Accidental Courtship. Lisa Bingham

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Accidental Courtship - Lisa Bingham The Bachelors of Aspen Valley

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he hovered in the office doorway, completely covered in white, bits of ice sparkling from his face and beard. If not for the blinking of his eyes, he could have been a children’s snowman.

      “Head into the shaft, and make sure everything’s okay. Let them know that the encampment is fine, but the passenger train may be in trouble.”

      Creakle lifted one snow-encased arm to offer a halfhearted salute. “Will do, boss!”

      Jonah flung open the doors to the livery, rushing to the far stall where he kept his own dappled gelding. He didn’t bother with a saddle, but slipped the bridle over his mount’s head, then drew him into the center aisle.

      As the men streamed in behind him, he gestured to the other stalls. “Harness all those mules. We may need them to pull the carriages out of the drifts. And get a couple of sledges hitched up, as well. God willing, there’ll be plenty of passengers needing a ride back into town.”

      Then he was swinging onto the back of his mount and galloping toward the canyon.

      * * *

      Sumner Havisham blinked against the darkness, willing herself to focus on something—anything—that would reassure her that she was alive.

      Dear Heavenly me...please...

      Black dots swirled in front of her eyes and a wave of faintness threatened to swallow her whole, but she forced the dizziness away.

      She would not pass out. She would not. She’d learned that lesson long ago, when she’d had a bout of scarlet fever as a girl and had collapsed in the nursery. She could still hear her step-brother’s scornful words.

      Only girls get the vapors, Sumner. Only good-for-nothing, silly girls. How will you ever catch a husband if you act like that?

      Her hands curled into tight fists, her jaw growing tight.

      She hadn’t been a silly girl then, and she didn’t plan on being one now. Nor had she set her sights on marriage. She was a doctor, and she needed to behave like one. Especially when people’s lives might hang in the balance.

      Inwardly, she took stock of herself, noting the bumps and bruises, the stinging pains. When she felt sure nothing was broken, she lifted a hand to the sticky wetness trickling down her forehead. Blood seeped from a cut near her hairline, and just below that, she found a lump on her forehead the size of a goose egg.

      Go on, cry. Girls always gotta cry cuz they’re weak.

      But she wasn’t weak. Never had been. Never would be.

      “Ladies? Is everyone okay?”

      Silence pressed against her, accompanied by odd creaks and groans. But finally, there was a faint cry.

      “Here. I’m here.”

      Sumner thought she recognized the voice of Miss Willow Granger, the shy woman who’d sat in the seat behind her. She hadn’t said much on their cross-country journey, but when she had, Sumner had recognized the broad vowels of Manchester’s working class and it had reminded her of home. “Willow?”

      “Yes, miss?”

      “Are you hurt?”

      It was quiet for a moment, then, “No. I don’t think so. But I’m pinned by some fallen trunks.”

      Another wave of light-headedness threatened to overtake her, and Sumner squeezed her eyes shut. She’d been so close to her destination! Only that morning, the train had left the fertile farmlands of Utah Territory to thread through the last mountain pass. The grade had become steeper there. They’d followed that course until the canyon had abruptly opened into a narrow valley, and she’d been sure that finally she’d reached Aspen Valley.

      And then...

      There’d been a roaring noise. A wall of snow slammed into the car, throwing them from their seats. Then they were tumbling...

      Sumner opened her eyes again. As she finally began to focus, she could make out the confines of the railway car—unfamiliar now, with blackened windows and seats hanging giddily above her. Around her lay a flotsam of bags, loose articles of clothing, books...

      “Do you think you can get yourself free, Willow?”

      Sumner heard a rustling noise, then, “No. I’m wedged in tight.”

      “Are any of the other women nearby?”

      “I—I don’t know. It’s too dark to tell.”

      This time, as Sumner gazed around her, she was able to make some sense of what she was seeing. The world wasn’t as dark as she had at first supposed. Instead, packed snow was preventing the light from shining inside.

      Sumner tried to find the other women in the dimness, but since the railway carriage had tipped on its side, she couldn’t discern anything in detail. Instead, she saw a hand here, a foot there, a ruffled flounce.

      She had to help them get out.

      There was no telling how tightly the snow had sealed off the car. The women would need fresh air before Sumner could assess their injuries.

      Sumner rolled her head to investigate, and there, just a few yards away, she could see a thin shaft of light piercing through the gloom.

      “Willow, I don’t think I can make my way back to you, but if I can get outside...”

      When the avalanche had struck, Sumner had seen a quick glimpse of a town in the valley. She’d even smiled when the other women had teased her about disembarking from the train at the famed “Bachelor Bottoms”—the nickname given to the mine for its peculiar regulations: no drinking, cussing, smoking, gambling or women.

      How the mining community had decided on hiring a female doctor had been the source of speculation for most of their journey from Denver—especially since the passenger train had been reserved, primarily, for a handful of small families, a few widows and a group of mail-order brides heading for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Seattle.

      “If I can get out, I can get help from the mine.”

      “Go, miss. The others are bound to rouse soon enough and I can tell them where you’ve gone.”

      Behind her, Sumner heard a muffled moan, and she knew that she didn’t have any time to waste. The other women could be injured—perhaps seriously. But she couldn’t care for them in the dim light of the ruined carriage. And if there was a possibility of the car shifting or another avalanche thundering down upon them...

      “Hold on, ladies,” she called out to anyone who might be conscious enough to hear her. “I’ll be back soon with help.”

      Fighting the tangle of her skirts and the debris that littered what had once been a wall of windows, she crouched low and crawled toward that beam of light. Thankfully, she’d been seated near the front, so once she’d wriggled over the seats, she was able to brace open the ruined door and dig her way onto the mangled outer landing. Although most of the space had been compacted with snow, there was a small gap. If she could use the decorative railing to hoist herself up, she could probably push her way to the top.

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