely he would do other things.

      She kissed him just as deeply, running her hands over his chest, feeling the slick silk of his tie and the smooth cotton of his shirt. He slid one hand down to her rear, where he squeezed, and moved the other hand up until he cupped her breast.

      Even through the fabric of her dress and her bra, she felt his strong fingers exploring, teasing, caressing. He lingered on her tight nipple, brushing back and forth until she wanted to rip off her clothes so he could touch her bare skin.

      He nudged her backward. She reached for his tie and managed to pull it free, then she started on the buttons of his shirt. He fumbled for the zipper at the back of her dress.

      They made it into the hall. She’d left a light on in the living room, but here it was dark. He

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