The Texan's Surprise Son. Cathy Mcdavid

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The Texan's Surprise Son - Cathy Mcdavid Texas Rodeo Barons

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style="font-size:15px;">      “Doesn’t he rodeo every weekend?”

      Would her mother ever call Jacob by his name?

      “Yes, but he’s planning on coming home early Sunday. To spend as much time as possible with Cody and get to know him.”

      Her mother harrumphed. “Your dad had every chance in the world to get to know you and your sister, and it didn’t matter. He still chose rodeoing.”

      “Not every man is like Dad.” Mariana picked through her jewelry box, selecting earrings and necklaces to take with her.

      “You can’t right his wrongs, you know.” Her mother sniffed.

      “What are you talking about?”

      “Telling Cody’s father about him. You think that Cody having a father in his life will make up for you and Leah missing out.”

      Mariana gaped at her mother. “That is so far from the truth.”

      “Is it?”

      She couldn’t possibly be trying to re-create the past by manipulating the present. Telling Jacob about his son was a matter of principle. Or wasn’t it?

      Leah had easily dismissed their father, content to live her life as if he never existed. Mariana had been different. She’d experienced an entire range of emotions where Zeb Snow was concerned. Anger at him for abandoning her, resentment that he wasn’t there, longing to know him, hope that he’d change and come back for her.

      No, Cody didn’t deserve to grow up like either she or her sister had. Jacob Baron would be a good father. She had to believe that.

      An hour later the three of them were loading the car, Cody again “helping.” The Infiniti’s small trunk and backseat were full to bursting.

      “Have you got everything?” her mother asked. She’d already loaded her small suitcase into her car in preparation of returning to Austin.

      Mariana wiped her forehead. “Probably not.”

      When they were finally ready to leave, her mother held Cody and cried as if he were leaving for a year.

      “Mom, please. You’re upsetting him.”

      Indeed, the boy had started whimpering. Though he could simply be tired. It was nap time.

      Her mother straightened. “Call me when you get there.”

      “I will.” Mariana lifted Cody and placed him in his car seat. His attention was immediately drawn to the boxes and bags piled on the seat beside him.

      “My blanky.” He slapped a plastic bag.

      “That’s right. It’s your blanket.” She thought he might sleep better with his own bedding.

      “Bye, darling.” Mariana’s mother leaned into the car and kissed his forehead. “I love you.”

      “Bye-bye. Bye-bye.” He waved out the window when Mariana shut the door.

      Pivoting, she found herself engulfed in her mother’s arms and the recipient of a hug as fierce as the one she’d given Cody.

      “I hope you’re not making a terrible mistake.”

      The statement, delivered in a foreboding tone, stayed with Mariana the entire drive to Jacob’s house. She felt no better when she arrived and saw him standing outside, waiting.

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