The Tortured Rake. Sarah Morgan

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The Tortured Rake - Sarah Morgan Bad Blood

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you took his inside leg measurement, your face was like a tomato.’

      ‘OK, maybe I’m Nathaniel Wolfe-struck.’

      ‘The guy is smoking hot, that’s for sure.’

      Katie twisted the cap off a bottle of water. ‘Yes, but he isn’t real. How well can you ever really know an actor? How do you know when they’re acting?’ She sipped her water. She knew only too well how easy it was to think you knew someone and then discover you didn’t. ‘I mean, if Nathaniel Wolfe ever said “I love you” to you, are you seriously going to believe him?’

      ‘I overheard him telling the director that love is a four-letter word and he never uses four-letter words. Do you know that the tickets for this sold out in four minutes? Four minutes. Incredible. Particularly when you think that Shakespeare is gobbledegook to lots of people. Macbeth talking to skulls—’

      ‘Hamlet.’ Katie slipped off her shoes and flexed her toes. ‘It was Hamlet.’

      ‘Whatever. I was rubbish at English at school. I used to think Chaucer was something you rested your teacup on.’

      ‘That’s saucer, not Chaucer.’

      ‘My point exactly. Anyway, what I’m saying is that he could be reading his tax return and it would still be a full house. This is Nathaniel Wolfe we’re talking about. The man has won every award going, except the Sapphire Screen Award. That’s the big one.’ Katie thought about the massive hype that surrounded the most prestigious film award in the world. ‘He’s been nominated three times.’

      ‘I guess it’s every actor’s ultimate goal. He certainly deserves it this time round.’ Claire looked dreamy.

      ‘Even when he’s spouting Shakespeare and I don’t understand a word he’s saying, I still can’t stop listening.’

      ‘That’s what I’m trying to tell you—it’s mind control. It’s the voice. And those incredible blue eyes.’

      ‘Can you imagine what it would be like to actually have sex with him? I wonder if you’d stare with your mouth open all the way through?’

      ‘That’s one question I’m never going to be able to answer. He doesn’t even know I’m alive. Thank goodness.’ Katie put the top back on her water and returned the bottle to her bag. ‘Listen, about tonight—’

      ‘You are not backing out, so don’t even think about it. It starts at eleven and we need to look really sexy. Wear something that shows your cleavage.’

      ‘No way. I still have no idea how I let you talk me into speed dating.’

      ‘You’re gorgeous, Katie. You only think you’re fat because your sister is Paula Preston, supermodel.’

      ‘I feel so unfit. When this play is over I’m going to be more disciplined about exercise. I want to be toned and sleek. It’s depressing watching Nathaniel Wolfe. His body is packed muscle.’ Gloomy, Katie flexed her biceps. ‘I barely have the strength to lift my water bottle.’

      ‘He looks deadly in that leather jacket you picked out for him. You are utterly amazing at knowing exactly which costume will work best.’

      ‘The costume is supposed to mimic the character’s emotional journey.’ Katie glanced down at her ripped jeans. ‘I dread to think what my clothes say about my emotional journey but I definitely travelled economy.’

      ‘Your clothes say that you’re an overworked, underpaid costume designer with no time to worry about your own wardrobe.’

      ‘And with huge debts.’

      ‘You’re incredibly talented. One day someone is going to discover you.’

      ‘Well, I wish someone would discover me quickly.’ Panic streaked through her. ‘The house sucks everything I earn. It’s like a monster.’

      ‘You have to tell your Mum how much you’re struggling. She doesn’t really need three bedrooms, does she?’

      ‘It’s the home she lived in with Dad. It’s full of memories.’ Emotionally and physically exhausted, Katie closed her eyes. ‘Every time I go there she tells me that living in the house is the only thing keeping her going since we lost him. Despite everything, theirs was such an incredible love story. Anyway, if I get this job it will all be fine. Another step up the ladder.’

      ‘I bet your sister would be interested if she knew you were working with Nathaniel Wolfe.’ Claire stretched out her legs. ‘Do you prefer him in Alpha Man or Dare or Die?’

       ‘Alpha Man.’

      ‘Seriously?’ Claire frowned. ‘Alpha Man was about a Special Forces soldier. I didn’t think it would be your sort of thing.’

      ‘I loved the fact he thought he had no heart and then when he met the daughter of his enemy—’ Katie’s eyes misted ‘—that bit at the end when he sacrifices himself to save her. I cried for days. I must have watched it a hundred times. Nathaniel Wolfe was crazily good in that movie. And totally gorgeous. If they awarded a Sapphire for Best Physique, he’d win.’

      ‘Talking of the Sapphires—’ Claire threw her the magazine ‘—flick through the rest of that when you get a minute. There’s an article on dressing for the big night. They’re predicting who will wear what at the ceremony in two weeks’ time. You might be interested.’

      ‘Why? I’m never going to be invited to the Sapphire ceremony, which is just as well because I don’t think you’re allowed to wear holey jeans.’ Katie slipped the magazine into her bag to read later and Claire glanced at her watch and jumped to her feet.

      ‘Whoa, look at the time. Less than five minutes to go. Sure you won’t change your mind and come?’

      ‘No, thanks. You can drool for both of us.’

      Nathaniel walked centre stage and stared into the darkness. He didn’t see the audience. He wasn’t thinking about the critics.

      He was King Richard II, the doomed king.

      He opened his mouth to deliver his opening lines to John of Gaunt when a spotlight illuminated the front row of the audience.

      Holding the crown in his hand, Nathaniel looked down and his eyes locked onto a familiar face. Familiar and yet unfamiliar. Twenty years had wrought changes, but not so many changes that the features were unrecognisable.

      Shock froze time.

      The features blurred.

      And then the past rushed forward with terrifying speed and his concentration shattered like glass dropped onto concrete. The momentary lapse released a lethal cocktail of memories and they swirled around his head, delighted to be free after so many years incarcerated in the locked vault of his brain.

       Shouts and terror. Stop it, stop it! And blood. Blood everywhere. Do something…

      He felt helpless. Utterly helpless.

      His heart pounding, Nathaniel stared down at his hands clasping

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