The Rancher's Cinderella Bride. Sara Orwig

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The Rancher's Cinderella Bride - Sara Orwig Mills & Boon Desire

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in time, they’ll know that you haven’t. That’s no problem.”

      “We’ve never had one date,” he insisted.

      “So we start dating. Gabe, I’m desperate,” she cried.

      Gabe patted her soft hand while he thought about what she had just told him. He had always promised her he would help her if she ever needed him, and he was letting her down now, when she needed him most.

      Meg was relentless. Her barrage of persuasion persisted. “If we get engaged, everyone will talk about it and Justin and I will vanish from the center of conversations in our families.

      “You ought to be at my house for dinner any night and hear them badgering me. My dad has offered to give us enough money to buy a house. My grandparents have offered the deed to one of the ranches they own. They’re so earnest. One set of grandparents will fly me and my mom to New York for me to have a makeover and buy an entire new wardrobe. It’s ridiculous.”

      She tightened her cold fingers around his hand, leaning closer, looking as if she would burst into tears. “Please. It’s just pretend, so it doesn’t matter how we feel about each other.”

      No matter how many reasons she gave him, he still thought the ploy wouldn’t work. It would be disastrous and only make her family dislike him even more. And he wasn’t sure it would help her at all. In fact, the only one he saw coming out of this well was old Justin, who’d save face by not getting rejected during a dumb public proposal.

      No, he thought, this was not a good plan at all.

      Reluctance filled him. He squeezed her shoulder gently, her soft hair falling on his hand. He looked deep into her eyes and prepared to decline, no matter how much it hurt him to not be there for her.

      But he couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth.

      “I’ll be your pretend fiancé if that’s what you want.”

      The words had just spilled out. Who was he kidding? He could never resist helping her.

      “Oh, Gabe, thank you,” she cried, hugging him.

      He wrapped his arms around her, still feeling as if she were the sister he never had. Except when he hugged her, it was a curvy woman’s body pressed against him and he had a fleeting curiosity about what she’d look like out of that shapeless sweatshirt she wore. She was soft and smelled sweet, the same lilac scent he’d always remembered. As a little kid, she’d told him her grandmother got her lilac soap. He released her and gazed into brown eyes and a big smile.

      “You’re pretty, Meg. There ought to be all sorts of guys wanting to take you out.”

      She shook her head. “Not anyone I want to go out with and not anyone I’d trust with a pretend engagement. I’m probably too bossy because I’m used to running my own business and giving orders.”

      “I don’t recall thinking you’re too bossy.”

      A brief smile flickered on her lips. “That’s because you’re bossier.”

      “You never told me that. Well, maybe a time or two.”

      “You can be as bossy as you want. Thank you, Gabe.”

      “If we’re going to do this, and you want to stave off a public proposal at the dance, let’s get with it. Today is Thursday. I think we should have a first date this weekend if you can make it,” he said.

      “I sure can,” she said, wiggling with eagerness that made him remember times in the past when she would get her way and be very happy. “Say when.”

      “Saturday night,” he answered, wondering what she was pulling him into with this pretense and how much explaining he would have to do with some of his close female friends.

      “Saturday it is.”

      “How are you going to tell Justin about going out with me Saturday night?”

      “I won’t have to yet because he’s going out of town this weekend on business. He’ll be back Wednesday and by that time, he’ll know we went out. Even one date with you will make him call off a public proposal.”

      She turned to leave, but spun back around. “I almost forgot. Saturday night, do you want me to be at my house in Downly or my house in Dallas?”

      “You have two houses?” he asked.

      “It works out better with my landscape business. You probably don’t even know I’m not living at home with my folks anymore, do you? My maternal grandparents do that.”

      “Which place is more convenient for you on Saturday?”


      “Then I’ll pick you up at your house in Downly. I need an address.”

      “I’ll text you,” she said. Then her eyes narrowed as she looked at him with an expression he couldn’t read. “Do you think it’s going to be weird to ‘date’?”

      “No. We’ve always had fun together and Saturday night won’t be any different.” He leaned into her, bumping her shoulder with his.

      “I suppose you’re right.” She grinned at him, then came back with another suggestion. “Later, after a few dates, maybe I can stay at your ranch so it will look as if we’re serious, and sometimes at your house in Dallas, so I can go to work from there. It won’t be for long and I’ll stay out of your way.”

      That might not be the best idea, but he couldn’t say no at this point. And actually part of him looked forward to seeing her more because she was always good company. “That’s fine if you want to,” he finally said. “I have big houses with plenty of room.”

      Her grin turned into a full-fledged smile. “In case I forget to tell you this a thousand times over the rest of my life, thank you, Gabe. You always promised I could come to you for help and now you’re going to help me,” Meg gushed, her eyes getting a sparkle that made him feel a degree better.

      “I don’t want a loveless marriage and I don’t want to marry Justin. None of them can understand it. When I marry, I want the love and closeness my grandparents and my parents have had.”

      He knew she did. That was the kind of woman Meg was.

      “Then I hope this ploy works, Meg. For your sake.”

      “Oh, it will. You’ll see. We’ll convince my family and Justin’s, and they’re the ones who count. And then you can go on your way knowing you have been the knight to the rescue.” She patted his hand. “My wonderful, handsome knight.”

      It might not be a role he was accustomed to, but he had to admit he was going to like it. But before he got knighted, they had a lot of work to do. He only hoped they’d pull off the charade as easily as Meg seemed to think they would.

      While Meg had always been a good friend, there had never been anything romantic between them. Nor would there ever be. As great as she was, she wasn’t his type and he wasn’t hers. They were just too opposite. She was too staid and fearful of the daring things he liked to do. And then there

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