The Surgeon's Cinderella. Susan Carlisle

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The Surgeon's Cinderella - Susan Carlisle Mills & Boon Medical

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necessary again. I’ll have this in the mail tomorrow.” He stuffed the envelope into his pants pocket.

      Again she dug into her purse, came out with a couple of green bills and placed them on the table. “Thank you for that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll get started on setting up those socials. I’ll be in touch soon.”

      Tanner watched her leave the patio and cross the street. Interesting person. Combination of quiet firmness and solid businesswoman. He grinned. She’d become a little flustered when he’d mentioned that hug and kiss again. There was a softness under that businesswoman tough exterior. His gaze moved to the swing of her shapely hips. That wasn’t bad either.


      IT HAD BEEN two days since Whitney had spoken briefly to Tanner about the social she had set up for him today. He’d assured her he would be there but he’d yet to show. She’d always had one of her clients meet her early so that they were waiting for the other one when he or she arrived.

      Whitney looked around the coffee shop again. Still no Tanner. Picking up her phone, she texted him.

      “Were you worried that I wouldn’t show?” a deep voice asked from behind her.

      She looked around and into Tanner’s dark, twinkling eyes. He had nice eyes. Eyes she suspected saw more than he let on. “I was more worried about your tardiness hurting your chances with Michelle Watkins. After all, we’re doing this for you.”

      “And I appreciate that. It’s the reason I am here. So I’m going to be meeting Michelle. Five-six, brown hair, educated at UCLA and likes the outdoors.” He came around the table and took the chair across from her.

      “I see you remember your facts.”

      “So what happens now?” He leaned toward her as if what she was going to say was super important. She’d bet he had a great bedside manner.

      “When Michelle arrives, I’ll introduce you to each other, then I’ll leave you to charm her.”

      His focus didn’t waver. “How do you know I can do that?”

      Tanner’s intense attention made her nerves jump. She’d said more than she’d intended. Would he see the weakness and insecurity she worked to keep at bay? Since he hadn’t remembered her she hadn’t planned on bringing up their college years. Now she either lied to him or admitted she’d recognized him. She wasn’t a liar. With her ex, Steve, she’d lived a lie and wouldn’t ever treat anyone that way. “You and I had a few classes together at Berkeley.”

      He looked truly surprised. Cocking his head to the side, he asked, “We did?”

      “Yeah. They were lower-level classes.” From there she’d gone into business classes, he into sciences. She’d still seen him around campus, though.

      He appeared to give that thought, as if searching back through his memories of those days. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember you.”

      His tone led her to believe he was sincere. “There’s no reason that you would.”

      Tanner leaned back in his chair and studied her. “So how does a woman with an education from Berkeley become a matchmaker?”

      “Mostly by accident. I helped some people in college meet someone and then later did the same thing for my boss, and the rest is history.”

      He nodded sagely. “Just that easily you started a business matching people up?”

      “It wasn’t all that easy at first. But the word got around that I am discreet and, most of all, successful.” She glanced toward the front door then raised her hand, drawing Michelle Watkins’s attention.

      Tanner looked over his shoulder then quickly stood. Whitney gave him points for being a gentleman. But she wasn’t the one he needed to impress. Michelle was. She was smiling, which was encouraging.

      When the woman reached them Whitney introduced them. “Michelle, I’d like you to meet Tanner Locke.”

      Tanner offered Michelle his hand, along with a warm smile that Whitney recognized from their college days when he’d been charming a crowd of women. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Michelle. Please, join us.”

      Michelle couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off Tanner. Was she already bowled over by him? Whitney was tempted to roll her eyes. The man’s magic knew no bounds.

      “Thank you,” Michelle cooed, and took the chair Tanner held for her.

      “Why don’t I order us all something to drink?” Whitney suggested as a waitress came to the table.

      “That would be nice,” Michelle agreed, not taking her gaze off Tanner.

      Whitney placed the order and the waitress left.

      Tanner looked at Michelle. “I understand you like the outdoors.”

      “Yes,” Michelle simpered. “I love to hike when I have the time.”

      Whitney sat back and listened as the two traded stories about their favorite hikes. They seemed to have forgotten she was there, something that had happened to her more than once in her life. She’d learned to live with it. This time it was part of her business.

      The waitress brought their drinks, which swung Tanner’s attention back to her. “Thank you for the lemonade. I’ll get these this time,” he said to Whitney, then his attention returned to Michelle.

      Whitney took a long swallow of the cool, tart liquid. Setting the glass on the table, she said, “I’ll leave you both to get to know each other better. I’ll be in touch.”

      Tanner nodded.

      Michelle said, “Thank you, Whitney,” before her attention went straight back to Tanner.

      Whitney walked to the front door. She looked back at them. They made a nice-looking pair. Two dark-haired, well-groomed, professional people who looked as if they were enjoying each other’s company.

      That was what her matchmaking was all about. So why couldn’t she do that for herself?

      * * *

      Two days later, Whitney answered the phone.

      “We need to talk.”

      Whitney didn’t have to question who she was speaking to. She knew that voice at the first roll of a vowel. This time it wasn’t warm and creamy. It was icy and sharp.

      “Tanner, is something wrong?” She kept her voice low and even. She didn’t often have to talk a client down after a social or a date.

      “Michelle won’t do. We need to meet again. Bring that file.”

      Whitney stiffened. She wasn’t one of his OR nurses to be ordered around. “What’s wrong?”

      “I don’t have time to talk about it now.”


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